Not exercising enough

ugh i can't seem to get the motivation to exercise every day. lately im working from like 8am - 5 or 6pm and when i get home i'm super drained from being dragged around all day by dogs. Then on the days off i sleep in and just feel like being lazy. Anyone else have, had, or still have this problem. What type of exercises do you do in that situation? Every once in awhile i'll use my wrist/ankle weights and do something, or my other weights and use them but not longer thank 10 mins or so


  • baughana
    baughana Posts: 10
    I have the same issues with exercising. Don’t put so much effort on working out every day. 3-4 times a week is plenty. If you get bored, change up your routine. For me, I love yoga, so I try to do it 2-3 times a week.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    I work the same schedule and go to school full time. If I can do it I am sure you will find time. Actually when I am tired and then workout I am not tired anymore, once you pass 5-8 mins into the workout you will be full of energy! Don't give up you can do it! :bigsmile:
  • GlamNGlitter
    i've had this problem ever since july 4th. i just can't get the motivation. worse yet is that i dont even work, i'm a housewife so i really don't have any excuse.

    yesterday i went and added the next level onto my biggest looser bootcamp workout, and OMGGG i'm sooooo sore today I dont think it would be good to work out today so I'm just going to do some yoga instead.

    your not alone!!:laugh:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Huge inspiration to me was the heart rate monitor. Can be pricey but worth it. Seeing how many calories you are burning (usually over what this site says) is an awesome motivation to push yourself just a little bit...or a little bit more.
  • MissNova
    MissNova Posts: 563 Member
    OMG that second level is crazy...I feel you on that one. Sore is good I guess :laugh:
  • GlamNGlitter
    OMG that second level is crazy...I feel you on that one. Sore is good I guess :laugh:

    that second level is INSANEE!!! i never knew i had a lack of balance until yesterday
  • CK07
    CK07 Posts: 10
    I think I've seen a post elsewhere about how you work with the dogs all day and are walking them, lifting etc.

    The Heart Rate Monitor mentioned above would be a really good idea - it's quite possible you are exercising alot at work...especially if you're there from 8-5/6!

    There are some affordable ones at WalMart - the ones with a chest strap are more accurate, but you can make do with the wrist only ones too.

    If not exercising enough, 3-4 days of exercise is also a good idea, you don't have to do it every day either.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I can't for the life of me get my butt back into gear. Ever since July 4th I have gone downhill with eating and exercising. I have no idea what my problem is. I'm very disappointed in myself. I haven't been to the gym in like 2-3 weeks. That's ridiculous...paying money for something I'm not'd think that having to pay for the gym would be motivation in itself lol. I even have an HRM, but it obviously doesn't motivate me enough.

    If anyone has any advice for any of us, let us know asap lol!
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    To the OP- if you don't usually go to a gym, try getting a membership. When I'm left at home with my weights I am very unmotivated. Once I get into a gym, all the fit people motivate me to push through!

    Also, if you can find a gym thats between your work/home, take your gym stuff with you. It helps a lot.

    And last, my #1 motto: If you would have started working out when you thought about it, you'd be done by now!
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    I'm in your boat, I was on vacation all last week so that means vacation from eating healhty and working out. Yes I did work out some, but not nearly enough! I'm trying to get back on track and will go to my spinning class this evening. Also, I see your schedule is 8-5, like mine, and you're tired by the time you get home. I usualy work out at 5 AM before I do ANYTHING so that way if I'm tired after work, I don't really have to do anyting if I don't want to. But, this workout gives me so much energy, taht I'm not tired after work anymore :smile: I have to get myself up tomorrow morning and do this so I can get back on track.
  • 08sweek
    08sweek Posts: 38 Member
    Many people have replied this, but yoga is a wonderful end to those long, tiring days. Try to do about 30 minutes of yoga, it doesn't seem like as much work and actually relaxes you further. I also work 8a-5p and sometimes 6, as well as take classes. Yoga helps me sleep better so I don't have to sleep as long! :smile: