hit my first real plateau...

saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I made my lifestyle change back in mid-July. I've been going at this for roughly four and a half months and in that time have lots about 35 pounds. Not too shabby! I'm very VERY proud of what I've accomplished. It's a healthier, thinner me as well as a much better life! But the problem is that I've hit my first major plateau. I know they happen to everyone and that they can last a while. I've been sitting between 189-191 since the end of October. I've changed up my diet and exercise just so that I don't get too used to anything. I know that continuing to do all this great stuff will eventually lead me to lower numbers on the scale but I just feel like if I don't see some results here soon I'm going to lose a huge chunk of my motivation. Stepping on the scale and seeing a couple of pounds come off every week was really what kept me going! My 24th birthday is in exactly 2 weeks. I had really wanted to be at or below 185 by then and at or below 180 by Christmas.
So to everyone that has hit these awful plateaus, please share your wisdom! Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I honestly can say I'll be pretty upset to step on the scale in the morning and see those same numbers! Help! :ohwell:


  • lsjd2000
    lsjd2000 Posts: 287 Member
    when i hit a plateau a few weeks ago i was talking with a Doc who also did some bodybuilding and she said that i should change my whole workout - so i did - i started alternating btwn the eliptical and treadmill each day that i am at the Y and then instead of doing the same weight training (i use free weights) that i was my dh showed my how to use the chin dip (i think that is what it is called) machine to work my arms and then the leg press for my legs and by the placement of your feet whether together apart, toes out etc how it works different muscles and i'll tell you i can feel the difference and see a difference- so try somthing new and use that for awhile - this is not to say you can't ever do what you where doing just somthing different for awhile - i hope that made sense.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Add some variety to what you're eating and how many calories you eat (let yourself go over a day or two.. so Thanksgiving may help!). Also, exercise at different times of the day to vary it up to get through the plateau.
  • I'm at a plateau right now too - I've lost 20 lbs since July but have been stuck at 180 for several weeks now. I agree with the previous posts that we need to just vary up our work out routines, do more weight training if you typically focus on cardio or vice versa.

    It is a hard road block to get through. For so long we were both seeing our weight slowly drop off and now...nothing! errgghh.

    We can do it though - if you don't give up, I won't either :smile:
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks for the different ideas! I started changing my eating up about 2 weeks ago-just having some days where I ate more, some days I eat less and of course just what I eat in general. I don't have access to the gym and by the time I get home from work it is DARK out, so I can't walk or run. I rely a lot on my exercise bike as well as some of the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. I'm trying to vary it up by doing like half an hour of a walking DVD and maybe half an hour on the bike, and a few days a week doing some strength training with kettlebells. Should I be incorporating more strength training maybe? I tend to workout 6 days a week, between 30 minutes to an hour each session. Should I maybe do less, maybe more? I was thinking about incorporating my yoga DVD back in...not really cardio or fat burning but movement all the same. Thoughts???
  • how many calories are you eating? how many are you burning? are you eatting back your exercise calories?
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    how many calories are you eating? how many are you burning? are you eatting back your exercise calories?

    Hi evolvingbutterfly! Per this website, my daily intake is set at 1340-some days I eat more, some days I eat less. During a typiacl day I'll burn off anywhere from 200-500 during my exercise. I try to eat back as much of that as I can but some days I just can't-it's too much food!
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