
Hi, I really need some help here!
I've been losing weight pretty steadily since July, down about 11kg so far. Everything was going great until a few weeks ago when I started feeling bloated, and my weight started fluctuating like crazy. I noticed I was emptying my bowels much less frequently than normal (when everything's regular, I'd go on a daily basis about 20 mins after breakfast). My first thought was that I wasn't getting enough fibre (even though I eat fruits and veggies every day), so I started having All Bran with my breakfast and taking Metamucil. That helped for a little while, but about 10 days ago the problem started up again. I didn't have any movement for three days, so I reluctantly took a some laxatives, which cleaned me out, but two days later I was backed up again. I don't understand why this is happening. I feel awful and bloated and heavy and I can't seem to make it stop.

I've opened my diary, and I'd love any help or tips you guys have! I drink a crapload of water, keep my fibre high, go on runs most days, and generally stay away from bad foods.

Thank you!


  • jerman01
    jerman01 Posts: 34 Member
    I get that way also. My daughter told me about smooth move tea. It helps keep you regular. Just don't use it all the time. I only if I have not gone in a day.
  • I had similar issues for a LONG time. About 3 months ago I started eating 5-6 small meals a day and added a probiotic. Problems cleared up almost overnight. Only time I have a problem now is if I have a bigger than normal meal. Good luck!
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    Ugh story of my life. I eat heaps of vegies, fruit, muesli exercise 4 times a week, drink water, take benefibre and laxatives (probably weekly) and still only go once, maybe twice a week. Hate it.

    Have you tried eliminating bananas? They are known to cause it. Also add in prunes and pears.

    I'm cutting out dried fruit in my muesli as I was told the sulphur can cause tummy issues too.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    fiber requires a lot of water otherwise it can be counterproductive. have you recently been drinking less water than usual?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Two words.

    Taco Bell

    You're welcome
  • Kristineevans1
    Kristineevans1 Posts: 64 Member
    Can't see your diary but make sure you have enough fat in your diet flaxseed is good
  • johannajebediah
    johannajebediah Posts: 55 Member
    i can't see your diaries but make sure you're getting enough fruits and veggies! (raw as much as possible) i find that cooked carbs, especially bread, pancakes, wraps, etc. bloat me up and sometimes get me backed up.

    one thing i do every day is drink 1/2 to 1 lemon squeezed into 1Litre of water (1/2 cold, 1/2 boiling) and have it every morning before i eat or drink anything else. makes me feel great, and definitely helps clean you out!

    if the problem persists, though, you should consult a naturopath or some kind of doctor, sometimes constipation is a symptom of a food intolerance or digestive problem. many people who are gluten sensitive experience this, but check with a medical professional!
  • mulderpf
    mulderpf Posts: 209 Member
    It's very difficult to tell, but I looked through your post history to see that you were on a 1200 calorie diet back in August, despite your BMR being around the 1400 mark at the time and then still doing exercise on top of that. If you've kept this up for 3 months, I'd completely blame it on not putting enough energy in.

    Your BMI is in the normal range, so your body can only extract that much fat at any point in time to get energy and you aren't making up the difference with food. If your body doesn't have enough energy to keep your digestive system running properly, things may start getting messy. Something has to give eventually when you eat so little - either your body has to slow down energy use (organs slowing down or not working properly) or it has to start getting energy from other sources (muscle).
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Your food diary is not open... I can offer a few suggestions/ideas.
    1) make sure you're drinking enough non-caffeinated beverages, preferably water. Aim for a half of what you weigh in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds drink 80 oz. of water a day (more, if you exercise/sweat heavily).
    2) eat plenty of FRESH fruit and veggies. However, with that said, some fruits/veggies (watermelon, garlic, bananas, onions, etc) contain fructans that some people are not able to digest. I was on a watermelon kick over the summer and as soon as i would begin to eat the watermelon my belly would bloat up so badly i looked like i was 6 months pregnant, no joke.. It was awful! Check out link FYI.. .
    3) increase tour probiotics meaning yogurt (id try to eat Greek just because it has a better nutritional profile than standard yogurt).
    4) if you use any type of protein supplement, especially whey protein, it can tend to create a problem with bloating and gas. See link for info.. (
    5) consider using a low dose magnesium supplement. Many people are magnesium deficient and don't know it. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant (including internal/involuntary muscles such as our intestines). It is the "salt" in Epsom salts that people soak in when they have sore muscles. The skin/muscles absorb the magnesium and it relaxes your voluntary muscles. If you take a magnesium pill or drink some epsom salts, it is safe for most people, it can help to reduce constipation.
    6) on occasion i use a tea from Traditional Medicine called Senna Tea with chamomile. It works gently and overnight and definitely delivers what it says..
    7) too much caffeine and too much alcohol can cause constipation...

    Constipation can be a sign of other issues as well... To include undiagnosed medical issues. See link for other issues... Hopefully some of this will help and i hope you find comfort soon! ????????????
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Okay I have problems with this too...and I find a nice strong cup of black coffee helps me.

    I've tried OTC stuff and it hasn't helped. Black coffee is the best remedy for constipation for me. Green Tea works well too but Black Coffee is the winner. I has to be a STRONG cup

    I have awful bloating too, I've found drinking tons of water, limiting my diet soda addiction to one a day and lower carb days help reduce bloating. Sometimes if bloating get particularly bad I'll do an intermittent fast.
  • I think that Pri biotics will help .Yes ,I said Pre not Pro .I am talking about salad stuff such as Arugula , Radicchio, spinach and greens along that line .I gathered that information from the Dr. Oz show one day . These things are good for consistent bowel movement according to OZ. You can check on line for that info with the Dr. Oz Show .I hope that this is useful to you. :smile:
  • have you tried using digestive enzymes, its helped me with the bloating and also keeps me regular.
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    It's very difficult to tell, but I looked through your post history to see that you were on a 1200 calorie diet back in August, despite your BMR being around the 1400 mark at the time and then still doing exercise on top of that. If you've kept this up for 3 months, I'd completely blame it on not putting enough energy in.

    Your BMI is in the normal range, so your body can only extract that much fat at any point in time to get energy and you aren't making up the difference with food. If your body doesn't have enough energy to keep your digestive system running properly, things may start getting messy. Something has to give eventually when you eat so little - either your body has to slow down energy use (organs slowing down or not working properly) or it has to start getting energy from other sources (muscle).

    Totally agree with this post.

    Good luck getting it sorted - I take fibre husk (Isophogul- available from some Asian food stores or on line) every single day - keeps me regular as a bird - no fibre - no poo xx

  • Ahh sorry, I was on my phone, I swear I opened my diary! It's open now. Thanks for all the tips, I'll definitely try them out. I'll ease off on the bananas and try drinking more water (although I already drink 3+ litres a day), and I might consider upping my calorie intake.

    Thanks again!
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    Bump. This is happening to me too. Interested in the responses. Thanks for posting!
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    bmp for later
  • 28848
    28848 Posts: 32 Member
    Two words.

    Taco Bell

    You're welcome

    :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • PurrfumeGIrl
    PurrfumeGIrl Posts: 31 Member
    Try eating more nuts, especially Almonds. Almonds, like other nuts are high in fiber but Almonds are a natural laxative.
    I actually can't eat them because they are such great laxatives :)
  • ejbraun
    ejbraun Posts: 93 Member
    bump, similar problem here
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    This is the same as me!! I have eaten lots of vegetable stews and soups this week and its given me painful bloating, but Ive also been having hunger pangs, sort of fluctuating between feeling starving hungry and feeling full??? Which is really strange. I will take the advice on here and drink a little bit more.
  • HA! I whole heartedly agree with taunto's post about taco bell. Every once in a while if I'm feeling real dangerous I'll stop after work and get just one 5 layer burrito and I am cleaned out within the hour.

    On a more serious note, I had this happen to me as well due to hightened protein intake. The thing that helps me the most is green tea. Any kind I just basically drink the same amount of water (a lot) and add I would say about 16-24 oz. of green tea in there throughout the day and that normally helps with any kind of bloating, cloggyness, or indigestion I may be experiencing.