mjkanaan Member


  • You two are an inspiration for those of us starting late in life to find that special love. After a couple of failed attempts, I think I've finally gotten it right, and to look at the love that you two share makes me realize the wait was worth it. What a wonderful story!!! :heart:
  • I'm interested. I have just a few more pounds I'd like to lose! Thank you so much for keeping this rolling!
  • 1. First Name: Mona 2. Single/Married/Divorced: Divorced 3. Children: Twins, boy and girl, 13 - will be 14 in February (despite them being teenagers, they are amazing and I couldn't be more blessed!) 4. Where do you live: Kalamazoo, Michigan 5. Favourite Non-Healthy Food/Favourite Healthy Food: Sweets (candy, chocolate),…
  • Good article. I have a 13 year old daughter (& son), and I've fought my weight for a good portion of my life, and have had body image problems as well. I've tried really hard not to say negative things around my kids, so that they don't grow up with those body images. And in the last six months I've made a real effort to…
  • You look amazing! Way to go!!!
  • Ok, the guy that said "active" is awesome, as are the guys that said "confidence" makes a woman sexy, and "attitude and personality" make a difference. I've known incredibly attractive women with self esteem issues who can't get guys to notice them, and I've known "mildly" attractive women with the confidence and…
  • I've been referred to as a badass! Not sure if it's true, but I like to think so! I've been knocked down a few times with some injuries, but just keep picking myself back up and getting back on track! I try to eat right, while still enjoying some treats, and work out as faithfully as I can. I just started doing an adult…
  • Awesome job on your weight loss! Slow and steady weight loss is the best way to go! I am 5'3" as well and am nearing my original goal of 140 pounds (just over 4 pounds to go!), so I totally understand what you mean about feeling "normal" rather than being considered "overwweight" according to the BMI charts. I think, like…
  • Totally amazing transformation! Way to stick with it and go about it the healthy way!!! You look absolutely amazing and truly happy! :flowerforyou:
  • Your story is amazing, and the fact that you came out of your breakup sounding like a stronger person is awesome!!! Good for you! You used that to your advantage and have obviously gone about this in the most healthy way! I have a teenage daughter and to think about her meeting someone so young and being with them for that…
  • Start adding some strength training for sure! I have trouble in my tummy area as well, partly due to a c-section from twins who are now 13, and I started doing weight training a little over a month ago and have noticed a big improvement in that area already even though I'm not at my goal weight yet. I have pants from last…
  • ^This^ I just went to school conferences and kept hearing from the teachers what a joy my kids are (they're 13, so that's not something you get every day any more!), and how grateful they are to have them in their classes. They kept complimenting me on what a great job I've done with them. That was the best compliment I…
  • Vit D deficiency is linked to a whole list of problems, and unfortunately sometimes the small over the counter supplements just don't cut it for some people. I tested very low and my doctor told me to take an OTC supplement to try to get my levels up (I think I was taking 5,000 IUs a day). I went back in to get retested…
  • The "Simple Green Smoothies" website is definitely the place to look. So many awesome recipes, and I've tried things I never thought I would try before and have loved them!!! I'm doing the 30 day challenge right now, so they've e-mailed me new recipes every week that aren't even on the website and it's opened up my eyes to…
  • My ring keeps sliding around as well, but I'm not quite ready to get it re-sized. As for the pants, trust me when I say, invest in at least a couple of pairs in the new size! I resisted for the same reason - I'm not done losing yet. However, I went out shopping for new jeans a couple of weeks ago because we can wear jeans…
  • For the smoothies, try this website - http://simplegreensmoothies.com/ - it's got a bunch of different recipes for green smoothies that are so tasty. They are green and you may be hesitant to try them for that reason (I was), but so far, the recipes I have tried have been so good! I never thought I would like smoothies…
  • I have a friend who has a similar philosophy. He thinks a woman who is working out, no matter how sweaty, is sexy as can be! When he wants to meet for a drink after I've been at the gym, I warn him that I'll be in my workout clothes, and he says "no problem!" :wink: By the way, good to see someone from so close by. I'm…
  • I have really dark hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin, so I get Italian (sometimes specifically Sicilian), or Greek all the time. I'm actually a mix of Palestinian (my dad - born and raised there, and moved to the states when he was 19) and Swedish/Norwegian (my mom, although not directly - she's from Wisconsin), but I…
  • This!^ I would be thrilled if I got some comments on my weight loss from someone other than just my bf. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he's noticed, but he's the only one! And I'm 5'3", so you can't tell me that 18 pounds lost on my small frame isn't noticeable. I've gone down 2 pant sizes! The people at work have to have…
  • I think like a lot of other people have said already, confidence and attitude make a big difference! And when you feel better about yourself and are taking care of yourself and have lost weight, you have more confidence and a better attitude. And that radiates to other people, and they are drawn to that. I've had many…
  • I'm 5'3" and was trying to do the 1200 calories plus exercise calories thing, but it was too stressful for me trying to figure out how many exercise calories I might get in, since I tend to exercise later in the day or evening, and didn't want to end up eating a bunch of calories later in the day to make up for it, and…
  • I'd love to stay in again. Didn't do so well in September, so would love to try to break through my mini plateau.
  • Even if they are using BMI, your height and 160 pounds calculates to 24.3, which is in the normal range, not overweight, so ask them how they are determining that you are overweight.
  • Bump to try at home
  • Thanks for asking this question. I take about 20-22 minutes for Stage 1, and I feel like I'm slacking!!! Oh, and at first I was losing weight really well, but now I've plateaued and this week the scale is going up! I'm ready to scream!!! But I will not give up! :explode:
  • In every picture, you look younger and younger! You should be so proud of all your hard work and dedication! You look amazing!!! Congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • I can shower and get ready in less than 30 minutes (hair is short and air dries). I've spent more time waiting on the men in my life than they spend waiting on me, my 13 year old son included. My daughter and I are usually the first ones out the door, wondering where the guys are. I've trained her to be low maintenance as…
  • In my experience, this guy speaks the truth! Listen to him. They could care less about the hair and makeup. :laugh: