Friend me!! The best thing about this site is there is so much choice with don't have to have a meal plan and it reinforces HEALTHY decisions that will stick with you with just a little dedication! =) Good luck!
You are fantastic. (Simple, but honestly all I can say. Wow! You go girl!)
I would just say that you're going to lose until you feel happiest in your skin, which is pre kiddies. If they press remind them that it's your body and you're doing this for health reasons. (you can always make up a reason if they press, such as family health history) You're absolutely right though, it's absolutely none…
Aerobics would be my best guess. Another thing i've done would be to try to Google it and see what others say.
I read a post on here the other day with before and after pictures. The before picture is me...NOW! She was saying that she felt so gross and cried when she looked in the mirror after looking at her before picture. Her start weight was at just 140 pounds. I look physically ALOT the same body wise as that picture. I'm…
You could wear them on a necklace for now =)
Nature Valley Dark Chocolate bars! Sweet AND crunchy! And I also make a frozen hot chocolate milkshake that can be as little as just over 100 calories. PM me if you want the recipe!
Try their Lite Caesar kit...VERY good but not very caloric dressing with some croutons too! You can have a whole kit for less than 300 calories =)!
While I certainly understand that it's hard with other people who aren't doing the same, I hope you change your mind for two reasons: 1) You are doing this for you, not for them. Support YOURSELF with a healthy diet! (and the lovely forums!) 2) If you want to lose weight it's going to take choice. There are plenty of times…
You can avoid Walmart and go to Target. They have 32 oz Nalgene bottles there. I have a purple one that I love because it has lines to show every 8 oz.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN! I get the same thing when the answer is just simply: Eat right and exercise! Keep it simple stupid! Btw-you look awesome! I'm sure you worked hard and it shows.
Agreed. I rarely if ever have asthma symptoms unless i'm exercising, hence my doctor saying that i have exercise induced asthma. Give yourself a burst from the inhaler before you do anything cardio wise and your symptoms should decrease. Also, I found while running that I really have to progress slowly-I was trying to go…
Its hard when you first realize how much you are eating! It was quite the wake up call for me. The best way to combat this? Plan your food for the day in advance or add it before each meal, be aware of everything going in your mouth, and be wary of the calorie counts. Nutrition is knowledge! Don't get discouraged. Take it…
You look AWESOME!! You look healthy and strong and gorgeous! Keep pushing!!
Thanks all! I've done a 5 on the treadmill a few times, but never myself outside. I have a tendency to push myself to run faster when outside though, and my goal is to not walk at all this race. Thoughts or training tips?
From every sport i'be played and thing i've read, its best to give your body moderate rest between workouts. You can work out every day, but it's best to do different areas like targeting arms one day and doing legs the next, etc. While working out every day really hard will give you results, remember-you can't work out…
I have Brummel and Brown and I love it. More of a butter taste and not too many cals too!
Its like saying "This person is overweight, so they can't tell me how bad it is for me to smoke." or "This person skydives, so they can't tell me to eat that cheeseburger." Getting out of bed every morning is a danger too. Life is full of them. I am choosing not to have my insides gnarled for a sugary drink that last 10…
My brother has horrible problems with headaches and takes alot of Exedrin. It got to the point where he HAD to take it because IT had caffeine in it, cause him to withdraw. I'm sure none of you would take an unnecessary medication every day just because there could be worse you could do to your body right? I'm not calling…
I have a nice serving of carnation instant breakfast post workout, plus maybe some peanut butter on a slice of toast or an apple. Always makes me satisfied =)
I'd rather make my own sweet tea too. I never really drink coffee...the caffeine is too strong for me. (love the smell of coffee though!) I'd rather have some other bad stuff food wise than a drink that's empty calories personally, but to each his own.
This is what I keep reading to remind myself to not drink pop...I used to not drink more than maybe a can or two a month, but I've fallen off that wagon. Here's an huge reason why I didn't before and am going to stop again! Have you ever…
I agree with alot of the posters...although what you've done is nothing short of awesome, you looked so fresh and confident in your before pictures too! I think you'd be a wonderful lady to know regardless, but congratulations! =)
BEEF JERKY and sunflower seeds. Every soldier I know loves both. My brother is there now, and my office sent 20 large flat rate boxes to them! Anything that's not perishable foodwise, granola bars, gum, sweets, fast breakfast stuff (pop tarts, oatmeal breakfast bars, etc). High energy, sodium and calories are okay, because…
I went to the one personal training session they offer for free when you sign up at my gym and the trainer said that more muscle you add the more it helps you burn more calories at rest. He had a formula for how much exactly...but it was motivational to get toning!
I cook mine on a pizza stone and I turn them a few times..helps crisp them up!
Thank you all =) I think I knew alot of what you all said all along but I think its hard to turn the mirror on yourself and your feelings. I'm simply looking for something i'm not going to find. It was great that I used to have a great circle of friends, but that now when I fall, I don't have those there to catch me. They…
I know it's not dessert, but I SWEAR by Nature Valley dark chocolate bars! They are crunchy and oaty and super chocolately, and only 95 cals a bar/190 a pack =)
I like to use a recumbent bike as a warmup or cool down. Its much more comfortable to sit on and still gives my hamstrings a great workout!
Great progress GorillaNJ! How awesome! And very high school was the Vikings and we were blue and gold =)