

  • I actually knew that Concerta causes manic and mixed swings in bipolar, but that's mostly in bipolar 1- I have bipolar 2, so even if I switched to hypomanic, it's.. not really not detrimental at all for me to be hypomanic. The only thing i have to watch out for is panic attacks. Adderall XR and Adderall both gave me panic…
  • Haha, everyone is telling me to buy lots of chocolate milkshakes... Unfortunately concerta is also a diuretic so I've been drinking lots of Koolaid (I know, so much sugar, but I've been addicted to weakly-made Koolaid since I was like, 5 years old).
  • That chili sounds SO good, and i'm in love with avocados. And spicy, Concerta was originally used for ADD/ADHD, but it is also used as a SUPPLEMENT, not usually a treatment, for depression. I'm bipolar 2 so I'm also on a mood stabilizer and small dose of anti-psychotic, but the medicines I was on, although great for…
  • Oh really? I didn't know that. Definitely a good thing to know though! also besides the weight gain it was completely ineffective at treating my symptoms haha! I got off of it immediately but not before it took a toll on my body. It's funny though becuase I'm on an actual anti-psychotic right now and I haven't experienced…
  • I've never taken lexapro, but abilify made me gain thirty pounds, and it wasn't even because I was eating more, I think I was eating less than I usually do but my metabolism slowed down. Of course, as soon as I got off of it, I lost all the weight.
  • And thank you everybody for telling me to focus on inches and not the scale. I did think I looked thinner which is why it was driving me crazy that I haven't lost barely any weight.. I guess I'm too number oriented.
  • Oh hahaha, no, especially for the last week, I've only beeen tracking my calories from breakfast until lunch, it's just harder for me to track my calories from dinner onward because my mom makes my dinner (I'm a college student at home for the summer). And I do have snacks after that too. Last night I had ben and jerry's…
  • HAHA I laughed! But what is vegetarian, my take on the egg and cheese breakfast muffin: A low calorie english muffin (, toasted, three egg whites, a slice of 2% or no fat kraft cheese melted with 2 strips of Morningstar fake bacon, I believe that's somewhere around 260 calories, and it's really delicious!
  • I'm 5'6 and going for 104 >_> My build is like miniscule though, and I'm not very muscular at all. If I start to gain muscle mass, my goal will definitely change to higher. I'm also only 18.
  • I totally agree with this ^_^ Your bone structure has a lot to do with it too I think. 130 pounds and 5'4 can look completely different on someone with a large bone structure and a small bone structure. I think it's a good idea to judge by how you feel you look rather than numbers (:
  • It's been extremely difficult for me to get over 1,000 >_> Probably why i lost 2 pounds in three days. My calorie intake has been going down I think because when I eat less I get less hungry. I think I should remind myself just to eat every few hours so I feel hungry.
  • So good fats to bad fats... are... like monounsaturated fats > polyunsaturated fats > saturated fat > trans fat? (i'm trying to remember about macromolecules from my intro to cells class 0_0) and... what else? Like in avocados or nuts? I'm not sure how much of the good fats I'm supposed to be eating every day...
  • I'm not diabetic, just hypoglycemic and it only happens occasionally. I also have been a vegetarian for my whole life so I'm fully aware of how much protein and what other nutrients I need. I take fish oil pills for omega 3/vitamin B6 and B12 supplements (the only meat ive ever eaten :frown: ) and vitamins every day. I was…
  • Oh really haha?! I love it so much too! I do the exact same thing, with cheese or on tortilla chips. It tastes awesome!
  • And use low sodium canned black beans, and I figured out the nutritional information- Serves four, one serving of beans (1 cup)- Calories- 133 Fat- 4g Carbs- 25g Fiber- 7.25g (lots of fiber!) Protein- 6g Sodium- 381 mgs without added salt One cup of brown rice- Calories- 218 Fat- 2g Sodium- 2mg Carbs- 46g Fiber- 3.5 g…
  • Oh yeah and I forgot to say, add as much or as little salt and pepper as you want at the end of the beans cooking!
  • I love beans and rice, but I don't know the recipe.. I kind of just wing it every time. Let's see.. 2 cans black beans 1 can stewed chopped tomatoes 1 chopped onion 1 tbsp garlic (that may be too much, it's hard to estimate on a computer!) 1 tbsp canola oil salt to taste pepper to taste So, cook the onions and garlic in a…
  • This has actually happened to me before, I think I lost 6 pounds in one day when I knew I hadn't. The next day I weighed as much as i did two days before so I'm pretty sure it was just insane water weight fluctuation.
  • Vegetarian meat is a lot easier to cook (i think?) and a lot healthier than actual meat. A boca burger just takes 1:15 in the microwave to cook and it's 80 calories, with a light bun and ketchup it's like 200 calories and very filling with little fat and a lot of protein. There's many different varieties too- hamburgers,…