I don't care which you call it, no more pop/soda!



  • Honestly, I tried to cut out soda one time.. Or I should say Caffeine. I made it around 4 hours. I had the WORST headache of my life and nothing could make it go away.

    If I could cut out soda, I would, but I simply can't handle that headache. No way. I do drink diet though :)

    Interesting info. I will have to pass this along to a girl I know who used to drink an INSANE amount of Dr. Pepper every day.

    that girl would be me....:glasses: an average day was 20 +, days off close to 30 cans of Dr. Pepper, until i started on here and realized how much that was, i now drink Diet Dr. Pepper, at most 5 to 10 cans a day, and on good days i still have a few regular....im still having horrible headaches but none the less ive cut back a whole lot!!!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    So, I'll keep drinking my diet cherry Dr Pepper! I mean, it has cherry in it, and that's a berry, right?! :drinker:

    This comment can't be serious???

    Lol- as previoiusly stated- um, NO! But thanks for making me smile!
  • jamielee37
    jamielee37 Posts: 57 Member
    My brother has horrible problems with headaches and takes alot of Exedrin. It got to the point where he HAD to take it because IT had caffeine in it, cause him to withdraw. I'm sure none of you would take an unnecessary medication every day just because there could be worse you could do to your body right? I'm not calling anyone out, and i'm sure I will be having a little soda again in my life, but at some point but our mass consuming of it has just got to stop. Do any of us REALLY need a super size Coke? It has got to be close to a liter!!
  • jamielee37
    jamielee37 Posts: 57 Member
    I have read all the horrible things about diet soda, and I still choose to drink it. You know, people try to tell me that it is horrible for me all the time, and they smoke, drink, and do horrible things to their body as well. I think that no one has room to say anything unless they are not doing anything that is harmful for their body. This isn't directed to the poster, because I don't know anything about them. Just in general.

    Its like saying "This person is overweight, so they can't tell me how bad it is for me to smoke." or "This person skydives, so they can't tell me to eat that cheeseburger." Getting out of bed every morning is a danger too. Life is full of them. I am choosing not to have my insides gnarled for a sugary drink that last 10 minutes. You don't have to choose the same.
    I'm not saying to never drink pop because I don't and you shouldn't either, i'm saying to be an informed consumer. This site has taught me to be aware of what's going in mouth, and it's something I thought would be good to share with others of like mind. Take from this post what you want, but please don't take it personally.
  • I quit drinking soda (and sweet tea) when I'm on raw food, but the rest of the time I have a can or two a day. Sometimes I want to quit, but then I think I don't smoke and I only drink a beer once or twice a month usually. I grew up in a "family" where everyone tokes out all the time. My mother does crack. Most people I grew up with (especially in my family) shoot up drugs - intravenously. So a soda or two a day, I think I'm good with that. Everyone picks their poison, and this one is mine.
  • I gave up soda/pop last summer and I feel fantastic. One of the best decisions I've ever made. I drank 3-4 diet cokes, sometimes more, a day for years and I honestly think that starting to drink diet coke when I was 10, with my parents being okay with it, is one of the very first things I did to start screwing up my body. I am thankful I have kept my kidlet away from soda/pop and that at 11, she would much rather have water, milk or 100% juice. She actually hates it when she goes to a friend's house and all they have is pop. She drinks it then to be polite if she doesn't feel she can ask for water or juice.
  • Ugh, my fiance drinks SO MUCH sunkist orange soda it's unreal. I can't get him to stop either without buying him a crapload of SWEET tea, which I never knew was so much better than the soda. I have snuck in some tea with splenda instead of the normal sweet tea though, so maybe I'll get him hooked on that? Haha.

    But as for me, I've pretty much stopped drinking sodas. I won't tell myself no if I get a serious craving for a diet dr pepper though! :) I can't be an angel 100% of the time, and you know...everything in moderation.
  • AND the main ingredient is dihydrogen monoxide, which is a chemical responsible for all kinds of problems:

    the substance is the major component of acid rain.
    contributes to the "greenhouse effect".
    may cause severe burns.
    is fatal if inhaled.
    contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
    accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
    may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
    has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

    Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
    as an industrial solvent and coolant.
    in nuclear power plants.
    in the production of Styrofoam.
    as a fire retardant.
    in many forms of cruel animal research.
    in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
    as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

    Yes we should all run immediately away from thhis deadly stuff.....

    LOL you do know that "dihydrogen monoxide" is water right? good old h2o in chemistry. the dihydrogen monoxide hoax is a 'freakout' hoax for people unfamiliar with the chemical makeup of water:

    Literally, the term "dihydrogen monoxide" means "two hydrogen, one oxygen", consistent with its molecular formula: the prefix di- in dihydrogen means "two", the prefix mono- in monoxide means "one", and an oxide is a compound that contains one or more oxygen atoms. aka H2O or Water.

    Hope that helps quell your fear of this very 'deadly stuff' Lol

    BTW I don't drink soda, but not because of water!! I do drink THAT =P
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I was using my sarcasm to highlight how silly I find it to be when folks panic over soda. :ohwell:
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Wow, that joke went straight over her head.
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