

  • What is your age?? I can figure the numbers out for you. Just for comparison, I am 4'10, 115 and eat 1600 cals a day. There is no reason why someone taller and heavier than me, should be eating any less. This websites calculations are way way off. It drastically underestimates the calories and under eating is not healthy…
  • I am not living healthy so I can have another child, but part of me is living healthy for my children. I live a healthy lifestyle so that I can teach my children in turn how to live healthy themselves. I am their biggest role model and teacher. I also want to be able to keep up with them and their activities, especially…
  • Thank you for your story! This is what I have been trying to get through to people on this site! 1200 is too low for just about every single person who is not 4 feet tall. Undereating is the 2nd worst thing you can do for your body. It is second only to smoking.
  • Im not saying dont enjoy bacon (cause who could resist that ymminess entirely!). Just saying that it is not the most nutrious choice for everyday. Once in a while its fine, but it Also, if your shakeology mixes were giving you what you needed, you would be seeing better results than you are. And yes while sugar intake from…
  • Yeah, i trust their calculations as far as i can throw them. It told me i should be eating 1200 also, so you are saying that a300 pound person should be eating the same as a 115 pound person???? Thats plain bad advice in any situation. The calories for a 300 pound individual would easily be 2000 a day, depending on height…
  • Sorry but no. Her diet is not on point and is too low in cals, that is why there is not progress. She is not choosing enough foods in her "budget" that are nutritious. sorry but there are way to many foods that are not good at all in her diet. Where is the fruit??? Why are we eating bacon nearly every day?? There is a ton…
  • EAT MORE CALOIRIES!!!! 1200 cals is muchmuch tooo low. What is it with this website??? Does it instruct everysingel person here to eat only 1200 cals??? Jeez, I eat more than that and I am 115!! Please eat more cals, you need way more than that even if you were comatose!!!!
  • You are still not eating enough. I am sorry but at 1200 cals and exercising on top of that you simply are not eating enough fuel for your body. Its no wonder that you are not losing weight! Constant malnutrion lowers the metabolic rate as the body slows down activity the body cant support. Your body can not support itself…
  • Myth: You need to wat 1200 calories (or less) to lose weight Truth: You have to fuel your body!! You must eat calories that give yourself energy to 1)live and 2) fuel your workouts. I would never myself eat that low nor advise anyone else to, yet that seems to be the common thinking on here. You need to figure out what…
  • Before you go bashing trainers, please post studies where you can cite that the human body can not asorb more than x amount of protein. Your body does not "asborb" protein. It breaks it down and uses it to make ATP or energy. Extra protein is treated the same as extra carbs or extra fat. Anything over your calories will be…
  • It depends on your goals. Personally, i would advise you to cut back on the cardio and add at least 3 days weight training. All in all your workout time (strenght and cardio) really doesnt need to go over an hour and a half a day. More than that and its over training which results in injury and not losing weight. I would…
  • Sounds like over training. You should take a week or two off, up the cals and see how you feel. Your body is trying to tell you something. Best is to listen. And no, taking time off is not a bad thing, you wont "lose" any progress and it will more than likely recharge your body and ive you time to recover.
  • \ that wasnt "starvation mode" that was you jacking up your metabolism. Since you constntely ate at a level that i would advise no one to do, your body slowed your metabolism down to compensate for the lack of calories and nutrients. Then when you kicked up the cals, your metabolism was so slow that it could not handle all…
  • I'm a lifter for sure! Actually trying to get competition ready for the spring. I have a lot i need to build up though. If anyone needs help, just ask, I am here. Right now I am on a 4 day split for lifting Back/Triceps Chest/Biceps Shoulers/traps Legs Plus cardo 30 mins a day (unless I have a class to teach in which i…
  • Really you need to pick a goal and stick with it. What do you want ultimately?? If you love to run and just cant give it up, then forget about adding any amount of muscle (not saying that the strenght training is bad). But running that much you are not a) getting enough recovery to build up muscle B) eating enough to build…
  • The way to lose the belly is to eat a good diet consistently. There is no exercise that will make the "pooch" go away. You can do core strengthening work to make sure the muscles heal and that they are strong but exercising does not make the pooch go away. You need to eat at a consistent calorie level for a consistent…
  • Under eating and over exercising. If you are doing P90x then just do the p90x, dont add in any cardio please.. And for goodness sake eat more, I would bet you need to be closer to 2000 to 2500 calories per day at least. Even i eat 1500 cals a day. All this 1200 nonsense needs to go. You need to eat, otherwise you will ruin…
  • It sounds like you are not eating enough calories. You dont have your height and weight on here, but 1200 sounds too low for you. To give you a reference, I am 4'10 115 and i eat 1500 cals a day (and that is for weight loss my normal is about 2000), you are probably taller than me so 1200 would be too low. I would up your…
  • Saw this and had to comment. As a Nutritionist, this is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. I ABSOULTELY 100% HATE shakes or any type of meal replacement type programs. WHY?? Because they are the "quick and easy" way out. They do not teach you how to make healthy choices and keep the weight off in the long run, and they do not…
  • When teaching group classes, its best to pick exercises that have variations (and just about all do). This way you can show the basic movement, then instruct your clients to alter the movement to them, either by making it easier or more advanced, depending on the individuals level and abilities. For example: Pushup- can be…
  • I too am AFAA Group certified. I am also an AFPA CPT and Nutritionist. The thing you have to understand is that AFAA errs on the side of caution, a lot of caution. There are a lot of things they "frown" upon that I find are ACCEPTABLE for the majority of people. Things like the Superman are unacceptable to AFAA though I…
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