LiveHarder Member


  • I weigh 345ish right now, my highest weight was around 360 so I'm pretty close to you, but I think my goal weight is probably closer to 160ish area.
    in 391 Comment by LiveHarder February 2014
  • I like 100 calorie packs of almonds, kind bars, hummus with baby carrots, cottage cheese, PB2 on a sandwich thins with jelly(I actually use a little pumpkin butter from a local orchard), fruit obviously, special k "chips", light string cheese, boiled eggs, and turkey and cheese pinwheels(I use Joseph's flax and bran lavash…
  • I would love to join because I have a long way to go and I need a good motivational support team. Plus I love learning what works for different people. If I'm not 110% immersed into my fitness journey I have a hard time staying on track. I've derailed myself over trips time and time again. I'm 27 years old I'm 5'8'' CW is…
  • I quit drinking soda a little over four years ago. I have one once in a while, usually involving alcohol or the desire for something a little different. I never crave them anymore, though I do see diet dr pepper sometimes and think dang... The headache sucks because like stated before caffeine is a drug and your body is…
  • What are you scared of exactly? Trying to maintain? I drink shakes similar to slimfast from sometimes, just because they are easy, fast and no brainwork or calculation. I know that's probably not what you are looking for, but if there is anything I can help with, just let me know. :smile:
  • Try the mio and like other users said the crystal light or things similar to this. Do you drink when you eat? Sometimes lots of water on an empty stomach can even make me feel icky and I love water. Also try to consume more water-rich fruits, to help you get more in your system.
  • Water Hummus Wheat pitas Eggs VitaTops(The Deep Chocolate when I can find them) Low Fat Cool Whip(especially with sugar free jello and fruit~try sugar-free peach jello with blueberries) Subway(high in sodium but so easy when you are on the go) Dannon Oikos Vanilla Greek Yogurt Prepacked Fresh Fruit Salad Salsa!! Veggie…
  • I honestly haven't dealt with any repeated harassment about my size since I was in highschool. Not even in the workplace. Yeah I've been teased some and subjected to some negative comments, but not on a regular basis. You said that you usually are confident as a bigger woman. Since you said he was bigger than you, maybe…
  • I know I may not seem like the best person to be giving advice, but in my experience sticking to meals that includes lots of veggies and lean protein are great ways to cut down on carbs. This depends mostly on what kind of food you like to eat but some good examples of this are ~Salads(becareful with dressings, cheese,…