

  • I have the same problem. Vacations are always difficult. You just have to get back on track and make jood decisions going forward. My biggest issue right now is trying to incorporate exercise into my schedule. I really want to exercise but i'm being very lazy and choosing not to. :cry:
  • That is awesome. I lost 2 my first week and 1.5 this week. I was feeling that was a little fast, but i have really cut back my calorie intake from what my body was used to.:smile: I just need to really focus during the weekends, that is my downfall:mad:
  • Great idea! I need get my measurements taken. Does anyone watch the show called Bulging Brides? They calculate weight loss and measurements and these brides have to lose inches to fit into their wedding dress in time for the big day. Of course on the show they always fit into their dress and lose what they need within 6…
  • I love me more than I love…. Salt n vinegar chips, boardwalk french fries, fried calamari, fast food, cheese puffs, bacon, sausage, scrapple, loaded backed potato, cried cat fish, pizza, cheesy fries, movie popcorn, nachos and cheese, hot dogs, gravy, homemade macaroni and cheese, chipped beef gravy…. I think I’m done.…
  • I ate very bad yesterday. I had 4 beers and a McDonalds dinner. I'm so upset about it today.
  • I say listen to your body. Some say that when your body is thirsty then you are already dehydrated and your body is playing catch up.
    in WATER Comment by baughana July 2009
  • My advice is eat, drink, and be merry:drinker:
  • I have the same issues with exercising. Don’t put so much effort on working out every day. 3-4 times a week is plenty. If you get bored, change up your routine. For me, I love yoga, so I try to do it 2-3 times a week.