Reza151 Member


  • Hiding food is actually a symptom of disordered eating. As someone in recovery from bulimia, trust me;) that being said, that doesn't necessarily mean you too have an eating disorder. However, i agree with whatn others have already said. Love your mother from a distance for the time being and talk to your primary care…
  • Oh goodness, no! That would take forever, especially because we're doing a potluck, and my aunts always bring a variety of desserts. I'm going to just go for a run that day, exercise the day before and after, and on thanksgiving day, limit myself to foods I normally don't eat, like stuffing and pumpkin pie.
  • Wow MFP, I'm proud of how nice and actually HELPFUL these responses are. Usually these types of threads have trolls all over. OP, I can't stress enough how much everyone else is right: WOrk on yourself first. I stopped dating about 2 or 3 months ago so i can focus on what i want from my life, since I was not happy with my…
  • haha! Finally another Supernatural fan! Sadly I'm still on season 1. It's too episodic for me so it's harder for me to get into, since my focus has been catching up on Lost, Once Upon a Time, and Being Human. By the way, there's going to be a Supernatural convention near me and Misha Collins, Jensen Ackles, and Jared…
  • What a sad society we live in when even pokemon are discriminated against because of their gender. And then you go off and put them in battles like gladiators! Hahahaha I'm tempted to get a 3DS and Pokemon x and y. But I returned my Heart Gold game because I got sick and tired of the same old plot. But I hear they've made…
  • ' That's one of my reasons for working out. I gotta be fit so that I can be a useful companion to the doctor. Not just sexy and smart ;-) lmao!
  • Oh good lord I'm glad I'm not the only one. He even looks attractive in his beast form. And his love story with Belle is just beautiful. Also, I changed the pic to a bigger one:) He's the reason why I've started using the word "dearie"
  • Mr. Gold/ Rumpelstiltskin from Once Upon a Time
  • Star Trek (TOS! I even have a STarfleet medical/science officer minidress uniform), comics (Watchmen, Sandman, Avengers), video games (Playstation, Gamecube, Xbox, etc. I love Legend of Zelda, Castlevania, God of War, Dante's Inferno, minecraft, castle crashers, mario, kirby, Okami, Katmari Damacy...), sci fi and books!…
  • Checking in! Mainly Ps2 and until it died, gamecube. Also have a DSLite and Psp. Lately when I've been house sitting for a friend, I play their Xbox 360 (Dante's Inferno and Left 4 Dead). I also play Minecraft and Castle Crashers on the PC. on my Ps2, I'm playing God of War and Okami ( I have so much catching up to do; i…
  • Hear hear! If I didn't have binging issues, I'd have a Shakira body already lol! It might help for you to post on the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets reminders of your goals. Maybe a picture of how you used to look before the weight gain, a sticky note with reasons why you want to get into shape, some famous person who…
  • :drinker: Bravo, OP. That's a mature response to your situation and the trolls! Best of luck!
  • Funny, I was just contemplating this in the shower last night
  • BOWIE AND TIM CURRY <3 And I second Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. Bonus: He's voiced by Christian Bale!
  • Most songs by Queen. Exhibit A: Dont Stop Me Now Hammer to Fall Love Kills Headlong Seven Seas of Rhye (spelling?) 90s: Lady Marmalade Toxic by Britney Spears Circus by Britney Spears The Call by Backstreet Boys Survivor by Destiny's Child Classic Rock: Wake Me Up Before You Go Rock Me Amadeus by Falco Billy Idol: Dancing…
  • 1. Based on some of the songs on your list, I'd say you would love Zumba ;-D 2. I added a Steam Powered Giraffe (steampunk band) station to Pandora yesterday. Pandora responded with Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. And now I'm like DOWNLOAD ALL THE SONGS!
  • Though I will admit that most of my crushes are well above my age (I'm 25 and they range from 30s to 60s). DAVID FREAKING BOWIE, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr. Misha Collins, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, John Barrowman. I only just recently saw "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and "Clue". I…
  • JARED AND JENSON ARE NOT WEIRD CRUSHES. They are models and gorgeous actors. xD
  • You know, you're very judgemental. :grumble: OP comes in here for support. Yes she made a mistake, a few of them even. BUt she's obviously (hopefully?) learned from them. Do you appreciate it when people call you pathetic and train wreck? Before judging and being harsh towards a stranger, perhaps you should reflect on your…
  • I don't eat back my exercise calories because I follow Dan's method In Place of a RoadMap (IPOARM). I used a calorie calculator that takes into account not only how many hours per week I exercise, but also the fact that I have a desk job, along with my body fat %. So my workout calories are already calculated into my daily…
  • Anyone ever play Dante's Inferno? SOOOO GOOD! I was house sitting for my friends and they have an xbox 360 (all I have is a non-gaming computer, through which I play SPiral Knights, Minecraft, and Castle Crashers, a PS2, a recently dead Gamecube, DSLite, Gameboy Advanced SP, and PSP. I need to upgrade). It reminded me very…
  • Geek cred: Doctor Who Star Trek (TOS!!!) Star Wars Comics (Especially Vertigo and Marvel) Video Games BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Sci Fi and fantasy in general Harry Potter Sherlock Firefly A Song of Ice and Fire
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (to cut calories, I halve portion sizes sometimes), cinnamon, and stevia (all natural, zero calorie sweetener, without the bad side effects of aspartame!).
  • I just moved from Rockville to SIlver Spring (well, Glenmont-Wheaton area technically)
  • Let's save the religious preaching for another forum. I don't understand why sleeping with someone means you don't have self respect. Honestly sex is only wrong if the individuals involved are not two consenting adults and as long as they both have the same expectations (which they didn't in the OP's case since the OP…
  • I agree with everyone: It is SO hard for most people to remain emotionally unattached when you get physically intimate with someone. I only learned in the past 6 months that I can't do it . It sounds like you wanted more than just sex and he made it clear from the beginning that he was only interested in doing the fun and…
  • We have different stats but I log pretty healthful foods (I'm still trying to get into the habit of remmebring to log after dinner. But I log all my other meals and snacks and gym time). SW: 135 CW: 128 GW: 125 Current body fat: 22% Goal body fat: 17%-19% Height: 5 ft. 3 in.; Feel free to add me! (But please include a…
  • They uesed to have a stool but now the staff doesn't know what happenned to it :grumble: Maybe I'll get a handsome guy to give me a boost ;) :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tips on mastering pull-ups? I do negatives but they're already a hassle since I have to jump up to reach the bar in the first place:grumble: I'm going to try the clap pushups when I get to the gym tomorrow (today's my rest day). THanks for the idea!
  • Pushups are easy enough if you start out with the bent knee ones. A few years ago, I started with 3 sets of 15 bent knee pushups and eventually worked my way up to 3 sets of 10 straight legged, 15, and then 20. I thought I would only maybe be able to do a max of 25 in a row last night but it helps to have a good trainer:)