muirspud Member


  • I own a BBQ frying pan Awesome for anything vegetarian that you dont want to mix with any of the meat on the BBQ.
  • Love this page, but it be super cool if anyone uploading pics, could put a calorie total with there pic. Wish i had alot more time, to create dishes and take pics. Living at wrong side of the pond to get some of these great ingredients!
  • be you em pee
  • Bernard Matthews Turkey Dinosaurs and salad. I am a cook/chef by living and has made lots of meals, but never took any pictures. But as im back on the wagon, and if i get time. Il try take a few more pics of healthy creations. Turkey Dinosaurs 113 calories each, weight watchers pitta bread about 105cal, salad and coleslaw…
  • I use the bbcgoodfood site alot as well for ideas, but sometimes its just the same stuff. Loving some of the sites especially the fitness recipes, as im trying to cut down on the carbs alot and there is alot of healthier puddings.
  • Grilled chicken kebabs, salad, no sauce, or add your own sauce if its healthy enough. Egg foo yung (omelletes from chinese) I love chinese food, but i gotta stay away from rice, noodles, anything in batter or deep fried. Prawns and seafood dishes are usually better for you than the meat ones. Anything in szechaun sauce…
  • You could just be turning fat into muscle, if you are losing inches then you are doing something right, thats for sure. Try running or jogging if possible. That will get the heart pumping fast!
  • You are probably turning fat into muscle. What sort of workout are you doing? Ive been told, to do at least 45mins of cardio as that will get the heart rate up enough, to then, start burning off the fat.
  • My profile pic, is me of just under 4 year ago, I was about 20lb heavier before i started to lose weight in that pic. During my bad fat days, i didnt have pics done, nor went to many family events. I even didnt have a camera on my fone. But after losing a bit of weight, and being about 17 1/2 stone (245lb), i wasnt…
  • Dieting is marathon, not a sprint i have found. You could lose lots of weight fast, but then you may struggle to not keep it off after you have hit your goal. I see it as, changing your ways and getting a good eating and living lifestlye and adapting new things to your life which you are going to keep. If someone said 1lb…
  • Eggs are your friends, omelettes, poached, boiled, scrambled Bacon, sausages. Obviously without the fat on the bacon. Cold packet meats, like turkey, low fat ham etc. I have smoked salmon which is packed with protein.
  • Did no one from the uk watch the secret eaters program? 1 guy used to drink alot of diet coke a day, probably about 2ltr as he was trying to lose weight, and what it does is, you think it supresses the urge for fizzy drink, but without the sugar intake. But it will make you want to eat more sugary foods as your taste buds…
  • Definetly not many men on here, but then again, weight loss, body issues and image has never been a male dominated topic. You know the saying guys, when you with your partner, they secretly fatten you up to take you off the market! But anyway, i started about 4 week ago, i was 280lb about 4 years ago and ive lost about…
  • Im off to vegas in november, and my treat if i can lose another 15lb is to drive a nascar! If i dont, il gamble till im broke!
  • Some awesome responses! Also on the coffee part, i may have a skiny latte, then i have a couple of biscuits, and then repeat this maybe twice a day, and those healthy coffees turn into 300-400 calorie fests! Ive not given up alot of food, i just have it within moderation and put it down in my calorie diary. Last week, i…
  • 27 and from uk, if any uk users want to add! Not that im a overseas racist or anything, but its tough to be all the american supermarket foods here and be good to see what other fellow brits are buying and eating!
  • Fish is your friend for alot of 400 cal meals. Trout, salmon, mackerel. Some quickie foods. Bernard matthew Turkey burgers or only 144 calorie per burger. Quorn burgers are about 80cal per burger, bit of salad and dressing takes away the bland flavour of it. If your wanting to do a fajita style dish, but with healthier…
  • Its a spicy sauce. The best alternate and just as nice here, is the piri piri marinade and dressing. Morrisons is quite good, and its not as many calories either compared to other dressings you can get in the supermarket, plus its bluddy nice and warm!