

  • I could have posted this myself. I have had 2 babies. Both pregnancies I had a very difficult time gaining weight - gained under 10 pounds with both. For the first month of breastfeeding I ended up well below my pre-pregnancy weight. Then the weight starts packing on. I gained about 25 pounds while breastfeeding with my…
  • My daughter had terrible reflux, so she had to sleep at an incline. We found a bouncer sleeper that was great, but I wanted to be near her while she slept in it, so she slept in our room until about 6 months. We had a futon in her room, so for the first few nights in her crib, I slept on the futon so she knew I was there.…
  • I know this isn't really a great answer to your question, nor have I ever been on Prednisone for an extended amount of time, but I've been doing a lot of research because of issues that I'm having. Extended use of steroids (like prednisone or for me, inhaled steriods for my ashtma) can cause Cushings in some people which…
  • Hmmm, the adrenal fatigue could totally fit. I took an online "test", haha and it came out as way positive. The doctor I've been seeing is an endocrinologist so I'll talk to her about it. She's tested my cortisol levels and they were definitely higher the day I exercised (even though they took blood 7 hours later) compared…
  • I log things that are either workouts or out of the norm like walking to the grocery store. Sometimes I feel like laundry day should count when I'm running up and down 2 flights of stairs to do each load though.
  • Although you can't pick where you lose weight - if you are one of those people that gains a lot of weight around the midsection sometimes it's due to eating too many carbs. Pay attention to the balance of your proteins, fats, and carbs and make sure you're not super carb heavy. Also stress and anxiety can play a big part…
  • Yay - I love math :) I taught various middle and high school math classes for the last 10 years and it was a blast! I kind of miss it now that I'm a stay at home mom. I was a computer science major in college though.
  • I'm totally a nerd too! Love so much of what people have already listed - huge Dr. Who, Torchwood, HP, anything Joss Whedon fan just to name a few things. My little brother wasn't even a Dr. Who fan and ended up rooming with one of the cast members. I was soooo jealous!