panthur Member


  • I know this thread is ancient! I now go to Healthtrax at Forum and Six Forks. Much better for me, more well-maintained.
  • I am motivated when I see women lifting more than I can. Or who have awesome quads. I want to ask them to be my gym buddy but don't want to be a creeper.
  • I sync with Digifit which syncs with MFP for my Mio Link. Love it!
  • Bump! I am wondering this too, have been considering the Polar H7.
  • I need encouragement! Did workout stage 2B and didn't really like it. Is it going to get better? I miss my regular DLs and Squats!
  • Started Stage 2A today! I looked at all the directions before I started but didn't have my ebook to reference while I was in the gym. So couldn't remember whether it was sets of 2 or 3. My wrist strength has suffered since I've been a little inconsistent lately, so I've gotta work on that before I can increase the weight…
  • I've been having the same problem! Gained 4 lbs since starting, and I've been working on Stage 1 for two months. Only one more workout left plus AMRAPs. I've gained an inch in the hips and some in the thighs and lost an inch at the waist. Progress feels slow! I think part of it is my eating has been at a higher calorie…
  • I've also mixed my protein powder with a Slim-Fast for even more protein. I mix with 8 oz so it's pretty quick to drink, even if the combo is a little sweeter than I'd prefer.
  • Hi gals. I've got only one more workout left in stage one aside from AMRAPs, but I'm not seeing the progress that I want. I've gained 4 pounds! I think this has to be due to diet, although I've been tracking everything. I eat out a lot for lunch so the estimates could be way off. Measurements have dropped an inch at the…
    in Stage 1 Comment by panthur August 2013
  • I'm doing New Rules of lifting for women. However I am in Raleigh.
  • I wouldnt do the challenge either but I do enjoy going to my stage sticky thread. I am still in stage 1.
  • Thanks, I was just getting overwhelmed with it. But I may still sub some of the crunch type exercises with planks, because i can tell they are working better. Also I've been concerned about how much more focus is put on Supercharged on form and emphasizing that deadlifts are an advanced skill, when in the other book he…
  • I am a month into stage 1 of of Nrol4w but got Supercharged from the library since the author said that's what he recommends now. I'm getting tired just reading it! What do you guys think, should I stick with the original book for a while or consider switching to the beginning of this one now? It's strange how NROL4w has…
  • I'm on workout 3A/B and enjoying seeing some strength gains. My upper body strength to start was very weak. One thing I've noticed is that my wrists got stronger, at first they were killing me holding the dumb bellls. Here's where I am now: Squat 2x12 at 70lbs - still practicing form, thinking of switching to flatter…
    in Stage 1 Comment by panthur July 2013
  • Hi guys! I'm new to all this, but have completed my first two workouts. Got a few form pointers on my squats which was nice, although it probably wouldn't hurt to get a trainer's POV on it. Just wanted to say hi. I'm really enjoying the program so far. Add me if you want to encourage each other. - Mandy
    in Stage 1 Comment by panthur June 2013
  • Awesome! Thanks for posting that.
  • I just bought the book too and am excited to start. Not sure if I need to get the personal trainer to show me the workout, but I am intimidated by the dudes training in the weight area. Add me if you want!
  • I"m doing this (or attempting!) I've got my own team of co-workers. Of course I signed up before I realized how much I dislike running. But hoping it's still a motivator.
  • I just joined O2 in N Raleigh (Creedmoor rd).