Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome back Jewel!. Pearl, I still do assisted Pull ups. I WAS able to unassisted :(

    I had a great first day back. I have a wonderful roommate and things are looking up. My workout today was moving furniture and lifting boxes in my classroom. I just switched back to "Lightly ACtive" and got my 150 cals back.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I did AMRAPs.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    yea Runz!!

    welcome back Jewel

    Pearl, my goal is to do just 1 unassisted pullup - I have a very long way to go!

    Spin today, tomorrow is chest! Yea!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lifted a little over 30 minutes. I do not rest in between sets. For instance, I'll work on biceps , squats, skull crushers, and leg extension. Repeat. Repeat. and Repeat . Only rest I get is walking from one little spot to the other. Of course, I did more exercises than these. I just don't know what to call them.

    So stinking bloated ! I managed to suck what I could in and measure. Not much difference. I lost quarter inch off my butt and natural waist. nothing off saddlebags , abdomen, or belly button. I was a gluttonous heifer last month . :sad:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    manic - my August was not a good month for my midriff, either....the food/booze/holiday/no lifting took its toll! Directly to my belly-button waist, actually. I'm up 2"!! But, that was then - THIS IS NOW! "Fresh start September" is for EVERY BODY. Come join me. Track your calories, get your lifting in (I'll get my walking in) and then you KNOW that you have done the BEST you can, re: inputs - and the universe will take care of the outputs!

    runzalot - Did you find AMRAPS worthwhile??

    I feel better everyday. Tomorrow is surgery, which I am refusing to even think about! Alas, Friday will come and then I'm REALLY ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    where are you peeps??
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    where are you peeps??
    Working lol

    I forgot how hard getting up at 5:30 is and it sucks plenty. I feel ravenous though my calories look good for the day. I'm low on energy. I MUST go to the gym just don't know If I will lift or go to zumba. Usually lifting when I am tired is a bad idea and I want to make an appt with a GOOD trainer and get a form check.

    I'll check back in later.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    I'll have to dial back my alarm another 15 minutes tomorrow, because the traffic was HORRIBLE today! So, that puts me at 6:30 am wake-up. I wouldn't like 5:30 very much, either. (although my body-clock usually has me waking between 6:10-6:15, anyway.

    Go lift something....drop your weights back a bit and go for a few more reps!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    runzalot - Did you find AMRAPS worthwhile??

    It was a step up from napping on the couch. I'm gonna do the B one tomorrow just for sh!ts and giggles. I'll start Stage 4 next week.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I've been busy with homeschooling and chores. I didn't workout today. I had to clean all the house floors. It was pretty bad.

    food choices have been pretty decent today.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was sitting on he couch in my gym clothes, with my kindle in my hand, sound asleep, and my husband woke me up and sent me to the gym. I went to zumba, glad I went.
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, everyone! So much going on here.
    First of all, my sincerest admiration to those who homeschool -- and all moms. You ladies are incredibly dedicated.
    Jewel, congratulations on your wedding and honeymoon. Sounds like you enjoyed it.
    PearlMullet, thanks for your input on calories. I'm finding that if I don't eat out or drink (and sometimes even if I do drink), I still have trouble reaching my goal (the book's fat loss number minus 200 cal), which is what I've been aiming for. So for now I'm eating clean and eating when hungry. I'm sure the clean part helps -- having a huge salad for lunch keeps me full so I'm not starving by dinner. It's honestly a foreign feeling!

    About the mug cake, I eyeballed some of the ingredients, but it was essentially this:
    1 scoop (30g) chocolate plantfusion
    1 tbsp vital wheat gluten
    1 tbsp whole wheat flour
    sprinkle (1/8 tsp maybe) baking powder
    1 tsp egg replacer or half a "flax egg" (you can use a little pumpkin puree or applesauce here, but Ener-G brand egg replacer is my go-to)
    sprinkle of stevia
    3 or 4 tbsp of soy or almond milk

    I gave a quick spray of pam to the inside of a mug, and then I poured in all the dry ingredients except the pb2. Then you add in the milk and stir until it has a batter-like consistency. Pop the mug in the microwave for 3 minutes. (I burned my hand on the handle, so be careful! Ceramic really retains heat.) While it bakes, mix the pb2 with a tbsp or two of soy milk so that it is a little syrupy, and when the cake part is done, pour it on top. Eat some sweet, gooey goodness for breakfast or a snack and don't think twice about it because it nutritinally kicks butt.

    If you haven't tried PlantFusion, I can't recommend it enough. I've only had the chocolate but I absolutely love it. It's like drinking a milkshake. I stay away from dairy now but I remember in the past that whey powders were really gritty. This one has a nice, smooth texture, mixes easily, and tastes like a dessert. I'm gonna try baking and cooking other recipes with it. It's not easy to find and it's not terribly cheap but it's very good quality nutrition so I buy it online.

    Pumped out Stage 2B2 today and felt good. I hit 60# on the wide-grip deadlift from box, which is a new record for me. It was really hard, even though I think of 60 pounds as not a ton. I mean, I deadlift and squat nearly twice that, so why is this so hard? Trying not to overthink.

    Pearl, a 55# overhead press is awesome. I'm inspired to try to catch up to you ;-)

    Beeps & Sam, I hope you find a way to catch up on sleep. Sounds rough.

    Going to the gym has serious upsides to it. Namely the fact that it's relatively empty and I don't have to awkwardly wait around for others to finish up with the equipment I want. Also the fact that the tiny handful of other women I see in the weight room tend to come late (probably for that reason). But bedtime arrives and I'm still wired! It's a nice feeling now but I'll pay for it in the morning.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks Nadia! I'll definitely check out PlantFusion, too. I wish I had trouble eating all my calories!

    Today I lift. Beautiful Badass doesn't have no-lift days, but she asks you to de-load, so do 75% of your last week's weights. I'll do it, and I know why it's important, but I just want to keep going!

    runz, how are you already going to start Stage 4!? You're movin, lady!

    Glad Zumba did the trick, sam.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    pearlmullet - so you lift 7 days a week? Wow. That's impressive!

    I am thinking about bumping up to 4 x per week, come october. But, I actually don't want to do anymore than that. My 7-days-a-week work-out years are, hopefully, behind me. Well, at least until retirement - which isn't for 20 years, anyway.
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    I need encouragement! Did workout stage 2B and didn't really like it. Is it going to get better? I miss my regular DLs and Squats!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Beeps - no, just three. I try to do HIIT either the day I lift or the off-days.

    panthur, I'm probably not the one to give encouragement because I switched to Beautiful Badass. It's got both DLs and Squats in the first 2 phases! :devil:
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Oops - I just realized why you thought I lifted 7 days/week, Beeps. No rest weeks is what I meant. So I lift 3x/week without a week rest every 6 weeks or whatever is recommended.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, I've moved to lifting 4x / wk now, and spin 2x unless I forget to set my alarm, like I did yesterday! :grumble: I will do chest and shoulders tomorrow morning. Not sure if Saturday will work, we're talking about a trip to Wildwood for Roar to the Shore which would cancel my gym time. Next week is a deload week, the following week, I'll do something not sure whatexactly. Then I go on vacation for 2 weeks, so I'll start fresh again in October.

    Panthur, sorry but DLs and back squats disappear - I didn't like Stage 2 much at all, but it really did get better to me! Loved 3 did better on 4 loved 5 and really loved the last 2 Stages.

    Not much happening here. Beeps when is your 2nd surgery?
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member

    Kathleen, I still do step ups as part of my accessory work - not every workout but pretty often. They work!!

    Glad to know that - thanks!!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member

    KAthleen what do you hate about the step ups?

    1. They make me tachycardic. LOL
    2. I feel like I am limited more by my grip strength and by just overall getting tired than by the muscles they are designed to work.

    Having said that- I think this is the main benefit of programs like this where we are working more than one muscle group. I think the two areas in which I have improved most during this program are grip strength and core strength.