Smccau3 Member


  • Starting on day 1 today. My goal this year is to increase motivation and commitment. I tend to give up on these challenges about a week in. Setting a renewed purpose to make it all the way through with allowance for it taking longer than 30 days if necessary.
  • I don't think either of my roommates were horrible, but by the end of the year I was ready to move home. I don't party, drink, do drugs, or anything. I have never been in a serious relationship. All of that being said I try to be open minded, though when I care about someone I will voice my opinion. My first roommate and I…
  • Thanks for the tip! What a great idea. I went this morning, but tripped and scraped up my hands, so I had to stop for first aid. I did get more than halfway through before that happened though. I am planning on redoing tomorrow.
  • I ended up not doing my run this morning. I would give you the excuse I made for myself, but they are just excuses. I'll be out tonight, but if I get home, and can still see in front of me, I'll go for my run tonight. Otherwise, it will have to be tomorrow morning.
  • Ready for W1D2 tomorrow morning (though I am definitely not looking forward to it!). Will let you all know how it goes.
  • The same thing happened to me. I think it's time to invest in a good pair of running shoes.
  • Congrats on finishing! Feel free to give us any tips that helped you through your journey.
  • My favorite playlists are on this site: You just download them and add them to your ipod. Depending on your music preferences, there are a ton out there!
  • Just finished my official first day. Boy, that was much harder than my trial run! I almost didn't finish, but I pushed myself to the very end. I run outside, up and down my dead end street (because it's mostly flat), and could really feel it on the one little hill. I'm looking into getting good running shoes; I could feel…
  • Hope all your runs today went fabulously. Unfortunately, I have to put my running on hold. Have had a headache for over a month, and couldn't get out of bed today. Hoping they give me some good pills tomorrow at the doctors, so I can start on Wednesday!
  • I started a topic about this too! I did a trial W1D1 Friday, but am starting for real tomorrow. Feel free to add me!
  • Morkiemama, thank you for all those stretches. What a good resource you are!
  • Thank you so much for your wonderful advice! I know that I definitely don't have good running form, so that will be my prep for Monday's run. I'm determined not to give up, which is why I'm making all of you hold me accountable!
  • I'm so glad you all want to join me on this challenge! My plan is to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday runs. If you're a first timer, we can start together Monday! For those of you who have already started, any advice to us beginners? I know I struggled with my test run yesterday.
  • I'm up in Harford county!
  • I wish I was in OH! Zumba is huge at the college I go to and, luckily for me, free during the school year. It really is like a big party. At school there can be up to 90 people in a big gym dancing and having a great time. I have to find a new class now that I'm home for the summer!
  • Waka waka 100%. I haven't found anything I like quite as much.