

  • I fell off the wagon last week, it was a disaster. It was the first time since I joined MFP that it had happened. I did not even track my foods.... This week is a new week and I am determined to make it a good one! 5 weeks before my 10 yr high school reunion!
  • I better get moving tonight, I have been slacking this week in the exercise area!!
  • thank you. I had just searched stairs and stair so it did not show up!
    in Stairs Comment by ssvoboda2 July 2009
  • I try and snack all day.....but on "good" foods. I find that if I get hungry I overeat, so if I try and stay somewhat full, on watermelon, plums, grapes and carrots I do better. I was never raised eating healthy so I feel like I have been detoxing from carbs, but it is worth it in the way my clothes are fitting:) I also…
  • I am a little behind today on my water drinking....I have only had 2. I also hate having to run to the restroom all the time at work, but poeple (and I) will just have to get used to it. :) Yesterday was so easy, today so difficult....
  • oh yummy, sounds good I am going to have to try that!!
  • I would like to try this challenge as well.....:drinker: Here I go.....goodluck :)
  • WOW:noway:
    in Banner Comment by ssvoboda2 July 2009
  • Hello! I am a pharmacist and some of them can cause a little bit of weight gain, but overall they are fairly weight neutral (of course everything is dependant on the person). Wellbutrin actually causes the highest incidence of weight loss (if you would like to switch to something that you know does not cause weight gain if…
  • Kel--I have two children about the same age, one will be 3 in Sept and the other is 13 months...they are 21 months apart. I feel your pain. I am not in school but I do work full-time outside the home (and then have tons to do every night around the house) and have somewhat of a commute. I decided with the kids being a…
  • Here are a couple topic ideas: Maybe we could post a topic every few days to give everyone time to respond (since we are all busy :) ). -->Low Carb snack ideas (I am a carb LOVER) this is by far my downfall. -->Healthy Meal ideas (family friendly of course) -->Fun veggie ideas (my kids hate veggies therefore they are…
  • I just joined this weekend.....I hve a one yr old and a soon-to-be 3 yr old. My life revolves around them when I am not at work. Any hints advice would be welcomed!
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