For those who juice/blend...

What appliance do you use? Are you satisfied with it? Does it have any weaknesses?

Several of my co-workers juice, some use Blendtec, one has a Vitamix, 2 Ninjas and 1 has a Lalane. They all love their machine except the Lalane. She says it's la-lame.


  • diabolotry
    diabolotry Posts: 14 Member
    I miss my Vitamix. That thing was boss. It took a header off the counter and blam-o, RIP. :,(

    I haven't replaced it. I have a rocket booster disguised as a Cuisinart blender and works nearly as well as a juicer. The juicer wasn't nearly as loud, though. NASA phones every time I use it.
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    I have a Breville and it's a fine machine, but I can only juice for a while before the screen needs cleaning. I honestly don't know that much about them, but some people say that masticating juicers are the overall better product. From what I understand they extract significantly more juice that a centrifugal juicer The downside? Masticating juicers are much slower.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    Thank you both for your input.

    diabolotry I am sorry to hear of the untimely demise of your Vitamix. Do you plan to replace it soon or will you consider a different model/brand?

    cordianet Do you mind if I ask which model of the Breville you use? We do have 3 or 4 different retailers nearby that sell the brand.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    i use a plain ole blender hamilton maybe? my juicer is a jack lalanne and i lurve jacky as i call it.
    they both get the job done.
    If i had the finances though i'd get a vitamix to replace my blender
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I have a Blendtec and like it. I make a lot of green smoothies. I sometimes wish I'd waited for the VitaMix road show at Costco, though. They each have their plusses.

    Friends make fun of me for having a $400 blender sometimes but you know what? My health is a hobby and I need good tools! :bigsmile:

    I did try making spinach smoothies in several cheaper but highly rated blenders and they just can't blend greens into smoothness like the high-powered ones do.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I have a breville juicer, and i LOVE it, though it's not the best juicer around. It's the best one for it's price. 850 watts, never stalled out, and it's easy to clean. I would highly recommend it. (model 98xl)

    For my blender, i plan to upgrade when possible, but i use a "smoothie maker deluxe" some off-brand fruit smoothie maker, but it's really powerful, and makes fruit smoothies really well, which is what i do with it.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I have a Vitamix 5200 Compact and it has no trouble preparing everything perfectly I make on a daily and weekly basis: protein fruit smoothies, hazelnut butter, almond butter, coconut butter, almond flour and hazelnut flour. In addition to being ridiculously powerful and efficient, its also easy to clean because of its wide base. You also can't beat a full 7yr warranty on the entire machine. For $450, it replaces several machines so there's value in that. Plus, I save money in the long run being able to make my own products.
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member