

  • I'm actually going to be a senior in college, buttttt the Freshman 15 has decided to stay all this time. I sent you a friend request (:
  • I try to add variety to my weekly trips. A staple of my grocery list is definitely some kind of dairy product since I actually use to have a hard time fitting calcium and protein into my diet: Skim milk, 2% milk Colby jack cheese sticks, plain Greek yogurt After that I kind of just enjoy my grocery shopping and explore the…
  • Thanks guys! I was finding it very hard to stay within the sugar limit and I eat healthy things! I'm so glad others are going over their limit as well. And I believe I'll take the advice of reformatting my trackers to something more useful, maybe fiber! (:
  • I thought I was getting a deal with my 1/2 cup of Greek frozen yogurt at 150 calories! I'll definitely have to check this out after I run out of my frozen yogurt. Thank you! (:
  • I actually just got a sports bra at Victoria Secret as well. I thought it would be a good way to spend my gift card I had there (: I love it! It fits likes a glove and the girls look quite good in it if I do say so myself (; I definitely wouldn't be opposed to rewarding myself with another one!
  • Those are great ideas! My boyfriend and I have been talking how we've wanted to try skydiving. I've never been on a hot air balloon ride either! And I am always up to reward myself with any type of clothing, so that's always an idea (: Thanks!
  • I'm in the same boat for the most part. I gained weight in my last three years at college, but I'm relatively thin. My max weight loss would be 20 lbs, but I'd be happy at 10 - 15 lb. Those last pounds are the hardest to get off! I've actually hit a lazy streak and haven't worked out in the past few days partially because…
  • Request sent (:
  • YES. Every single day. It asks "Why do you even bother? You are most likely just going to throw in the towel in a month. Just bring the family size bag of Doritos to our room already so we can go back to relaxing and forgeting about this nonsense." The awesome thing about this voice though is realizing that you can…
  • Technically no, but I rarely eat meat. I have no idea why, I don't crave meat, so I just don't eat it. I love seafood though! But I'm also a cheap person, so seafood is a splurge for me that doesn't happen often. I usually put my calories into WebMD, but when I put them in, it shows me I'm getting close to my fat/protein…
  • Hi! I'd love to become your MFP friend. I joined this forever ago, forgot about it, and now I'm trying to get back on track. And MFP friends would definitely help me out and hopefully I would be able to help them! I just posted my first day of eating on here, but I'm actually finding it difficult to up my calories to what…