Worst. Roommates.Ever



  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I had 2 bad roommates, both in the dorms. The first one smoked weed in the room while I was out to dinner, and you could smell it down the hall. I packed my weekend bags and left that night to stay at a friend's. I didn't want to bring weedy laundry home for the weekend and have to explain that to my parents! I also didn't want to be in the room if someone reported it. I regret not reporting it myself. She had a friend who took some of my CDs (and other items) without asking, and she tried to sneak them back in after I commented on it. She acted like my missing CDs had been there all along. I pointed out they were now in the wrong order, so I know someone recently put them back. After that, I started locking everything in my closet with a padlock. She was only in college for 1 semester. She partied and didn't study.

    The 2nd roomie started off good. But she had friends who would just walk into our room without knocking. She would leave for class, and I would awake to another girl from across the hall doing her hair and makeup at our mirror! And when I called them out on it, she got mad. So, I let my roomie overhear me asking a friend who worked at the police department if he could put some violations on her license, and then I did the same with a friend at the financial aid office. I had no intention of following through; it was an empty threat - but it worked! The next day, she apologized for barging in and never did again.

    She would let her friends use my computer while I was gone for the weekend, all without asking. So, I had to password it. I shared my belongings with my roommates, but she was letting people I didn't know use my computer without permission. And when I ended that, she was typing people's papers for them and pretending it was her paper! We had computer labs all over campus, and I was a CIS major. I needed my computer for the majority of my classes! She left after one semester also - partied too much.

    Bleh, dorm life.

    This is terrible. I'm so glad I don't have to live in dorms. We don't really have 'dorms' in Edmonton, Alberta. They have apartment buildings built beside the schools if you want to rent and you are placed with someone, but they are actual apartments. You have tons of space and don't see your roommates at all.

    Thankfully, my univeristy is 5 k from my house. I get to live at home with the hubby while in school.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I had an umbrella tree in a flowerpot. I do not smoke marijuana. My roommate did smoke marijuana, and one night she and her friends were partying and found some seeds in their bag of pot, and decided it would be hilarious to plant them in with MY umbrella tree. I heard the discussion and told them to stop before they got a chance to, but that could have been... interesting.

    I also had a roommate who was lovely when we first moved in together. But she started dating a very dirty guy (not dirty "naughty," but dirty "never showered") and she decided to stop showering as well. That was awesome. She also had apparently worked out an arrangement with him that he would pay half of her rent (so 1/4 of the total rent) and live in her room. I didn't know this, because I thought he still had a place of his own, and he would go in and out while I wasn't home so I wouldn't catch on. I wouldn't have cared if he was living there, but it would have been nice if we'd all paid a third instead of me paying half and them getting off cheap.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    My very first college roommate was actually a nice person, but she had a thing for death metal. She used to blast that stuff so loud you could hear it all the way in the lobby -- we lived on the third floor. I spent a lot of time not in the room because that made me crazy.
  • DeterminedAshley
    DeterminedAshley Posts: 297 Member
    omg! I have the worst experience with roommates ever. I had 8 my freshman year of college! :(

    The first three I had...omg. Well, Brooke was dating a guy that I made out with in 8th grade. Awkward. Kelsey was 22 and dating a guy that was 45..he was over all the time and told us he had a 12 inch ****..I told him to flip the ruler over cuz he was reading centimeters..lol..awful. MIchelle was a super slut, different guy over every night, first night i met her we went to a guys house that she had never met before, and she had sex with him when I was in the same room. Great first impression. Long story short ended up moving out for the better good.

    My fourth fifth and sixth roommates weren't too bad..but they never cleaned. I felt like I didn't have to do their dishes because I was not their mom. They disagreed. So they just sat there until I couldn't take it anymore and I washed their nasty dishes. everytime. I furnished 98% of the apartment, and so they used all my stuff, and NEVER cleaned afterwards. Ugh. But they are angels compared to my last two roommates...

    Corinne moved in a total virgin, never even kissed a guy, never done any drugs including alcohol. Well, that changed. I had a party the first night she was there and clearly I wanted to give her a chance, even though she looked like Peter Pedigru (sp?) from Harry Potter...(guy with the really red face)..yuck. Anyways, she got super drunk. (off of 2 shots!) and threw up all over my carpet. Guess who cleaned it up? Yes I was a very nice roommate. Well everything was okay with us two for a while...until my ex boyfriend called in the winter and asked if he could stay because he didn't want to drive in the bad weather. I told him he could sleep on the couch.
    I warned Corinne about all of the bad things he has done, and to not get involved, besides..he was my ex...and it's girl code to not be with your friends' ex... especially if you LIVE with them!
    Anyways, long story short, she lost her virginity to him.. (oh no...always have feelings for the guy who took your virginity)
    she apologized to me and promised she'd never talk to him again, two months later I found out that she was seeing him on a regular basis.----I was mainly upset because she lied. I HATE LIARS. She lied all the time.
    She had sex with 3 different guys in one week, started smoking weed, and cigarettes. She had completely changed.
    I could handle all of these things that she had done, and I had forgiven her time and time again...but then something horrible happened.
    She. Had. Sex. In. MY. Bed. With. My. Ex. Boyfriend!......that is so rude, disrespectful, disgusting. yuck. and then she refused to buy me new sheets..uh hello! I told her for all that she has done to me she is lucky I don't pee on her toothbrush. Besides that she was very messy too, never did one dish, probably did laundry once the whole 4 months she lived there.
    My other roommate at the time alicia, was very messy. and an RA! That means no drinking for me. (But I did lose 20 pounds!) :P

    Well sorry for the long rant, I just found it funny that this was one of the posts.

    ADD ME! :)
  • Smccau3
    Smccau3 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't think either of my roommates were horrible, but by the end of the year I was ready to move home. I don't party, drink, do drugs, or anything. I have never been in a serious relationship. All of that being said I try to be open minded, though when I care about someone I will voice my opinion.

    My first roommate and I became best friends. We are like sisters. Which means we fought a lot! But it was all in good fun. The only issue we really had was she was in a long term relationship with a guy I hated(I hated him for good reason). It got to the point that whenever he was over, I stayed in someone else's room. After they broke up, things between us went back to normal.

    I lived with her again this year, plus another girl. This time it was apartment style and I shared a too. With the new girl. Ughhhh. We both have very strong beliefs and they are completely opposite. She enjoyed posting these beliefs throughout our room, which gave the impression that I believed these things too (NOT). She also had weird relationship problems, and was always complaining.

    Needless to say, I am ready to be living at home this year.
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    I had a roommate last year who would sit butt-naked on our sink and pick at herself with tweezers. Then she'd leave all of her "pickings" (skin flakes, hair, etc.) on the sink.

  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    I had one wonderful roommate in college, but I had to wade through three years of crap!

    The first year, I had a roommate who sang gospel music at all hours. She was far from the worst.

    The next year, I had a roommate who was allergic to the cleaning supplies. Well, I'm assuming she was allergic because she NEVER touched them. She left dishes in the sink for ages, and I'm pretty sure she was trying to brew up something for chemical warfare. Green fuzzy stuff in the sink is bad. She was also generally a nasty personality. She left strange babies in the dorm while she and the moms would go party. She broke glass and left it on the floor. She gave relative strangers the key to the dorm. A whole lot of bad stuff.

    The final year of crap, I had one good roommate and two crap ones. The good roommate had cerebral palsy, and the other roommates' guests would call her a cripple and make fun of her. I tossed some of those guests out on their *kitten* and called the police to remove the others. These two roommates were also allergic to cleaning (funny how I find those!), and they were loud. They would have guests banging on the doors at 3AM. They would blast their music at all hours and have very loud conversations often along the lines of "Can you get HIV from <fill in the blank>?" Awful in too many ways to fully name.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    My roomate likes to buy lots of produce that she NEVER eats. She then leaves it to rot and guess who gets to clean it up? I came home from texas for a month last year to a rotted squah that half of it had seeped into the table and the apartment reeked. This last time I cam home from texas last month it was the same but with a watermelon and a bunch of berries. She will also leave food out overnight and glasses of milk on the table for days. I have to bleach and buy air fresheners really often. =/
  • lostinureyes17
    lostinureyes17 Posts: 112 Member
    I peed in my college roomate's shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles... but that's because THEY were the worst roomates ever. Not me, nope. :tongue:

    Umm I know a girl who did this to her ex and I was afraid she did it to me. My first roommate was my bff and I moved in with her and found out later that she was crazy! She was always rude if I had friends over and would complain about them eating my snacks but then would have her ex over and make him big meals. One morning at 7:30 am she woke me up to ask when my friend was leaving because she felt like cleaning. She copied her ex's key and would go in while he was at work and pee in his stuff and count his condoms. After I learned all this I was worried about what she would do to me so I promptly moved out!
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member

    You want bad roommate stories? There's enough here to keep you reading for hours!! I check this site regularly, it makes me laugh and used to make me feel much better about my housing situation!
  • Scalesareforthefishes
    Scalesareforthefishes Posts: 92 Member
    I gotta read these later aha
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    A male flatmate burst into my room at 1am with his friend to try and borrow money to buy drugs.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    All my roommate never clean.

    I had a friend live with me for a while, while my ex was deployed. She would leave pots and pans on the stove all dirty, and she broke some of my glasses and bowls and didn't even tell me or replace them. She said the glasses broke in the dishwasher, when she knew to hand wash them, since they didn't get clean in the dishwasher.

    I have so many issues with the dishwasher. I am OCD about it. She was single, probably because she didn't know how to load it properly. My boyfriends family, who I'm living with now, him and his dad are both single. They can't load it either.

    Seriously, I'll see frying pan on the top and bowls on the bottom. They'd put forks on the top shelf if they didn't fall down. They continually leave dirty dishes out. They have a pitcher used for iced tea, and it started to grow mold on the bottom (hard to put your hand in there and scrub it out) They kept putting it in the dishwasher to clean for about a month, then threw it away when it didn't go away.

    I asked them to take my dog out in the back yard to pee when I would be home late, and they did. But I think he was out there for a loooong time, because he was panicky when I was home (he was still out). They have fallen asleep while their chihuahua was outside, for hours. Oh, and their dog is HORRIBLE and they blame its accidents inside on Teddy, even though he gets walked 2 times a day and goes in the back yard to pee probably 4-5 times more.

    No other issues besides the cleaning thing. Surprisingly none about food. I cook my own dinner and meals.

    But sometimes they do listen to porn really loudly...thats kind of weird.

    And they steal the shower when they see me come inside from a run. Seriously. Its happened a bunch of times. All they do is watch tv, and go back to watching tv after their shower, while I sit in my room all stinky/sweaty. It really sucks when they take a bath. Ugh, nasty.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Nothing can compare to my nightmare roommate in England. And it would take weeks to sum up the 2 months I lived with her.

    Absolutely the worst experience anyone could ever imagine.

    Example 1: Locked door to my room yet somehow she would still manage to steal my toilet paper.
  • StacyJCrain
    StacyJCrain Posts: 63 Member
    I had a roommate that tried to act like my mother (she was 7 years younger) sprayed all of my clothes with bug spray on a regular basis after I found another roommate had gotten lice. Caught her and her boyfriend having sex in my bed( never slept in after that night). She never washed dishes and if memory serves me right she done laundry 4 or 5 times during the entire school year. Last but not least she set the dorm of fire not once but twice. Needless to say I never had or wanted a roommate after that. I was still skidish when I got married but that seems to be working out( 15 Yrs in Aug).
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I had a roommate who

    Constantly left her board games out for days on end in the middle of the living room she and her boyfriend would play and never clean up.
    One time she entered my room while i was at work and she and her boyfriend played on my Nintendo with out asking and left a mess all over the floor.

    ***she never did dishes. She would use measuring cups and ice cream scoops for spoons and bowls instead of washing something for her own use.

    ****She had family coming over and instead of cleaning the dishes like a normal person, she hid them in the oven, for days! I had no idea until i went to use the oven, i preheated it and opened it up and there were tons of nasty stinky dishes.

    she locked herself out of the house twice and out of her car twice within the same month.
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    I had a young couple move in with me. The woman was pregnant. Immediately upon moving in, he would sneak into my bedroom to watch porn on my computer. He dug up an old credit card of mine and copied the numbers. He swore he found the card on the floor by the computer, picked it up, and he has no idea who copied the number down. He said he thought a ghost took it out the box in my dresser where I keep old cards, moved it across the room, dropped it on the floor, and copied the number. (and he said that with a straight face) It was an invalid card so i couldn't prove he tried to purchase anything, or I would have had him arrested. He stole my bike and used it as collateral for a drug deal. I kicked him out. He and the woman broke up. She had the baby...then things got bad.
  • danyeinarson
    I had a room mate who never cleaned up after himself, and was a perpetual sock jerker. Needless to say, his socks were EVERYWHERE.
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    Oh boy...looking forward/am now frightened about forming this August..

  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    I had a roommate in a dorm at college who stole my wallet, clothes and books from me. She also told the front desk that she lost her key so she could give a key to her boyfriend who routinely barged right in. This was before the days of boys and girls living on the same floor. Years later, I saw in the news she was arrested for stealing $1.2 Million dollars from her employer and using the money to shower young men with gifts. Turned out to be quite a scandal in her town. I guess some people never change.

    Oh, and she always faked talked with a lisp because she thought it was cute.