New Rules Supercharged



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Makes good sense. The further you are from your goal BF% or weight, the higher the deficit you can have. Like you said, just reassess as you get closer or if you feel it's too much of a deficit for you to reach your workout goals.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I agree, too. I just read an article by Tom Venuto on the forums that made sense. It said that the more body fat/extra weight you have to lose, the less likely your body is to use your lean mass for fuel. When you have less body fat/extra weight to lose, you have to have a smaller deficit to preserve your lean mass, because your body is more likely to burn your lean mass as fuel with a large deficit.

    You also really need to learn to listen to your body. I can cruise along at 1600 calories for a few weeks and lose a few pounds of fat, but eventually I become fatigued, overly hungry and my workouts suffer. I bump back up to maintenance for a bit and then cut again. I also adjust my calories based on my workouts. The Basic Training workouts are high-cardio type workouts so I think it's better to try to cut more drastically.
  • SweetPea482
    SweetPea482 Posts: 155 Member
    you girls are awesome. thanks so much!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Just ordered the book!! Had a credit at Amazon so I used it for that!!! Excited to have it :) how many workouts are in each BT section? I'm doing stage 7 one more time through and then moving onto this.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Glad to see you join us! He tells you to do each workout 4 times if you've been through the NROL4W program or you are an experienced lifter. 6 times if you're new to lifting. I'm did them 6 times each just because I liked it and felt like all the different exercises were challenging and I was getting really nice results!
  • lttappenn
    lttappenn Posts: 40 Member
    I ordered the book yesterday and can't wait for it to arrive. I have been working out at home, but will be joining my local gym when I return from vacation in 2 weeks. I am so ready to start some heavy lifting! I will keep you posted on my progress as I go along. I was so glad to find this thread, too.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Super!!! I've borrowed it from the library but to be honest mainly skimmed through it so I can't wait to read it through.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    How is everyone doing? This lifting break is killing me. I did some body weight stuff today just because. I'll hit the weights on Friday after this crazy stressful week is over!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Oh, man! Basic Training IV is like Stage 7 all over again. I also just figured out that doing the 2 sets of 4 exercises for 20 seconds each after the workout is the same as doing Tabatas -- no wonder it kills me!

    I was going to try to cut my calories for the last 4 weeks of BT IV, but I think I'm going with the low end of my maintenance range because these workouts are killer and I'm in school, which takes more focus and brain power. Screw fat loss -- I'm settling for survival mode and sloooow recomposition.

    I am looking forward to Hypertrophy in a big way. Can't wait to get to those 4 sets of 6 instead of these 4 sets of 10, although I'm already dreading the 2 sets of 20. LOL

    Also, making friends with the cool lifters at the gym has it's downfalls. As soon as we start chatting, they start coaching me. Yesterday, I was trying to survive my superset of Bench Press 4 x 10 x 55 lbs with Step-ups 4 x 10 x two 20s and the guy who encouraged me last week starts yelling "get that knee to your chest, you can do it!" I wanted to yell back, "I'm doing 4 sets of 10 on each side, not some super slow 4 sets of 2 or whatever you body builders do!" LOL But, I suffered through sprinter step-ups instead, just to be impressive. Dang ego, anyway.
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    I am a month into stage 1 of of Nrol4w but got Supercharged from the library since the author said that's what he recommends now. I'm getting tired just reading it! What do you guys think, should I stick with the original book for a while or consider switching to the beginning of this one now?

    It's strange how NROL4w has you doing deadlifts and squats but in Supercharged they are level 4 workouts.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I would do all of NROLFW before Supercharged. I think it was very worthwhile and I know that if I had started Supercharged without completing it first, I wouldn't have the confidence to choose the harder lifts and heavier weights that I now know I'm capable of lifting.

    I think the whole "choose your own" idea is awesome for intermediate lifters, but there is something to be said for jumping in and doing the hard workouts in NROLFW.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I agree with Sunshine. NROL4W gave me so much confidence that I was prepared to really push myself in Supercharged.

    Sunshine, you've got so much going on. I wouldn't try to cut either. The more I read, the more I'm convinced slooooow is the best way to go anyway. It's much easier on your body. LOL about making friends at the gym. I know what you mean. I work so much harder when the personal trainer or the other lifting chick is around.

    I think I've actually eaten above maintenance for the first time in many months and I didn't get any lifting in at all this week. Weight is up 5lbs since I went back to maintenance last week. Most of it is from sodium and replenished glycogen stores I am sure, but dang I feel like a slug right now. Hopefully my body enjoyed this break.
  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    I would do all of NROLFW before Supercharged. I think it was very worthwhile and I know that if I had started Supercharged without completing it first, I wouldn't have the confidence to choose the harder lifts and heavier weights that I now know I'm capable of lifting.

    I think the whole "choose your own" idea is awesome for intermediate lifters, but there is something to be said for jumping in and doing the hard workouts in NROLFW.

    Thanks, I was just getting overwhelmed with it. But I may still sub some of the crunch type exercises with planks, because i can tell they are working better. Also I've been concerned about how much more focus is put on Supercharged on form and emphasizing that deadlifts are an advanced skill, when in the other book he even said something like "there isn't a wrong way" and you're doing deadlifts and squats from the beginning. So I got paranoid when I was doing my deadlifts last workout that I am going to screw up my back somehow because I'm not sure I've got my back in the right position.
  • Mjandjt
    Mjandjt Posts: 58 Member
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I finish nrol4w in 12 weeks, is supercharged more for strength? Bulking? I've still got a lot of fast to drop, recommendations?
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I finish nrol4w in 12 weeks, is supercharged more for strength? Bulking? I've still got a lot of fast to drop, recommendations?

    Supercharged starts out with 4 fairly long and intense Basic Training stages that essentially pick up where Stage 7 leaves off. I would consider the focus of Basic Training to be fat loss and endurance building. Once you complete the four Basic Training stages, you move on to Hypertrophy stages and then to the Strength stages.

    I would say that Basic Training is equivalent to Stage 7, Hypertrophy would be similar to 2, 3, 4 & 5, and Strength would be similar to Stage 6.

    I think cutting fat or bulking is determined about 95% by diet and 5% by what you're doing in the gym.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I finish nrol4w in 12 weeks, is supercharged more for strength? Bulking? I've still got a lot of fast to drop, recommendations?

    Supercharged starts out with 4 fairly long and intense Basic Training stages that essentially pick up where Stage 7 leaves off. I would consider the focus of Basic Training to be fat loss and endurance building. Once you complete the four Basic Training stages, you move on to Hypertrophy stages and then to the Strength stages.

    I would say that Basic Training is equivalent to Stage 7, Hypertrophy would be similar to 2, 3, 4 & 5, and Strength would be similar to Stage 6.

    I think cutting fat or bulking is determined about 95% by diet and 5% by what you're doing in the gym.

    Great!! Thanks for the breakdown!!! I like stage 7- I really don't mind the 15 reps but damn, I usually can't get 4 sets done. If I get 3 and I'm tired, I call that a good workout :)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I would do all of NROLFW before Supercharged. I think it was very worthwhile and I know that if I had started Supercharged without completing it first, I wouldn't have the confidence to choose the harder lifts and heavier weights that I now know I'm capable of lifting.

    I think the whole "choose your own" idea is awesome for intermediate lifters, but there is something to be said for jumping in and doing the hard workouts in NROLFW.

    Thanks, I was just getting overwhelmed with it. But I may still sub some of the crunch type exercises with planks, because i can tell they are working better. Also I've been concerned about how much more focus is put on Supercharged on form and emphasizing that deadlifts are an advanced skill, when in the other book he even said something like "there isn't a wrong way" and you're doing deadlifts and squats from the beginning. So I got paranoid when I was doing my deadlifts last workout that I am going to screw up my back somehow because I'm not sure I've got my back in the right position.

    Form is absolutely everything! Schuyler says make sure your form is correct. If you are struggling with form, I suggest paying for a personal training session. Before you hire the trainer, make sure you explain to him/her that you want guidance on your form and that you are already doing a program. My trainer didn't have a clue what NROL4W was but was very willing to help me through it.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I would do all of NROLFW before Supercharged. I think it was very worthwhile and I know that if I had started Supercharged without completing it first, I wouldn't have the confidence to choose the harder lifts and heavier weights that I now know I'm capable of lifting.

    I think the whole "choose your own" idea is awesome for intermediate lifters, but there is something to be said for jumping in and doing the hard workouts in NROLFW.

    Thanks, I was just getting overwhelmed with it. But I may still sub some of the crunch type exercises with planks, because i can tell they are working better. Also I've been concerned about how much more focus is put on Supercharged on form and emphasizing that deadlifts are an advanced skill, when in the other book he even said something like "there isn't a wrong way" and you're doing deadlifts and squats from the beginning. So I got paranoid when I was doing my deadlifts last workout that I am going to screw up my back somehow because I'm not sure I've got my back in the right position.

    Watching videos has been the best way for me to figure out form. The thing that made it *click* for me is when I read that if you keep your chest upright throughout the movement, you naturally keep your back and hips in the correct position. Ive found this to be true. I went through NrOL4W never really understanding how to keep my back "neutral"- I never had my chest upright enough or my hips back enough. I've dialed my weights back just a bit to make sure I've got it right now. Lifting more than my body weight with poor form could be disastrous.
    As far as planks, if you're progressing as he describes in Supercharged (as soon as you can hold one variation for 45 secs X 2 reps move to the harder exercise) you will constantly be sore and KNOW they're working- no crunches needed. At least that's the way it has been for me.

    Sue, I hope you join us soon!

    I really like Hypertrophy. All my exercises are fun (minus the step-ups) and I enjoy the complexes in a sick way.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I did my first supercharged today.

    It was... planks then sideplanks with row. Box jumps. Goblet squat, standing row, step ups, pushups from bench.

    The 15 reps was murder and my step ups went down from their happy 50lbs/8 reps to body weight. LOL. And yeah, I realize my mistake in stopping pushups to do bench press because I had to go back to a bench for 15!

    OH. And that RAMP is helllllllllacious! I was sweating on the mat! :)