

  • Hang in there! So many people have busy schedules, it makes it hard not to give into snacky temptations. Try planning meals a little better, maybe have some pre-defined meals that are easy to fix up, so 1.) you don't have to spend time thinking about 'what to cook' and 2.) You will know and control what is going in to your…
  • Welcome Shanna, Welcome to the MFP family! You're in the right place, and it's such a good thing that you came into the forums! Why?... because now that you've reached out, people will reach out to you. And, it's excellent that you have a goal weight in mind. All you have to do is log your foods & exercise - there is no…
  • Don't worry bro, can't change her, so you're right about walking away. your a good person for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but with people like that, it only goes on for so long before you realize they are a lost cause. been in this situation before, it's so frustrating, but just leave her be, man. --Dan
  • Catiec, Don't use the scale as your only measurement of success, and try looking at the changes over a longer timeline, like month-by-month. You can easily retain water in your body that adds more weight, but not more fat. Your cycle will cause water retention. Generally speaking, foods with high carbs and high sodium also…
    in Results :( Comment by sapienti July 2012
  • Hey Mandi Don't feel guilty, junk food is like heroin for many of us. Just reflect on what triggered it, and accept that it was a lapse in control (which happens to the best, y'know) and perhaps set yourself up for the occasional cheat meal either by skimping calories somewhere else. Intentionally getting them, but in a…
  • don't trust the calorie counter on ther, get a heart rate monitor and save the gazelle for winter, get a cheap bicycle for summer! -Dan
  • I have a lot of the same feelings and issues about my weight, and this is the way life is - throwing all these events at us, and for a lot of us we pack on the pounds when things change, but I think from your post I can see a pattern - that you have to make better choices about your food, look for healthier alternatives,…
  • from a guys perspective, your pic looks good - attractive, and i agree with coalboilerman's comments. your build is very similar to my wifey - athletic - she's 5'0 and ~115lb. but if she goes between 110 - 120 she will look more athletic at the lower weight and more soft at the higher weight, but she still looks great…
  • Take it one day a time. This is a very useful tool. Enter your calories religiously and honestly, it will help you to find and eliminate the worst culprits. Don't think of the exercise calories as a reason to eat more food. Try to keep your calorie count near your goal despite the exercise leeway. I'm here on account of my…
  • I lived in Thailand for 4 years. I speak Thai alright, & for the portion that I know, I don't even have a terrible accent. I've never studied it formally, so my reading and writing is crap. Currently, I'm listening to the Mandarin tapes from the FSI website. (an excellent & cheap way to learn imho)…
  • today i just reallized that a nature valley brand granola bar is alot higher than i though it was
  • I have been fortunate that my family is supportive, but people who do not really have a "weight" problem don't realize that the fat on our belly is a reflection of how bad our health is, and in some cases their health probably is probably as bad, since they eat the same or worse than we do, it just will eventually manifest…
  • thanks fellow cholecystectomers! now I know I'm not just a wimp! hehe.
  • sometimes the 'cheat' is good if you are feeling stressed about not being able to have a particular food, but as mentioned here before, every bit of food counts and if you can kill a craving with a healthier alternative then do it. i do not believe that having one day a week where you eat higher calorie foods will inhibit…
  • get some good orthotic inserts for your shoes, like at the dr scholls thingy at wal-mart. they are a bit pricey, but make the walk so much less painful. i've had foot problems for a couple years and I recently got a pair, it is really nice how well the orthotic will relieve the pressure points on the feet that get sore…
  • My $0.02... Appropriate Weights + Appropriate Reps + Best Technique = Greater Muscle Development