Read any good books lately



  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I suggest not reading Twilight while you're in school. I failed a test because I couldn't put the damn book down to study.

    Haha, been there. I blame my bad Gmat's score on the fact that I was renting the Sex and the City DVD's from netflix while I was supposed to be studying.

    :laugh: :laugh: Yeah, I blame the TV Show Friends for my house never being clean. I'll pop in a DVD and never leave the couch.

    I love Friends! I have all 10 seasons (wish I would have just bought the entire series at once instead of season by season). About a year ago my boyfriend and I watched them all from start to finish, watching a few each day. We also catch them on Tv, there are usually a few episodes on each night.

    I love it too!! I own all 10 also, I'm glad I bought them separately though, I would have been way to impatient to wait for all 10 to be sold as one. :laugh:

    That's true, it took me years to buy them all, and they only recently came out with the all in one set. But I do own the entire series of Sex and the City in one set and it's nice to have it all compact. The Friends seasons sure do take up a lot of room on the DVD shelf.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I haven't read anything in a while, and I start back to school in October so I'd like to get a few books in for fun before I am stuck reading textbooks. Can anyone reccomend anything?

    I like mostly Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but I am willing to branch out. I'm intrigued by the Twilight books, does anyone know what the first one is called?

    My recommendations in no particular order:

    Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris (first book is Dead Until Dark)
    Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich (first book is called One for the Money)
    Diamond of the Rockies Series by Kristen Heitzmann (first book is called The Rose Legacy)
    Michelli Family Series by Kristen Heitzmann (first book is called Secrets)
  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    saving for later - lots of good recommendations!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Nothing like Stephen King or Dean Koontz (which are two at the top of my fave authors by the way), but I just took The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom out of the library. It's a quick read, only about 200 pages, and it's excellent. Very feeling.

    Have you read the Dark Tower series by Stephen King? I reread them at least once a year. Now I've got my 15 year old and my husband reading them too... DH is on book 5, son is on book 4.

    Simon Green's Nightside series is also good. I think I have 3 of them on my kindle now.

    I just pulled out my Kindle to get some more good authors, but it's dead (I've been hanging at the library, because they have a reading contest this summer :laugh: )... But off the top of my head, JA Konrath and Jeff Strand. I haven't found any of their books at the library, and I know they have collaborated on a couple of e-books together. A nice twist of horror and humor. Jeff Strand writes about a detective named Jack (Jacqueline) Daniels. They both have new books out that are supposed to be super creepy. I read one of their collaborations, called Serial, which was seriously dementedly creepy. But in a way, sort of funny at times too...

    I :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: books!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    I had to come back and throw out the name Robert Little. He writes about normal things and twists them all creepy, like Stephen King can. The first one I read was called The Store, and all I could think of was Wal-Mart as I read it :laugh: I've since blown through all of his books that the library has, The Resort, The Association, The House, so on and so on.

    I'm also a fan of Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series, which begins with Kushiel's Dart. Very good, kinda smutty reading :wink: It's not all about the smut, that is just an added bonus:laugh:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member

    I have a love/hate relationship with Dean Koontz books. In his earlier books I think he had trouble with character developement. His leading men were always "not handsome men, but not plain...they were very ordinary". He also likes to re-use names which can get confusing, and many of his earlier books had the one name titles that I'd always get confused with each other.

    I love the Odd Thomas series, I can't wait for the next one to come out. I want to try the Frankenstein ones but they are all checked out at my library. The Husband was good, the good guy was good, but I was a little dissapointed with Your Heart Belongs to me....those are most of the recent ones i've read.

    I don't think I've seen a single movie from his books that are good. Which is sad because several of Stephen Kings books adapt well to the screen (maybe it's just the awesome directors, Frank Darabont and Rob Reiner).

    The Sookie Stackhouse books are, I'm assuming, the book of the HBO series True Blood right? I thought about reading those, but some people at work read them and they sometimes get them confused with the TV show.....or is that the Dexter books?

    I actually prefer Koontz's earlier work but I see what you mean. The Odd Thomas books have been pretty good. The Husband was ok but not great. I'm not sure if I have read the good guy and I know I haven't read Your heart belongs to me. Have you read Mr. Murder? It is excellent. So is Icebound. I know there are many other but I can't think of them off the top of my head. The third Frankenstein book just came out. I can't wait to read it.

    True Blood is based on the Sookie Stackhouse books but only loosely so. The characters are basically the same but the story is starting to veer away from the novels. It is a good show though, very quirky and graphic. The books are very good, light reading but entertaining. My only complaint is that there is a lot of characters which can get confusing.

    Dexter is a different show but also awesome! I think it too is based on novels but I haven't read them.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I haven't read anything in a while, and I start back to school in October so I'd like to get a few books in for fun before I am stuck reading textbooks. Can anyone reccomend anything?

    I like mostly Stephen King and Dean Koontz, but I am willing to branch out. I'm intrigued by the Twilight books, does anyone know what the first one is called?

    I am a Dean Koontz fan too although most of his recent books have left a lot to be desired. However, have you read the Frankenstein books he wrote? They are really good. A movie was actually made based on the first book but it sucked. In fact, Dean Koontz pulled out of the movie because he didn't like the direction it was taking.

    The Twilight books are good. So is the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlene Harris (I may have spelt her name wrong).

    Have you read Anne Rice before? I am currently re-reading the Vampire Chronicles. They are fantastic. Much more adult than Twilight.


    Ya know, I just started reading Twilight the other day. I agree it is pretty immature being from a 17 year old's standpoint, but it's funny how lost in it I get. Bella's days at school being completely ruined when she doesn't see Edward TOTALLY took me back to my high school days when all you focused on was, would you see your crush, how many times would you see him and what would happen. I find my stomach flipping and being so happy for her when something amazing happens with Edward, haha.
  • I recently came across a author by the name Matthew Riley. I've recently read 2 of his books, both very good. "Contest" and "The Temple". His main influences are Michael Criton (sp?). Kind of an Indiana Jones/James Bond vibe. Lots of Action - Page Turner. I read "Contest" in 2 days.

    My all time favorite author is Richard Matheson. He wrote "Somewhere in Time", "I am Legend", "What Dreams May Come" - love him love him love him!

    Also read "The Other Boleyn Girl" - by far the author's best novel in comparision to a few of her other books I picked up after falling in love with Other Boleyn Girl.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I absolutely love series books, that way you don't have to get into a totally new character with each book.
    Having said that, My all time favorite is Harry Potter by a long shot and I'm 36 years old!
    Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich.
    Julie Kenner-Demon Hunter series, a woman in her 30's with kids who hunts demons on the side.
    If you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which I love, you'll like this series.
    Casey Daniels-Pepper Martin series
    Harley Kozak-Dating Dead Men series
    Meg Cabot-Size 12 is not Fat series
    Jeffrey Cohen-For WHom the minivan Rolls

    Just a few of my favorites. I love "light comedic mysteries".
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