mulderpf Member


  • You seem more deadset on losing weight rather than getting healthy. Hitting a plateau shouldn't be ok for the sake of hitting a weight goal - it goes along the same type of thinking many people have that they want to lose weight and don't care whether it's muscle or fat. Rather do it right, than waste your time doing it…
  • You need patience - you didn't pick up the weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. Give it a bit more time - at least a week and then look. How many calories are you eating, are you exercising, how much do you have to lose, what's your body fat %? All these variables make a difference.
  • Uhm, your ticker says you lost 20kgs...obviously you are doing something right... :laugh:
  • In a pot that I often eat, it's around 15g of sugar for the unflavoured one and 20g of sugar for the flavoured one!! To me though, I now eat it if I am on the run (I went through a phase of eating it every day). I have tried "real" oats, but I end up getting frustrated, because I make it at work and the bowls aren't big…
  • Just pick a day and keep it consistent.
  • You should count exercise calories only once. If you count it in your lifestyle options (which is NOT the way that MFP is set up), then you should count it again, because then you are double counting exercise calories. If you exclude it from your lifestyle options (read the descriptions, they say NOTHING about exercise),…
  • Mmm, the lack of food has made you grumpy it appears!! Read my response and see why it is a bad idea to net below 1200. That's what you asked, that's what I answered you. You can do it, but it's more than likely that you will be burning muscle instead of fat. How to stop that? Put food in your mouth and let your body use…
  • So I apologise if my previous comment was deemed unfriendly, because it just seemed like you wanted to hear what you wanted hear instead of getting a "lecture". Here's how it works and why you shouldn't ever net less than 1200 calories, regardless of macros. Being on such a low calorie diet, means that you are more than…
  • This comment tells me that you have read up on the damage your are doing to your body at such low calories, so not sure why you are asking. You should never go below 1200 net calories, nevermind remain AT this level for too long unless you are really short (less than 5'3).
  • MFP is simply going by the inputs you give it. You asked for help on here two weeks ago also and people told you to up your calories, but you didn't do this. You don't have much to lose, so you are doing more harm than good. The last thing you would want is for the weight that's coming off to be muscle. Don't let your body…
  • It's very difficult to tell, but I looked through your post history to see that you were on a 1200 calorie diet back in August, despite your BMR being around the 1400 mark at the time and then still doing exercise on top of that. If you've kept this up for 3 months, I'd completely blame it on not putting enough energy in.…
  • For the most accurate results, use raw weights. Cooking introduces too many variables - pasta and rice absorbs different amounts of water depending on the way it's been cooked and water evaporates differently from meat depending on the exact temperature and method of cooking. One grilled chicken breast could vary greatly…
  • Welcome Candice!! Be sure to also read some of the sticky threads - here's a link which will give you a link to others you should be reading:
  • What's your stats? I'm 5'11" and I eat 2100 calories a day and I'm losing. My carbs are pretty high (I don't think I've ever had a meal that didn't come with a carb, except when I was doing Atkins several years ago which is an experience I never wish to repeat again). This is useful:…
  • :drinker: Love it when that happens!! Congratulations!!
  • So it's basically normal popcorn with milk. Can't say that it sounds all...:sick:
  • E!!! I can't imagine how anyone can survive on even less, because I am already at a bit of a cut-down level to where I used to be. I don't see carbs as the enemy, the only problem with them is that they are quite calorie-dense...hahaha.
  • It's a bit like saying that you aren't going to stick to the speed limit because your car determines speed differently to other cars. It may not be 100% accurate, but you are a lot less likely to speed if you use your car's speedometer than to just ignore it altogether. Same thing with BMR and TDEE. Just blindly following…
  • BMR uses a standard formula for men and women, if you are getting different results, you are entering something wrong.
  • Just eat less rice and roti and replace it with some veggies, you don't have to cut it out completely though.
  • It does matter a little bit. Eating a chocolate brownie vs a balanced meal with some carbs, veggies and protein, you can imagine which would be better for you if the calories were the same. That said though, if you are used to eating a chocolate brownie every day and you suddenly switch to eating only salads, you can only…
  • Ooooooooooooooooohhhhh. Ok, well in that case, I'll just go sit on the couch and watch TV instead.
  • Hahaha - okay. This is strange topic, it seems like you want someone to go "why all the pills"? Whatever floats your boat - if it works for you, whether just as a placebo or actually does something, then there's no real harm. It's not anything you take is actually dangerous.
  • Uhm, the ads at the top are adsense ads, so it's based on your own personal interests and your own internet history. So the diet gimmick advertiser is targeting you, because you searched for it somewhere :laugh: I keep seeing ads for crock pots, because I did a bit of a search for it on Amazon, now I'm constantly reminded…
  • Are you doing 1200 calories because you want fast results? Work out your BMR and your TDEE using the links the tryclyn posted. You should be eating at least your BMR, but below your TDEE to safely and sustainably lose weight. Your body needs BMR calories just to be alive, this isn't affected whether you are busy or not,…
  • It's not the end of the world. I have a drink or three fairly often, every two or three weeks, I have even more. I just make sure I log it all so that I know how much I went over. I then check how much I went over my TDEE (NOT BMR or calorie goal!!!) and usually I don't, so I don't worry any further about it. If I went…
  • NO!!! This is incorrect!! If you did nothing but eat and sleep, you would be burning 1920 calories a day (1600 x 1.2). Your BMR calories is for stuff to keep your body alive and organs going. Doing stuff like going to the toilet, making food, sitting, etc is over and above that (the extra 320 calories on top). You are not…
  • You didn't put the weight on overnight, don't expect to lose it overnight. Take it a little bit slower. The last thing you want to do is to lose some of the weight fast, but let it have other effects on your body like a stalled metabolism. Once your metabolism stalls (and cutting down on calories for so long means you are…