diabolotry Member


  • If you go under cardiovascular exercise and put in "strength training" there is a listing for that. For general lifting (not vigorous) you're going to burn around 5 calories a minute. If you already have a decent amount of muscle mass or lift vigorously, this can go as high as 8-12 calories a minute. You can also burn more…
  • If you believe in Set Point Theory, everyone has a level of body fat (and weight) that they are predisposed to and despite our best efforts, our body will strive to keep us there. This is one potential cause of "plateauing" that as you are losing weight/fat, your body is adjusting and holding on to what it's got because…
  • Are you sure you're staying under your calories? Do you weigh your food, log in EVERYTHING? Are you following any particular diet program? What are your numbers (cals/carbs/fats/protein)? And... the biggie: Are you eating your exercise calories? If so, you might want to ask yourself if you're burning as many calories as…
  • Balancing exercises. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/balance-exercises/SM00049 In the meantime, wear a brace. It will strengthen on its own as you walk and this will help reduce undo strain. Also, if it's hurting, rest it. Take shorter walks more frequently.
  • I'm not sure I understand your question. You start burning fat after other, more easily burned, energy sources are depleted and you continue to burn said calories so long as your body requires it to function. It's either used or the body doesn't need it so it stays right where it is.
  • Get a mix of carbs and protein. Carbs for quick energy, protein for lasting energy. On cardio day (I run 5-6 miles unless I'm doing HIIT and I usually only get about 4, but easily the 5k equivalent) I have some spicy tuna salad (1 can tuna, 1 tbspn Miracle Whip, 2-3 tablespoons of SUPER EXTRA HOT salsa) with a slice of…
  • Protein. I have at least 100g/day. Every meal is focused around what protein I intend on consuming. Tonight I had a seafood pasta dish at a restaurant. I wasn't entirely sure how much of the pasta I actually ate (four or five forkfulls, not sure how much that *actually* equated to, but I erred on the heavy side) but my…
  • I had soups, yogurt and eggs. I was back to eating solid foods rather quickly, just a couple of days, but then again my oral surgeon told me I healed freakishly fast. I had my stitches out early.
  • I miss my Vitamix. That thing was boss. It took a header off the counter and blam-o, RIP. :,( I haven't replaced it. I have a rocket booster disguised as a Cuisinart blender and works nearly as well as a juicer. The juicer wasn't nearly as loud, though. NASA phones every time I use it.
  • I simply cannot go THAT low carb. My goal is to stick to about 100g/day, because I'm not going for ketosis. Dropping to 50/day (for almost two weeks; I gave up on day 11) I was ready to murder someone I was so irritable, the headaches were unbearable and I had 0 energy to workout. And when I did workout I had no endurance.…
  • http://www.lmgtfy.com
  • I wanted a milkshake tonight and I came up with this: 1cup chocolate unsweetened almond milk=45cals 1 Weight Watchers giant fudge bar=100cals Stick it in a blender and voila! 145cal sweet treat. The downside is it's actually not thick like a milkshake, but boy was it good and filling. And very chocolatey!
  • It all depends on how fast and how high you have the resistance set. Personally I average 130calories per 10 minutes on the elliptical at a steady 5mph. I'm not sure how to gauge the resistance I use - but I keep the resistance to the point where I feel a decent burn in my legs. The same I get from walking on an incline on…
  • I also have a low functioning thyroid and this is exactly what my doctor recommended for me. Maybe because I have a lot more weight to lose, but my doctor gave me a very specific diet to follow that decreased my calories over time. I have other health problems that we discovered while I was cutting calories and exercising…