Water makes me sick :-/

mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
I am really trying to drink more water. I have been trying for a while.

If I am not forcing myself to drink it, then hey I can down a good 8 ounces in a matter of a minute when I get thirsty. The problem is I only drink one 8 ounce cup or so a day. I dont drink much else. No milk. A soda (12 ounces) a day or so, but I am working so hard to force myself to take in more water.

I forced down 40 ounces today with 12 ounces of soda. So 52 ounces of liquid.

I find when I am forcing myself to drink more water (like today with 40 ounces) I get a little sick to my stomach while I am doing it, and I gag. Has anyone else had this issue? It doesnt matter if its cold or warm, when I force it, I dont feel well.


  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    Try adding something to it...I like to keep a cold pitcher of water in the fridge, and mix different things into it. My faves are lemon slices, berries, sometimes just a few mint leaves...it makes it much more appealing. Also, you could try drinking some green tea in place of some of the water- I love green tea, so I tend to drink more of it. I also find that it's easier to get my 8 cups/day of water in if I drink a glass before every meal. Drink up! :drinker:
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Try adding something to it...I like to keep a cold pitcher of water in the fridge, and mix different things into it. My faves are lemon slices, berries, sometimes just a few mint leaves...it makes it much more appealing. Also, you could try drinking some green tea in place of some of the water- I love green tea, so I tend to drink more of it. I also find that it's easier to get my 8 cups/day of water in if I drink a glass before every meal. Drink up! :drinker:

    Tea is a no go. No matter how much I try I cannot drink it, and I hate the taste. I thought "hey its good for me suck it up and drink it", nope didnt work. Thanks for that suggestion. I dont usually add anything to my water, just fill up a cup from my zero water pitcher and drink it down.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I haven't had that problem per say, but I have lived in places that the water was really disgusting and I didn't want to drink it. We buy bottled water for that reason. I also like to take Ice and water and blend it up so its like a water slushy. I would be good with a bit of honey and lime in it.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I haven't had that problem per say, but I have lived in places that the water was really disgusting and I didn't want to drink it. We buy bottled water for that reason. I also like to take Ice and water and blend it up so its like a water slushy. I would be good with a bit of honey and lime in it.

    We dont drink our water, we get Deep Rock Water from the Mountains in 5 gallon jugs because our water is GROSS. I went from being spoiled and drinking Denver water, to not being able to drink tap water. I like that water slushy idea. I may have to use that...we dont have a/c...so that would be a nice way to cool off.
  • yamira2282
    yamira2282 Posts: 3 Member
    When i am having trouble i prepare a jar of blueberry mint lemonade. Or perrier water with a splash of apple juice or pineapple juice.....not from concentrate. Also try ginseng tea or cinnamon tea is relaxing good for digestion too. And other thing get a 4 oz cup and make that your zippy cup, maybe y you go for less you will consume more without getting water sick. And finally check you alkaline levels. If the water is too acid or becomes acid in your system you should try. Alkaline water.
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    How fast are you drinking it?
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    When i am having trouble i prepare a jar of blueberry mint lemonade. Or perrier water with a splash of apple juice or pineapple juice.....not from concentrate. Also try ginseng tea or cinnamon tea is relaxing good for digestion too. And other thing get a 4 oz cup and make that your zippy cup, maybe y you go for less you will consume more without getting water sick. And finally check you alkaline levels. If the water is too acid or becomes acid in your system you should try. Alkaline water.

    Thanks for the suggestions :) i need all the help I can get apparently lol.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    How fast are you drinking it?

    It took me all day to drink 40 ounces. I took about 2 minutes to finish 8 ounces at time. I tried sipping and tracking my water...I drank more like 10 ounces a day doing that :-/ I dont know how I havent dropped dead from dehydration. I waited about 2 hours between glasses of water today I think.
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member

    ^ that is my water bottle! I fill it up and down the water, I love it because for some reason i can gulp down water easily, I drink 1 bottle and that equals 16oz = 2 cups so before i know it I've had my full 8 cups of water a day! I suggest you try getting a water bottle, and maybe sipping from that will make it easier to drink more. I love my water freezing cold too so that helps a ton, i cannot handle luke warm water.. :(
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member

    ^ that is my water bottle! I fill it up and down the water, I love it because for some reason i can gulp down water easily, I drink 1 bottle and that equals 16oz = 2 cups so before i know it I've had my full 8 cups of water a day! I suggest you try getting a water bottle, and maybe sipping from that will make it easier to drink more. I love my water freezing cold too so that helps a ton, i cannot handle luke warm water.. :(

    I use the britta bottle...or I have a bubba thermal cup that keeps my water on my nightstand cold all night until I wake up in the morning :)
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Have you tried getting like a 20 oz bottle and filling it with water and putting like Crystal Light packs in it. That's the only way I will drink water. They have some amazing flavors!!! And I love them.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I had to break a major coca cola habit. Water made me sick at first. I bought a water filter and I kept a 4 oz cup next to the kitchen sink and made myself drink one every hour. I graduated up to 8 oz, then to bottled water. After looking for a while, I found a reusable bottle that I liked aand I take it everywhere I go.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    Have you tried getting like a 20 oz bottle and filling it with water and putting like Crystal Light packs in it. That's the only way I will drink water. They have some amazing flavors!!! And I love them.

    No I usually drink my water plain...we have some Mio in the cabinet for the husband...maybe I will try that tomorrow.
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    I had to break a major coca cola habit. Water made me sick at first. I bought a water filter and I kept a 4 oz cup next to the kitchen sink and made myself drink one every hour. I graduated up to 8 oz, then to bottled water. After looking for a while, I found a reusable bottle that I liked aand I take it everywhere I go.

    Pepsi Max is my addiction...I went from coke to pepsi max....not good.
  • BandForAlyAnne
    BandForAlyAnne Posts: 321 Member
    i found i couldnt drink a full 64 oz until i started exercising more and my body actually needed it.
  • Have you tried crystal light flavorings or a generic version? the calories/sugars/carbs are pretty non-existent. My Dr recommended it to me as an alternative because I hate the taste of water. It works pretty well, I get the hydration I need and I don't have to taste the minerals.
    Personally I like Raspberry Ice Tea flavor, and Fruit Punch, though there are many flavors. They come in individual packs for a 16oz water bottle, or in larger packages for a 2 liter pitcher.

    *oops didnt realize someone already posted my idea, its still a good one though, hope it helps*
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 256 Member
    i found i couldnt drink a full 64 oz until i started exercising more and my body actually needed it.

    I work out but mostly low impact stuff...I sweat a ton though, no matter what I do, its 80+ degrees in my house. If I do anything intense in the heat I will likely pass out...I am very sensitive to heat and my body has a hard time regulating when I am working out. I decided after the third day in a row of passing out to keep it low impact this summer lol.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    I had to break a major coca cola habit. Water made me sick at first. I bought a water filter and I kept a 4 oz cup next to the kitchen sink and made myself drink one every hour. I graduated up to 8 oz, then to bottled water. After looking for a while, I found a reusable bottle that I liked aand I take it everywhere I go.

    Pepsi Max is my addiction...I went from coke to pepsi max....not good.

    I tried going cold turkey but I had to wean myself off. I got rid of the carbonation by going to sweet tea. Then I alternated sweet tea and water until I increased my water enough that I could give up the sweet tea.
  • LiveHarder
    LiveHarder Posts: 13 Member
    Try the mio and like other users said the crystal light or things similar to this.
    Do you drink when you eat? Sometimes lots of water on an empty stomach can even make me feel icky and I love water.
    Also try to consume more water-rich fruits, to help you get more in your system.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I saw you said pepsi max is your addiction- can you stomach drinking that?

    To me it sounds like a mental psychosomatic issue, there's no reason I can think of that you would reject water but be able to drink other liquids. If you can drink pepsi max, drink that for the time being. Don't restrict your only fluid intake. Just keep trying with the water. If you don't see improvement, you might want to check with a doctor to make sure you don't have some Dr. House medical mystery thing going on, and possibly talk to a therapist about behavioral therapy to get past themental block, if that's it.

    Another thing to look at would be increasing fluid from food sources, too. Watermelon, lettuce, soups as well of tons of other water-rich foods might help you out.