What happens if I don't meet my calorie count each day?

I wanted to start this journey out right, so I've become a very healthy eater. My day usually consist of:

1 packet of instant banana nut bread
1 piece of fruit
1 Ziploc quart size bag of fresh mixed vegetables - celery, carrots, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes
1 salad - 1 cup of spinach, 1 tbsp of blue cheese crumbles, 1/8 dried cranberries, 2 tbsp of raspberry vinaigrette
1 cup of plain Greek yogurt and 2/3 cup of frozen mixed berries - raspberries, blackberries, strawberries
1 cup of skim milk (not always)
1 serving of some kind of nut

And of course a LOT of water and 2 cups of hot green tea.

Also, I usually exercise too. Some strength training and 30 minutes of cardio.

This is just what I've been eating lately, but when I put it in the calorie calculator it is not up to my actual allowance, it is usually under. Will this short out my metabolism and make me stay stagnate or gain? I don't feel hungry during this meal plan and I don't get headache or tired spells that would lead me to believe that I'm depriving my body. I just don't want to overeat, but I definitely don't want to starve my body.

Has anyone gone through this? I would really appreciate some insight!


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's more about health when you're talking about eating too little. Without sufficient calories, you're not getting enough nutrients. While you may be eating healthy things, you're not getting nearly enough protein or fat in your diet.

    Are you a vegetarian?
  • EmmGriffith652
    Technically no, but I rarely eat meat. I have no idea why, I don't crave meat, so I just don't eat it. I love seafood though! But I'm also a cheap person, so seafood is a splurge for me that doesn't happen often.

    I usually put my calories into WebMD, but when I put them in, it shows me I'm getting close to my fat/protein healthy levels for the day so I tried to keep that in check. But I think you're right about the fat and protein. I'm going to try to incorporate some more healthy fats and proteins to get to my calorie goal, I don't like being so under!
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    It's more about health when you're talking about eating too little. Without sufficient calories, you're not getting enough nutrients. While you may be eating healthy things, you're not getting nearly enough protein or fat in your diet.

    I recently upped my calories, proteins, and fats. I feel better, and I look better. my skin is glowing. I thought I was shallow enough before, but now my vanity has been renewed. ;)