Strange, new foot pain - can anyone relate to it?

I just noticed this brand new pain on the top of my right foot, just inside, and close to the ankle area. Looking at the area, there's no visible bruising, irritation, swelling, or discoloration. When I walk, it doesn't hurt, but when I sit, I can feel the pain. It's not exactly tender to the touch, but I can feel some discomfort when I push in the area, but nothing that's unbearable.

I haven't been wearing gym shoes, so I know that my shoes aren't tied too tight. I've been wearing those Nike flip flops with the gel-foam bottoms for the past week.

Has anyone experienced that type of pain? And what was it? How was it treated?

(I know you're not all doctors, so before I get those kind of answers, I was just seeing if anyone might say something about how they injured it and it might give me some ideas, because frankly, I have not one bit of an idea of how this could be hurting, or why it hurts. I literally woke up Monday morning, and I'm feeling this new pain.)


  • bbmkr3
    bbmkr3 Posts: 25 Member
    Try not wearing the flip flops and see if that helps after a week or so. I had something similar happen with my achilles because I like to wear flip flops, my Dr. suggested I not wear them because it causes us to use our feet muscles in an unnatural way and it helped. I would suggest that after a week you see no improvement to make an appointment with your Dr. it may be a bigger problem that what it seems.