Need some friends! :)

So I just joined myfitnesspal for the 2nd time. I tried it a couple years ago but the website and my ancient computer at the time didn't agree with each other. So, I'm tryin it again!

I was diagnosed last year with severe hypothyroidism along with P.C.O.S and some other auto immune things. I also was in a car accident this May. Making losing weight very difficult when it was already difficult. Thankfully I'm very active in my lifestyle so things could be ALOT worse!

I'd love to add anyone who has similar struggles or is just trying to be healthy and lose weight!! I'm trying to lose between 30- 69 lbs. I have a tumblr blog as well for fitness and health so if anyone has one.. add me! :)

Since last year, I've big on changing my eating lifestyle. Doing everything in baby steps, doing A LOT of research on my illnesses and natural ways to help alleviate them. I've come pretty darn far. And my most recent blood test results were a HUGE difference from last years. Eating right and walking each night were the ONLY thing I changed.. and that alone brought down my insulin levels so I'm no longer in the diabetic range, brought up my thyroid levels a lil, and improved some of my hormone levels for my PCOS stuff. I'm pretty proud of that. I LOVE helping other people and exchanging information so don't hesitate to add me on here :)


  • clumsygermangurl
    Great job with everything!

    I am sending you a request, and we can help each other!!!
  • aylabradshaw
    aylabradshaw Posts: 17 Member
    I'll send you a request as well! I'm looking to have more people to help motivate me to eat better. :)