EmilyGrace1981 Member


  • I already do a lot of jogging, but have a hard time with long distance and time. So I think I wil try this program to help me out! I would love to be able to run 3 miles without stoping!
  • I think I know who you are talking about! I had to learn to ignore her! :wink:
  • I am a huge Tae Bo fan!!!! I have been using the tapes for over 5 years. I absolutely hate the bootcamp workouts!! They make me cry! :sad: I love the cardio 1, advanced 1&2, and billys favorite moves. I feel very chalanged and strong when I get done with the video. I am getting the Tae Bo Flex next, so I'll see how I like…
  • I agree with apaden4, you have to at least get your 1200 Cal a day if you want to lose weight! If you deprive your body your metabolism will slow down because it thinks you are starving. Also check your BMR and see how many calories you really should be getting a day.
  • I weigh 150 and am getting down to 135. My BMR Calculations say I should eat at least 1465 Calories a day. And more if I exercise. I find I feel like I function better if I eat that much, and I've lost 3 pound in 2 weeks.
  • Great Job!!!! :happy:
  • No I didn't take it that way. But I can't blame my husband for my lack of will power. i also could take the initiative and throw the pizza away! Sometimes I need someone to be tough with me and tell me how it is. I am responsible for the weight I put on, and I need to be responsible to take it off!!!
  • Thank you everyone for your posts!! I have been beyond stressed out lately and I'm turning to food. I don't even like pizza that much! I just need to take a step back and think about what I'm going to put in my mouth. I come from a family of emotional eaters, and it is very had not to use food to make me happy. So I'm…
  • Ok, I did horrible this weekend!!! I ate pizza (twice!) and drank pop and whatever else I wanted. Today I got up and said I would start again, I exercized, and ate well but I feel like I"m going through withdrawls and all I want to do it eat! I did blow it an hour ago and had a piece of leftover pizza. My husband has to…
  • I just love Tae Bo!!! I know a lot of the other members enjoy it as well. There are so many different videos with different levels. Start with the basic so you can learn it and get your body used to it. Good luck!!! :happy:
  • My 2 year old loves to make exercising harder for me! He will jump on my back or give me more resistance on my abs.
  • There are so many workout dvd's out there!!!You can get a lot of them very inexpensive at wal-mart. I love Tae Bo, but there are walking, areobics, dancing ect... Get a few and change it up!!! :bigsmile:
  • My husband sugested the same thing about the rice. Maybe I will try adding some more carbs, I do love baby corn!!! Thanks! :happy:
  • Well, I do suffer from low blood sugar, but I don't normally feel this way after eating a good meal. I will feel this way if I don't eat for a while, or if I eat a lot of sugar.
  • I make a homemade stir fy with chicken, carrots and broccoli, with some chicken stock a small amount of low sodium soy sauce. I eat about a cup of stir fry and a 1/2 cup of brown rice. Whenever I eat it I don't feel right like it lowers my blood sugar. and I'm always starving about an hour after I eat it. I'm full when I"m…
  • Tae Bo is supposed to be a mix of kickboxing, tae kwon do and basic arobics. There are many videos out there for all levels of fitness. you should try it!!
  • Thanks for the feedback!! :bigsmile: I like the advanced and I just got Billy's Favorite Moves. I've done it off and on for a year and a half, but I have to be careful of my knees. I like jogging for endurance and Tae Bo for toning.My son likes to watch me do it and laugh at me :laugh: !!
  • I was wondering if anyone else like to do tae bo. I do it about 2 times a week and run the rest. But tae bo is not in the exercises, so I'm not sure how many calories I'm burning. Does anyone else know?
  • I has a question! Can you eat to much protien? I had a chicken breast for lunch, and just regular protien in milk and other things, and it says I'm over my protien intake. I'm planing on makeing chicken for dinner as well and I know I will be way over what they say I should have. :grumble:
  • This looks great!! I can't waity to try it tonight!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Hi my name is Emily and I am new to Myfitness. I am 26 and weigh 152. My goal is to get to 135. I have a 2 1/2 year old son and have lost over 50 Lbs since I had him, but I really need to loose the rest!!! :smile: