

  • I hate plain water too. Try the MIO water flavors.. 0 calories, lots of flavors, and delicious.
  • I'm not sure if you can freeze it. It's usually fairly cheap, so if you have to throw it away you're usually only out $1 or so. (even less if you get it at a farmer's market). I put cilantro on everything! Mix in with spinach in salads, add to any pasta, or mini home-made pizzas, you name it.
  • Saw this recipie on a Hungry Girl show (food network show with low cal recipies). Cinnamon rice cake, then put 1 tbsp of fat free cool whip, then sprinkle some cinnamon, then another rice cake, another tbsp of cool whip, then a little cinnamon on top. Then put it in the freezer for 10-ish minutes, then eat it. I use…
  • Fat free vanilla yogurt (kroger or walmart brand are good), blue diamond almonds, carrot sticks & salsa, a cup of red grapes, wasa light n' crispy wafers with 1 tablespoon of fat free cream cheese and thinly sliced cucumber, fiber one bar. I'm big on taking a snack every day so I don't over eat during regular meals. Plus I…
  • It may be the way you are running. I would recommend going to a running specific store and having them test your gait/cadence/etc. Maybe new/more supportive shoes also? Hope this helps..
  • I use Walden Farms brand Ranch (0 calories!), as well as spicy mustard.
  • One of my good friends is an Olive Garden manager.. she said they will pretty much make whatever you want them to. Salad w/o dressing, chicken cooked in pam, etc. Just have to ask. Hope this helps! :)
  • Try non-fat vanilla yogurt. Same amount of calories as plain, but tastes a ton better. I add a sliced banana.
  • I'm doing the same program! I decided on the intermediate training schedule since the beginner one looked too easy. I started last week.. so far so good! Switch to the intermediate one too, then if it gets too hard you can always go back to the beginner one. Good luck!! :)
  • Just switch to lighter beers or liquor with calorie-free mixers. Bud Select 55, MGD 64, Mich Ultra.. or 1 oz. of patron with sugar-free margarita mix is only 70-75 calories. Or just cut down consumption. Everything in moderation seems to work for me.
  • Let me know if that works. I'm stuck at 142 also, and would love to be 135 - 138. But really I'll take anything in the 130's!
  • There are a few free iphone apps for conversions that are pretty handy also, if you need the info on the go. I think the one I have is called "Handy Converter". Hope this helps!
  • Ok, I don't feel so bad now that I'm not the only one!! :) My co-workers order food in every day (wings, chinese, subs, etc) and they either don't know or don't care how fatty and high in calories everything is. It actually annoys me more than anything, but I never say anything of course!
  • Ok, I take back what I said earlier. Apparently the restaurant on the app is called Charley's, not O'Charleys. Sorry!
  • There is an awesome (and free!) iphone app called either "Fast Food" or "Fast Food calories". It has over 100 fast food restaurants and chains - including O'Charleys - with their menu and nutritional info listed. I found it under the LifeStyle section in the app store. I reference it before I go to any restaurant. It seems…
  • Try adding flavor packets to your water, it really helps. I hate the taste of regular water. Try crystal light or some stores have their own brands. Usually only 5-10 calories. Also, try doing something other than the treadmil. Your body may just be used to that workout and wants a change. Maybe a bootcamp class or…
  • I was getting bored with my diet also and made this little pizza meal. The entire thing is 335 calories and pretty lean. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it and it’ll help break up the monotony for you. 1. Thomas' multi-grain English muffin – cut in half - 100 calories total. 2. Muir Glen Organic Pizza Sauce – ¼ Cup (more than…
  • I just bought this watch (Timex T5G971) and cannot figure out how to set the weight either. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
  • I usually put fat free milk and a sweet 'n low packet in my coffee from Starbucks to add some flavor. I've never liked the flavor of splenda, etc. If I make it at home, I skip the sweet n' low and go with 2 tablespoons of non-fat flavored creamer. International delight has a ton of flavors, but only about 4 or 5 are…
  • I would recommend something steamed. Skip noodles and go wtih brown rice, or no rice. There is usually a broccoli and shrimp/chicken/etc selection. Good luck!
  • Try Bud Select 55, MGD 64, or Michelob Ultra (95 calories).. If you like beer, that is.
  • Snack on Blue Diamond brand almonds. They have a ton of flavors, and a serving size is 28 almonds, and is only 170 calories.