hypotension and hypoglycemia?

I have occasional hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hypotension (low blood pressure from dehydration). When I eat 1200-1400 calories, by the end of the day I feel like i'm going to pass out probably from low blood sugar (I have an EXTREMELY fast metabolism) and sometimes, since I hate drinking water and I drink coffee or tea at least once a day, I get dehydrated and actuallly do black out, especially in the shower (dilating blood vessels from heat) or in the morning when I stand up from getting out of bed.
Does anyone know how I can combat especially eating less food and not getting low blood sugar
(i'm not diabetic by the way) or dehydration? I hate feeling weak, dropping things, or having trouble exercising or even walking.
I've been drinking water with a tiny bit of koolaid mix in it which seems to be helping with the dehydration, but I'm also a vegetarian and don't consume any artificial sweeteners.


  • twilight1542
    twilight1542 Posts: 403
    Being diabetic & a vegetarian you absolutely should talk to your Doctor before doing any kind of diet. You have to be really careful that you aren't doing your body more harm than you are good by trying to lose weight! I'm speaking from the experience of dealing w/dehydration in my diabetic Dad. You should go back to your diet prior to starting MFP until you can get some guisdnce from your doctor.
  • tori_anne
    tori_anne Posts: 28
    Being diabetic & a vegetarian you absolutely should talk to your Doctor before doing any kind of diet. You have to be really careful that you aren't doing your body more harm than you are good by trying to lose weight! I'm speaking from the experience of dealing w/dehydration in my diabetic Dad. You should go back to your diet prior to starting MFP until you can get some guisdnce from your doctor.

    I'm not diabetic, just hypoglycemic and it only happens occasionally. I also have been a vegetarian for my whole life so I'm fully aware of how much protein and what other nutrients I need. I take fish oil pills for omega 3/vitamin B6 and B12 supplements (the only meat ive ever eaten :frown: ) and vitamins every day.

    I was just wondering what types of food / how often I should eat, and ideas for drinks :|

    Most doctors don't approve of my losing weight anyway so it's kind of hard to consult doctors >_>
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Hi Tori,
    I just took a look at your pics and diary. I would agree with your Dr...you don't look like you need to lose any weight. And, of what you've logged, you're eating under 1000 calories a day. A simple suggestion is simply to eat more, both in number of times you eat during the day and the calories.

    Regarding dehydation, it's the easiest thing to combat....drink more water throughout the day. Not just when you're thirsty, but even when you're not. If you can't seem to remember, then fill a big jug of water in the morning and make sure you've drank it all before bed. If you can't haul around a jug of water, then get a 20 oz bottle and refill it at least 3 times if not more throughout the day.

    Good luck.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Maybe instead of trying to lose weight you could work with pilates and/or weight trainers to streamline your body ?(not that I see one dang thing that you could improve, personally).

    Eating too little will cause sugar crashes and a good way to minimize those is to eat regularly (every 2-3 hours) and know the glycemic index of the foods you eat (as well as how they affect you). I printed off a chart to help me until I memorize them.

    You could try drinks that have zero calories/carbs/fat/sugars but still taste good - I drink Diet Green Tea with ginseng a lot, as well as lotsa water. Every time I have a snack scheduled (yeah, they have a time schedule), I drink a 20 oz bottle of water with it. I know i'm getting plenty by the end of the day. I also sometimes use those "to go" flavor things from Crystal Light in my bottled water.