I messed up



  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    So I've been eating very balanced, exercising well for the past six weeks and binged Friday night and kept up an unhealthy eating pattern Saturday and Sunday....... Is everything going to be ok?

    Okay. You have to be putting us on with this post, right? This is a joke, isn't it?

    Sorry, that was snarky, but jeebus....your weekend experience is exactly why I'm using MFP. So I don't HAVE TO worry about what I consume on the weekend. And by and large for 5 weeks I haven't, and I've lost weight. Now, I'm a bit different than the other folks on here that have more weight to lose. Maybe they freak out. But I don't. So relax. Have a drink and watch 5 hours of TV. Sounds like you need it.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    suck it up and move on. We all have weekends/nights/days that we over induldge. Go workout and make it a priority to eat well today and get in some exercise. Then tomorrow do it again. You get it. If you're afraid to weigh wait a week. Relax.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    You are going to be fine. Quit think about what is already done. Take it one day at a time. One meal at a time.
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    Everyone hits bumps in the road. Get up and keep moving! It's a new day, a new week, and no reason to stop now! Push past it, work a little harder this week, and you'll be fine! :)
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    Just like you wont lose weight if you diet one day, you wont gain weight by cheating one day.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Instead of thinking "Man I screwed up for three days" try thinking "Wow, I ate healthily for ____ weeks! Think of how many calories I saved and all the great choices I made because I invested the time to do so and I was worth the effort . Sure I'll have bad days and occasionally indulge cravings, but with the knowledge I have now, I know I can make great decisions most of the time in the future, and that will greatly help me to look and feel better. I rock!"

  • bbmkr3
    bbmkr3 Posts: 25 Member
    I have been on this journey since May, I have "messed up" many times along this road and have still managed to lose 22 pounds. You just have to pick yourself up and continue on. I can speak for everyone but if I don't allow myself cheat days I probably wouldn't have made it this far and look at my numbers for motivation. I AM doing it and WILL continue, so can you!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    You have no choice. It's over. FRIDAY IS GONE.
    I binge ate about 6,000 - 7,000 calories friday. And I just got back up saturday... Looking at my weekly deficit, I can make up for it in a week... No, it did not ruin my work the week before... I am getting fitter and being able to run more... better shape.... who cares if I ate too much, it doesn't take back my fitness progress.

    The scale will be fine, Ive binged a couple times a month before and still lost 5 lbs overall.. I only weigh once a month - less depressing.

    Work on the day-by-day stuff, take it ONE DAY at a time.

    The sun is a beautiful sign of a fresh start. New day, make the most of it.

    Don't even weigh yourself this week, you will have water retention and that MIGHT make it look like a higher number... but it isn't all fat and can be lost quickly (because it's bloat).

    What I mean't by... you have no choice... You can give up and stay overweight, or keep trying and eventually get to your goal while learning how to manage things better on the way. (manage overeating, figure out your triggers and learn to better prepare for the next temptations... over all you will start to see progress and you will overeat less.)

    Exercise has many health benefits(OTHER than calorie burn) don't think one day of bad eating could take those away.

    "falling down just shows you are trying..."

    We are human, after all. No one is perfect...

    great post--except she's FAR FAR FAR from overweight ;)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I used to do that: mess up, think "why even try?" and go back to my old habits. I vow I will not do that again (mess up hasn't happened in 5 weeks now). I think it was an excuse, actually. Change is hard. It's easier to slip back into old habits.
  • ksarkarati
    ksarkarati Posts: 24 Member
    Hahaha no, I suppose I was being a little melodramatic but that's honestly the way I've been feeling. I'm taking this as a learning experience. Actually though, reading your post made me laugh and makes me realize that this is not a huge deal. I tend to catastrophize in my head.
  • Phoenixchichima
    like they said. be kind to yourself. You had a bad week end? ok, you had 6 WEEKS of success! you had a blip. get back to the success and victory you had the last 6 weeks.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    One, it's ok to make a mistake IF you learn from it. It's ok to indulge- heck I still eat chocolate and brioche!- but earn through a burn :D

    Second, you just need to find something that motivates you! Why are you loosing this weight? I know alot of people are on here as they want to lessen health related issues, get pregnant, or just feel fit! Personally, I want to cosplay! Collect images, bits of music or clothes to motivate you and keep them close- I have a selection of images on my laptop to flick through when I'm on a low.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    It's a new week...or day, start a new. Just get back to it....no more excuses!
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    You always pass failure on your way to success!! <--- quote i live by! DON'T give up, 3 days compared to six weeks? which is bigger? not getting back to your normal routine now would make all the hard work you have done mean nothing. you can do it!
  • patabcn
    patabcn Posts: 27 Member
    Just get back on track and do what you used to do. Nothing's happened. A weekend of treats will not undo everything else you did. Get back to your exercises and diet and you'll see how fast you lose weight again. And plan for indulgements now and then. Because you're worth it. Good luck! :)
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    You've probably put on a couple pounds of water weight. Unhealthy food tends to be high in sodium. Drink a whole bunch of water (or green tea) to flush your system.
    I weigh myself daily to keep myself on track. If I see an increase it sort of works in a "scared straight" sort of way. If seeing a small increase will freak you out and give you motivation to get back on the straight and narrow, do that. If it will just depress you, give yourself a couple days of good behavior to recover first.
    Either way, take a deep breath and get back to your good habits. The occasional weekend won't completely derail you. On Saturday I had a tuna melt and fries for lunch, then popcorn for a snack, then pizza, 3 beers, a coffee drink (with Irish cream and whipped cream), a rum and diet coke, part of a cheese plate and a piece of German chocolate cake. It was worth every calorie. And with the amount of walking and laughing I did, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought. I just kept the madness to one day and got up and spent Sunday cooking and cleaning and just generally being active. I'm a little heavier today than I was on Saturday morning but I'll be back to normal by Wednesday.
  • tlrobson
    tlrobson Posts: 3 Member
    Omg. I did the same thing and woke up today feeling like today is a new day, i will start on my same routine and get right back into it. i have been dieting for the last 2.5 months, ive lost 32 pounds:). Girl,:flowerforyou: all of us fall off the wagon sometime but you have to run and get back on it. GOOD LUCK:)
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    just start over. This is why I don't have any cheat days or meals. I would not know when to stop.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Here's how I look at it -

    1 - one weekend will not cancel out 6 weeks of hard work
    2 - what's the alternative to NOT getting back into health eating. continuing to eat junk? Choosing getting fat and gaining weight over a 2 day slip up which most like did not hinder your progress?!?!. Really just forgive yourself and move on.
    3 - I NEVER NEVER weigh myself after a 'binge'. It's counterproductive. You already feel bad, why beat yourself down even more!! Make a plan to weigh yourself in one week after you've had time to re-establish your healthy eating routine.

    It's a new day, eat healthy, get some exercise, forgive yourself and carry on!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If you can't have a fun weekend with no regard to your fitness goals once in a while, you're not going to stick to this long-term anyway. When you have a wild and crazy few days, you get back to routine on Monday, hold your head high that you CAN have 'bad' days and recover, and keep on truckin'.