killthesmiley Member


  • Why have I never thought of that!! Genius!
  • I think the general calorie burn is about 150-160 :) AWESOME!!! Thanks peoples!! I much appreciate it
  • This actually makes sense this week!!! haha It was a loss of ...every pants I own. I had to buy a belt and second hand pants this week for work just to keep up. This week I've been working out a lot as I'm trying to get a goal weight... But apparently my body just has a goal size. Maybe I should work on size rather then…
  • one thing I refuse to cut out.....RED BULL!!!
  • My personal belief (and a lot of people don't chose to share that and thats cool) is that the human body isn't 100% made to digest meat the way we really expect it to. with evolution, we definitely do it better then some people think, but I feel that the more meat you eat, the slower things can ... your…
  • What kind of garnishes....or flavored oils would you guy recommend on the grill with these veggies? I'm thinking about planning my supper for tomorrow...tonight (*thinking about chopping some veggies!*)
  • A lot of Daft Punk stuff. Specifically from the Alive 2007 CD. Around the Word and Steam Machine are two big ones for me :)
  • It can get expensive. I've been bringing my old clothes to second hand stores and searching through those. I know a lot of people have hang ups about second hand stores, which I will admit I do as well. I find taking the clothing to a dry cleaners helps a bit (and take a large load, some places will offer discounts for…
  • It can get expensive. I've been bringing my old clothes to second hand stores and searching through those. I know a lot of people have hang ups about second hand stores, which I will admit I do as well. I find taking the clothing to a dry cleaners helps a bit (and take a large load, some places will offer discounts for…
  • i haven't played that in years when it started popping up in arcades! I'm considering purchasing it for my XBox 360 :) good to know its decent
  • There are a few Zumba classes around here, but again...don't have the time :( :( But i'm going to track down some videos :) It really grew in popularity here over the summer when the local universities attempted to break the world record of largest and longest Zumba class. It was pretty fun!
  • I'm going to hit up a major work out today (seeing this is the SECOND DAY! I went over my Cal limit :angry: ) I'm going to hunt down some Zumba, maybe give that a try, with some of my own major warm ups and cool downs do you guys know of any free (*legal*) web sites out there with great work out videos?
  • I'm not 100% what they are called, but google Zumba. You'll find a lot of information
  • Up here in the great white north *cough* canada lol ....I think some of the bigger cities have On Demand Exercise channels unfortunately out here on the east coast we don't have anything like that yet *note to to cable provider as to why??* The only way I found time to do the p90x is after i got the kids to…
  • Yea, I think I try to push myself too hard. Did you guys know p90x is actually part 2 ( i think ) in a much bigger series. Has anyone tried the Insanity part before???? I might be absolutely insane but I kinda want to try it...just for kicks.
  • I don't have a Wii ... (thats a long story lmao!) But I will eventually get another one, and I definitely plan on getting the Wii Fit
  • secondary question...and maybe I should make another post about this...but I see sooooo many people doing p90x on here. HOW DO YOU GUYS SURVIVE ONE TAPE??? lmao Side story : I remember one night, a couple months ago, after going out with work for some delicious greek food, I decided to do some p90x cardio. Well I completed…
  • I keep hearing major things about Zumba. I'm going to check it out I think. It sounds like fun! As for putting on music and just dancing, I do that every so often, but I find I can't keep focus well. I'll dance to one song and remember..."OH YEA I forgot to do that..." then I don't get back to dancing.
  • So its a good sign that I want to kick the TV afterwards lol!!! I may have a look into the video. Her work outs do do wonders