

  • TY TY thought P.E.T.A was joining the forums for a sec. Love it when people talk that way, like humans are the only animals out there eatting other animals. And when we do it it's "cruel" but when animals do it it's "nature" lol
  • You can't target lose the belly fat. just eat healthy excersize and over time you'll see the belly fat slowly go away. Some people lose weight in different areas before others. One question did you measure your waist and hips before you started this? If not I would do that now.
    in Belly Fat Comment by mogolo July 2012
  • Yea I had a huge "food fail" I was so busy with the kids and family, I skipped breakfast and lunch :( ate 558 cals for dinner then got home about midnight was so hungry I hate half a can of crappy spaghetti O's only had a total of 869 cals for the day and now I feel like crap :(
  • Welcome Tyreesm to MFP, first let me say you've picked the right community to start your journey, there's so much information on this site to help you. I'd start by reading over the forums, that's what I did. I was a heavy mountain dew drinker for 10+ years. Since joining this site I have stopped drinking dew, I have drank…
  • You look great, grats to your new life :)
  • If after your 8 mins you are dripping sweat, heart pounding and panting like a tired dog. then keep going cause you are working yourself 100% and getting as much as you can out of the 8mins wich will turn into longer time as you continue, you will see progress on your fitness tests. BUT if you are doing 8mins and not…
  • Kalamazoo, MI here :)
  • YW ;) make sure you look into her other videos she has alot of really nice videos and ideas. I use alot of her workouts into my routine
  • Eat healthy and at a deficit, do cardio and strength train. I did ab focused workouts out back in the day, I ended up with solid abs only problem they were hiding under me "beer belly" :( I didnt change my way of eatting or I didnt do any cardio. the ab work outs simply were not enough.
  • Go to that link its to a video for working "muffin top" if check her videos out she has alot of full ab work outs and obliques. should give you some good ideas for workouts. ^^
  • 10 5355.8 + 10 = 5365.8
  • Just want to say you look very good in a Bikini, like someone else said you look better than alot of women that wear bikinis (or try to). keep up the good work!!!!!
  • *looks at tattoo* est. 1982
  • I gave up mountain dew ... I was drinking an absurd amount like almost 2 2liters a day havent touched it in a long long time and now the weight is falling off... still drink some sweet tea once in awhile but mainly I drink water.
  • Cereal of the 80's <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 specially KABOOM!!! my all time favorite cereal EVER!!! oh and that was when the box meant more and all the prizes :)
  • Just wanted to say all you ladies look very nice and glad to see the confidence of you all wether you would wear it outside in public or not posting your pictures is a huge step :)
  • NO crabs are the stuff going around causing people to eat peoples faces off :( to much of that and you can kiss your weightloss journey goodbye.
  • Theres surgery to remove the extra skin if you need to take that road, but if you do look into that make sure you excersize and tone up as much as you can before you go down that road. I guess it just matters how big you were.. Ive seen someone lose 150lbs and dont have any "extra skin".
  • This thread is epic thx ^^ I tried eatting crabs one day but I couldnt reach, damn spinal cord always in the way of a man trying to motivate himself...
  • excersize your butt off eat healthy as in veggies and fruit lean meats ie chicken,tuna so on and drink lots and lots and lots of water.... maybe you can get lucky and lose 5lbs of water weight and some fat by then. oh and watch your sodium intake or you can kiss the being lucky part about losing water weight goodbye..
  • 1 cup of coffee a couple drops of 1/2% milk and 1 or 2 teaspoons of sugar... not every day though
  • well I dont know about you but i'm almost 30 and when I was a kid my mom cooked fresh local veggies and real meat. I was in great shape untill I got on my own and started eatting crap myself and not doing much of anything. thats 110% my fault. Now my kids my wife and me. We eat "real" food. So go ahead and blame your…
  • I'm IN ..... add me I would love to lose 30pounds by oct 5th (my 30th birthday) that would put me at 180lbs havent been there since I was about 17-18... need the motivation
  • Hi im doug and im addicted to Mountain dew and junk food... been 2 days with no mountain dew not even diet but we'll see :(
  • Sex: M Age: 29 Weight: 207lbs Height: 5'10" How many calories you NET per day:1650 How many times per week you exercise w/ minutes: 6days 30mins +
  • once a week on tuesday morning in my tiddy whities ;)
  • "I haven't even lost an ounce in 3 months" Before you ask people that question maybe you should find answers to why you havent lost any weight in 3 months. Have you lost inches? if not you should figure out why. 3 months of dieting or eatting healthier and workouts even just walking you will lose weight, you may hit a wall…
  • Mc donalds fries.............................................
  • you get smaller and your glasses get bigger ^^ awesome job man now seeing you im out to ride my bike again lol