yes___ no___ maybe___

in elementary/middle school passing-note style... want to be friends?

I'm 5'4, married, a mother of twin boys, a middle school math teacher, just turned 38, have regained about 30 of almost 50lbs lost over the past couple of years... ready to make another serious attempt at getting fit and healthy.

Looking for friends to help with the journey. Tried to go it alone last time on MFP (just used the site for food tracking and reading message boards... never posted anything myself)... thought I'd try something different this go around... might even take some "before" pics (full-body, no hiding behind things/people... terrifying thought) and post them... I'm all in this time!

Official starting weight: 212 Goal weight: 150


  • aylabradshaw
    aylabradshaw Posts: 17 Member
    You've got this girl! That's what I love about this site! It is such a great community of support! People aren't afraid of telling you to lay off certain foods or to add more water to your daily intake. I'm always up for support as well. Hope to talk to you along the way!
  • sassymama211
    sassymama211 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi!! I started using this app on my phone back in Feb. and lost 30 lbs!! I talk about how great this site and app is all the time and have gotten two friends to join. I have gained back about 8 lbs and want to keep it off so I am back on. Keep up the good work it is sooooooo worth it and this site (and the app!!) are amazing and easy!!
  • WinwillLose
    Height and starting weight we are in the same boat, I'm 43 and started my journey about a year ago. I starting by making exercise a hobby, something I do 6 days a week for me. Sometimes the hubby will do a trail with me, sometimes the kiddo will go to the gym and treadmill with me, but mostly I go to classes at local rec center. After working out became I habit noticed my clothes fitting better, then I wanted more. Currently I am doing the South beach diet, and completed one month lost 10 lbs this month. I've lost 30 lbs in the last year, if you are better about what you eat in the first 11 months than I was you can get results faster.

    Seriously do it now, cause something really keeps you from losing weight after 40 Good luck!! Find time for yourself, you will be a better more energized parent and wife for it.