What's the BEST fuel for running?

Hi Pals,

I'm doing the C25K.

Wondered what NEW runners used for fuel for their runs.
What did you think gave you the most energy?

Porridge? Potatoes?


How many hours before the exerise should it be consumed?

Thanks in Advance,



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I like a high carb, whole grain meal a few hours in front of any major exercise.
    Matters not what. Just eat, wait a while and GO GO GO!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    i usually eat a a bagel 30-45 mins with light cream cheese before running and 3 jaffa cakes 10 mins before i set off.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    I'm no endurance athlete, but carbohydrates - specifically ones with high glucose:fructose ratios to fill your muscle glycogen. Fructose goes to liver glycogen, you will get plenty enough though. You can always use nutritiondata.com for finding specific on carbohydrate types.

    Look up Lyle McDonald and glycogen
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i like oatmeal, mixed with peanut butter, and a sliced banana or apple for breakfast, about 30-45 minutes before i work out.

    however you need to learn what works best for you by experimenting.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I would have a sweet potato plain or with a dab of peanut butter
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    I get the most energy out of a cup of cereal and half a cup of un sweetened almond milk
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    I've done a bit of research on this topic because I was wondering the same thing, and though I'm no expert, what I found suggests that what you should eat differs depending on how long you wait after the meal to start running.

    I like to run in the morning, right after breakfast. I don't want to have to wait around for a slow digesting meal to be broken down. Therefore, I eat a white bagel and some fruit. The refined grains in the bagel are easily digested (as opposed to the grains found in whole wheat) and fruit gives me quick energy.

    If you wait more than a couple hours after you eat to exercise, you can eat proteins and complex carbs, which will have broken down a bit by the time you start running.

    That's just my two cents. Again, take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm no nutritionist, and all my information comes from google.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    Since the workouts are only 30 minutes I did no nutrition prep. Just maintained my regular daily consumption. Now my runs are 45-55 minutes at a pace of 11-12 minutes and still not doing anything special. For the 2 races I have run (5K) since starting I did have a Clif Mini about 15 minutes before the race.
  • diabolotry
    diabolotry Posts: 14 Member
    Get a mix of carbs and protein. Carbs for quick energy, protein for lasting energy. On cardio day (I run 5-6 miles unless I'm doing HIIT and I usually only get about 4, but easily the 5k equivalent) I have some spicy tuna salad (1 can tuna, 1 tbspn Miracle Whip, 2-3 tablespoons of SUPER EXTRA HOT salsa) with a slice of whole grain or sprouted bread. I have more tuna than bread, but that's okay. That's about an hour before I intend on working out. No less than a half an hour, no more than an hour.

    Then right before I work out I have a square of dark chocolate (90% at 52 calories a square). This was a tip given to me by a friend who is a professional strongman and powerlifter. It seemed crazy to me, but it works. I also keep more chocolate in my gym bag and if I'm working out for more than an hour I might have another square.

    Back when I was a swimmer I used to carb load before meets and honestly I felt it was more of a psychological thing. I felt more bloated than anything.
  • Loozin
    Loozin Posts: 91
    I had porridge/oats an hour or so before getting to the gym.

    Was going t have 3 Jaffa Cakes, but there weren't any left in the house ... "pesky kids"

    I found some dried Dates, grabbed 3 of them.

    Ate one 30 minutes before getting to the gym
    Another one 5 minutes before getting on the Elliptical Trainer
    & the last one after finishing on Elliptical just before getting on the treadmill.

    Seemed to work for me.
    Will look at trying other things you guys have suggested and see what works best for me.

    Thanks for your replies Pals.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Anything under 6 miles or about an hour or so long in duration, I just have coffee and only if I get my lazy butt out of bed in enough time to brew a cup. When I get home, I usually make a protein shake or have a couple hard boiled eggs if my vultures haven't gobbled them all up.