bbmkr3 Member


  • ^ it's on TLC :happy: I no longer have a booty do either!
  • This is my second time at quitting, I started up again for six months, after quitting for 1 yr 8 mos, because I was SUPER stressed. I gained a LOT of weight the first time but did not have MFP and was not active at all. I'm on day 5 now and still going down and feel more aware of things this time. Just make sure you stay…
  • Try not wearing the flip flops and see if that helps after a week or so. I had something similar happen with my achilles because I like to wear flip flops, my Dr. suggested I not wear them because it causes us to use our feet muscles in an unnatural way and it helped. I would suggest that after a week you see no…
  • ^^ This!!! I absolutely HATE bra shopping since I am an odd size. I have resigned myself to wearing multiple sports bras until I reach my goal weight to save myself the trouble of having to do it all over again when I am done. 10 pounds to go wOOt!
  • Walked for an hour even though I didn't want to. Stayed under my calorie goal. Took a nap because I was SUPER tired.
  • The Treadmill is 90% of my exercise and I have lost 30 pounds so far with 14 more to go. I walk at least 45 minutes a day 7 days a week. I'm not going to lie and say my journey has been easy and that I haven't had ups and downs, it's taken almost a year but I did it and will keep going. It is entirely possible and you CAN…
  • I AM DETERMINED! No matter how long it takes, how many road block I hit and how many times I stumble. I will keep going, climb over and get back up. I AM GOING TO REACH MY GOAL!
    in I AM Comment by bbmkr3 January 2013
  • When I was outgrowing all of my Mom's hand me downs (that she outgrew) for the third time, realized I weighed more than I ever did while pregnant and went to a friends wedding and saw some pics taken of me that day looking like I was pregnant. I decided it was time to make some changes.
  • I honestly wasn't trying to give them a bad time, If I could have figured out how to delete my post I would have. Kudos to OP for trying to get moving and much success to whatever route they decide to take. I know how hard and difficult this road is to take and how hard it is to stay motivated along the way.
  • Hope you are getting a hell of a deal on that DVD! IMO it would be a waste of $$$. Walking is not hard... You stretch, walk desired amount of time/ distance and then stretch again. Sorry if this seems a little rude but I am just surprised that they even sell this kind of video :noway:
  • 1 My happy weight would be around 130 2 17 pounds 3 About two years ago before I quit smoking 4 Never really thought about it 5 I am DETERMINED to get there, I WILL get there, just may take some time. I chose 130 because of my age so no adjustment necessary :wink: If I lose a little more I would be ok with it but it's not…
  • I usually walk on my treadmill and either listen to my iPod or watch a video on Netflix to keep my mind occupied.
  • I am not here for friends, I have Facebook for that, I am here for keeping MYSELF accountable. I log it ALL, would be lying to myself if I didn't. If I find friends/ support along the way great but for me it is not a necessity.
  • I have been on this journey since May, I have "messed up" many times along this road and have still managed to lose 22 pounds. You just have to pick yourself up and continue on. I can speak for everyone but if I don't allow myself cheat days I probably wouldn't have made it this far and look at my numbers for motivation. I…
  • I eat fruit, Greek Yogurt, and Quaker rice snacks (Chocolate Chunk and Caramel Corn) help to satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • Breads, pastas, sugars and sodas are my Achilles heel so I understand you. I have really had a hard time with the first two as I come from an Italian family and those are Italian "staples" but I have really tried watching my portion sizes and changed to healthier versions. The sugars I have limited to occasional treats,…
  • 5'2" here, started at 174 and down to 156. Coming off slowly but surely and would be comfortable around 130ish. It is a lot of work but I feel so much better already!
  • ^This! I had one of my kids try to grab a piece of something I just counted out (as she sat there and watched me), I actually yelled at her to get her own if she wants it but leave mine alone lol!
  • YES YES and YES it drives me NUTS! I have been trying to buy things for me as meals, snacks and as treats and it seems that everyone in my house enjoys them as well. I guess I shouldn't complain that the kids are eating the healthy stuff as opposed to junk but I then have to go out shopping again to get more because they…
  • I sooo feel your pain! I am one of the unlucky few who wear a 34 H, which an extremely hard to find bra size and forget about finding a sports bra that fits properly. I have limited myself to mostly walking and wouldn't even think about jogging or running at this point and most likely one of the highest reasons that I have…
  • ^^ This is me, 1 year 5 months! I feel more like an ex-smoker than a non-smoker and while I still feel the urge when I get stressed, I don't give in. After I quit I still liked the smell and would stand next to people while they were smoking but now it's starting to stink and I don't feel the need to smell it anymore.
  • Lump me in with the others that never thought to check out Netflix. I'll have to go check out the selection and see if I can find anything worth trying. Thanks for the idea!
  • My Achilles heel is breads and pastas of most any kind and sweets: cookies, cakes and candy. Breads and pasta I am better at controlling portions but the sweets kill me every time.
  • I'm with you on this... would be nice to buy a bra again that didn't cost $50+ each :explode: