What am I doing wrong?

kctmw Posts: 23 Member
I have been on this healthy life kickstart for a month now. I lost three lbs the first week, and five lbs the second week then...nothing. Today was my weigh in day and for the second week in a row I have not budged. Great that my weight hasn't increased but it is getting depressing seeing that same # each week. I am so wanting to get out of the 250s-but I am stuck right there at the cusp. I eat my recommended calories daily, often less than, and only on certain days do i eat my exercise calories back. I have given up fast food and Coke (which was like a drug to me (twilight)). As for exercise, I walk on the treadmill from 35-80 min a day (depends on the day). I drink about 3 cups of water a day-that's about the best I can do and is a HUGE improvement from what I used to drink, which was NONE. Why am I at a standstill so early? I am really feeling like giving up...I need to see some movement downwards! Any suggestions or ideas about what Im doing wrong?:cry:


  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    You need to drink A LOT more water
  • Flossycat100
    Flossycat100 Posts: 103
    Water! I'm drinking between two and three litres a day, and it works. It also curbs your appetite a little. Somwtimes you might think you're hungry but you're actually thirsty.
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    You may need to increase the intensity of your cardio...and yes, drink TONS of water
  • christineanne8
    Try adding flavor packets to your water, it really helps. I hate the taste of regular water. Try crystal light or some stores have their own brands. Usually only 5-10 calories. Also, try doing something other than the treadmil. Your body may just be used to that workout and wants a change. Maybe a bootcamp class or spinning would work. Good luck!!!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    It sounds like you are on the right track! I've been at this for over a year, some weeks more forceful with it than others. It takes time and consistency. Consistency is key! Keep doing what you're doing. Drink more water.

    Don't give up! Your health is too important!!!!!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    It's hard to give advise without being able to see what you are eating. Do drink more water. It might sound silly but I find drinking water easier from a straw. Feel free to look at my food diary to get some ideas if you think that might help. Good luck, and don't give up!
  • Shaniani
    Shaniani Posts: 6
    DON'T GIVE UP. If you've been doing the same things for a while you may need to shake things up. Do you use intervals on the treadmill? Try changing up your activity and double check your potion sizes.

    DEFINITELY increase your water - add seltzer or fruit slices, even frozen grapes. Your body needs water. :)

    Hang in there! You are doing so many good things!
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    How many calories per day do you net after exercise? You may not actually be eating enough. After 5 weeks of losing 7lbs and then 4 weeks at a standstill I took others advice on here and increased my calories to 1350 a day and I am now eating most of my exercise calories back and I have started to lose weight again in a week. I am now eating around 1400-1600 a day and losing weight.
  • 1grammie
    1grammie Posts: 163
    Don't give up. Eight lbs in a month is great. It's normal to hit a plateau but you will soon start seeing a difference on the scales again.
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I noticed the biggest scale fluctuations in the days after not drinking my usual 8-12 cups of water. Grab yourself one of those insulated cups that have the straw - they're selling them everywhere now. I have one that holds 24 oz and it's totally easy to fill it and finish 3 bottles just at work during the day. You'd be surprised at how often you reach over and grab it when you don't even think about it!
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Maybe try varied workouts. The treadmill may not be your thang. I think that it's important to include a variety in your workout... and also monitor other nutritional values than just calories: protein, fiber, sugar, carbs....

    You need to also include some type of strength training.

    I hope this helps, and please feel free to add me for support. :flowerforyou:
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I lost 90 lbs and then stalled for a year and a half. I finally decided I needed to start moving downward again. I added weight training to my workouts. That has really kicked my weight into gear. I have lost another 15 lbs. You could sign up for a class at a local gym, I take my class at the Y. It has been a great motivator. Also, are you weighing and measuring your food? That can make a big difference.

    I figured I had to change something in order to keep losing. Stick with it and the weight will come off. This isn't a "quick fix" but a life style change that will get you to goal and keep you there (which is the hard part). You can do it. :)
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    Water is a big thing. I agree with the posts earlier. Drink water with a straw. Goes down easier and quicker....and I started drinking crystal light and some flavored waters to not be so bored with plain water. Dont give up. We all have STAND STILL weights at times....but, stay with it.... I have been buying those weight watchers smart ones meals and eating those for lunch each day. Those have helped me with portions and choices! So easy! Just pop in the microwave! STarted in April...and it is now June 20th. Lost 30 pounds so far! I am in my forties, and this is the FIRST time I have had success without using Physicians weight loss etc. Good luck....and keep at it. Dont give up! : ) You can do it!
  • tmpartington
    Eat more calories and fluctuate from day to day, your body thinks you're starving. I got stuck in the same rut at the same time (3 wks in) and a trainer recommended this to me. Here's an example of what I did, you should obviously adjust for your starting weight and fitness goals:

    Original Plan:
    Starting Weight: 157 (January)
    Lbs lost: 7 in the 1st 2 wks, nothing 3rd or 4th
    Calories: 1200/day - religiously

    New Plan: 4 day rolling calories - fluctuate to keep metabolism in check
    Day 1 - 1250 cals
    Day 2 - 1350 cals
    Day 3 - 1425 cals
    Day 4 - 1500 cals
    Day 1 - start over

    You don't have to go in order like I show here. You can fluctuate this to meet your schedule, say you're going out for dinner with a friend - it doesn't have to land on day 4, you just flip the schedule around.

    It sounded crazy to me but it totally worked and prevented me from falling off the wagon. I lost another 8 lbs in 4 wks and I'm back to start it up again to hit my goal of 125.

    All the best!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Don't give up. I know it's hard but you just have to stay focused on your goal and the scale will start to move the numbers down. More importantly then the scale should be inches lost. Make sure you measure yourself. You may be surprised that even if the scale number are staying the same, you may have lost inches off your body. If you have started any weight training, (which by the way is AWESOME for your body and will help burn fat even when you are not working out), however muscle weighs more than fat so you may have gain some muscle and that might be why the scale hasn't changed.

    I also agree that you have to start drinking more water. You have done a great job already by drinking 3 cups. Try to keep a water bottle nearby at all times. The more you drink the easier it will get. Don't use a cup with a straw, use something that will allow you to guzzle the water down. Before you know it, you will have drank you 8 cups. Also, measure how much water fits in your water bottle and don't fill it up until you have finished it all. I have a bottle that holds 2.5 cups, so I know that when it is finished, that is exaclty how much I have had, then I fill it up again.

    Good luck to you! Add me as your friend if you would like...phatsoslim

    Cheers(with water of course)
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Don't give up. I know it's hard but you just have to stay focused on your goal and the scale will start to move the numbers down. More importantly then the scale should be inches lost. Make sure you measure yourself. You may be surprised that even if the scale number are staying the same, you may have lost inches off your body. If you have started any weight training, (which by the way is AWESOME for your body and will help burn fat even when you are not working out), however muscle weighs more than fat so you may have gain some muscle and that might be why the scale hasn't changed.

    I also agree that you have to start drinking more water. You have done a great job already by drinking 3 cups. Try to keep a water bottle nearby at all times. The more you drink the easier it will get. Don't use a cup with a straw, use something that will allow you to guzzle the water down. Before you know it, you will have drank you 8 cups. Also, measure how much water fits in your water bottle and don't fill it up until you have finished it all. I have a bottle that holds 2.5 cups, so I know that when it is finished, that is exaclty how much I have had, then I fill it up again.

    Good luck to you! Add me as your friend if you would like...phatsoslim

    Cheers(with water of course)
  • kctmw
    kctmw Posts: 23 Member
    OMG you guys! Thank you for all of your suggestions and kind words. :flowerforyou: This is exactly why I joined a site like this! I learned a lot and am gonna try each and every recommendation. Water, varied exercises and caloric intake changes will now become my new best friends! Thanks again for giving me that kick I needed-I won't give up!
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    KC...Don't give up!! You are doing an awesome job. I was stuck for two months! I felt the same way. I was stuck at 172. One day I woke up and I was 170. You just have to hang in there and keep at it. It will happen!!

    P.S You need to drink more water. Really, you have to drink more to lose.
  • kctmw
    kctmw Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks slyder. You have been great! I won't give up-just going through, you know. I appreciate your and all the other replies and suggestions.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Hope your day is going great today!