

  • I'm at a plateau right now too - I've lost 20 lbs since July but have been stuck at 180 for several weeks now. I agree with the previous posts that we need to just vary up our work out routines, do more weight training if you typically focus on cardio or vice versa. It is a hard road block to get through. For so long we…
  • I took Wellbutrion to quit smoking (it works simliar to Zyban for quitting smoking). It worked and I have not smoked in over 5 years. I did experience some weight gain but I'm 99.9% sure this is from quitting smoking, not from the medicine. I am trying phetermine for weight loss. I know this is a controversial medication…
  • That's wonderful! I love it when clothes start to fit looser. I've dropped from a 16 to a 12 and it is so nice to be able to shop at normal stores again. Congratulations! It's not an easy journey but the rewards along the way make it worth it :happy:
  • Yay! That is so great - Keep up the good work
  • I recently came across a author by the name Matthew Riley. I've recently read 2 of his books, both very good. "Contest" and "The Temple". His main influences are Michael Criton (sp?). Kind of an Indiana Jones/James Bond vibe. Lots of Action - Page Turner. I read "Contest" in 2 days. My all time favorite author is Richard…
  • "Take this child, Lord (and) give her the wings to fly from harm and she won't bother you no more" - Paul Simon I just love this lyric
  • "Take this child, Lord (and) give her the wings to fly from harm and she won't bother you no more" - Paul Simon I just love this lyric
  • I had my gallbladder removed in June of 2008 and at the year anniversary of my surgery I had gained 20 lbs - in 1 year...where I had been at the same weight for years before that. I didn't change any of my eating habits, the weight just started to add up. I asked my doctor if this could have been b/c of the surgery and he…