aylabradshaw Member


  • I was going through posts on this group and was wondering if it was still active! I'm new as well, I just joined today. I'm not on social media so it's exciting for me to find people that are interested in IF. I have one friend that is into it with me, but most people just think I'm starving myself, which is far from the…
  • ALWAYS log! Even if you're splurging and going over! It'll resist the urge to "sneak" a snack here and there. The only times I haven't logged this past year were Christmas, Thanksgiving, and a couple days here and there after my Grandma died. Don't beat yourself up and let it take away from your ultimate goal. No one is…
  • I feel you girl! The truth is, most people don't know the dangers of what's in food these days. They hear "low or no calories" and are sold. All you can do is help spread the word and educate people about label reading. People have to make their own choices you know?
  • You've got this girl! That's what I love about this site! It is such a great community of support! People aren't afraid of telling you to lay off certain foods or to add more water to your daily intake. I'm always up for support as well. Hope to talk to you along the way!
  • I agree. If you are hungry, eat! Just be sure to make healthy choices that are rich in nutrients :)
  • I think as human beings, we will never be satisfied. We always want whats better than what we have. We always compare our lives with those around us. I am guilty of this too. I have a friend who has 5 kids and her body is AMAZING! I just had my 2nd and have flab in areas I didn't know could develop flab lol. It takes a lot…
  • I agree. Try weighing in once a week or even once every two weeks. Don't get discouraged if you don't see major results. Just do your best to adjust your food portions and exercise. You can do this! Just take one day at a time :)
  • I'll send you a request as well! I'm looking to have more people to help motivate me to eat better. :)