

  • welcome to the site amanda. I have loved this site. it helps me to stay accountable to myself. i am trying to teach myself that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet.. its hard, but i know so well worth it. I'm here if you ever want to vent or celebrate or whatever :)
  • i like the berry one a lot.. it gives me a nice sweet food to eat so i dont indulgence in cake or ice cream. i normally eat it as one of my snacks at work.. or i do yogurt
  • i live in dayton as well. i have been doing this for about 80 days and LOVE it. I am still eating some "bad" foods on occasions like holidays and birthdays but with moderation. It's all about moderation to me and learning how to change you life and love the person that you are.. congrats for starting this journey.
  • I haven't tired this dvd yet, but one of my friends that is HUGE into fitness said that the Firm is a great series to go with for pilates. i would not recommend Yoga for Dummies.. it frustrated me and went way to slow. My local cable has an exercise channel that i have flipped through and done a few on it.. do you have…
  • I LOVE water workouts. I am currently taking a water aerobic class twice a week. Then afterwards, we stay and do more exercises and also work out in the pool every few days. I have bad feet and the dr recommended that this should be my cardio and its great. I have even sweated during the classes at times. I LOVE that it…
  • Great ideas.. THANK you so much.. some of the items (quinoa, millet) I have never heard of before.. But I will be doing some shopping and checking them out. I like whole wheat pasta, but hubby doesn't so I eat that on occasion. He is skinny and I am lucky to get him to eat veggies but he is trying to eat what I do.. but I…
  • I totally agree about starting off slowly. I am the same way, I didn't want to go "balls to the walls" and then get hurt or frustrated. I'm trying to do a new dvd roughly every 30-40 days. i thought that the 30 day shred was a complete 30 days, but I had to take a day off.. i was sore that my ankles were hurting. and i…
  • I'm on my second week of it and I LOVE it. I started the first week with no weights and then now added weights and still on level 1. i am going to do level 2 next week. I love that its only 21 minutes and i can do it before the family wakes up and i need to get to work. it is a hard work out since pure intense, but so…
  • I feel the same way about the work out. I love that its 20 minutes and I can get it in before my toddler wakes up and I need to get us all ready for work.. but man when she says stretching time, i'm all excited :)
  • How did you figure out how many calories you were burning? I'm 239 lbs and I wasn't sure myself. I would love to know so that I can make sure I get the extra protein especially.
  • I just started it this morning, but I am not sure how to log what I did for exercise on this site. Does anyone have any clues? I'm going to do this work out and mix in pilates. Does anyone know if we are to do it daily with no breaks and if its ok to do it twice a day?