Help please! i don't know what I am doing wrong...

DebbieDuffy09 Posts: 22
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I started my weight loss at 300 pounds... That was two weeks ago. I weighed myself today and I weigh 299.6... what is going on??? I work out for 30 to 60 minutes a day if not more. I eat between 1200 and 1500 calories a day. And still nothing. My pants are feeling looser but what is up???? I don't know what is wrong. I am about to cry and I don't know what to do??? Please help!!!


  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    I had a look at your diary and it looks like you're not eating enough. You need a minimum of 1200 calories a day otherwise your body will go into starvation mode and with the amount that you're exercising, you're not getting the minimum. Try eating half of your exercise calories for a week and see how that works out for you.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Muscle is more dense than fat and therefore weighs more. Take your measurements (neck, arms, legs, waist and chest) so you can see changes that may not be reflected on the scale. I'm betting that working out has caused a buildup of muscle but that fat is still being burned. Don't give up..the weight will come off as long as you stick with the plan.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I would say it's water weight. Your sodium is quite high - so your body appears to be holding on to water. You need to drink more water to get rid of the water retention from too much sodium. I know it sound backwards, but drink water.

    Also you should be getting in a minimum of 1200 NET calories. So if you eat 1200 calories then burn off need to eat those 300 calories back.
  • BrayyNicole
    BrayyNicole Posts: 56 Member
    How is your sodium intake? Are you drinking the recommended amount of water? Are you eating any of your exercise calories?

    It could be a number of things..
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    My first thought would be.. are you eating enough. I know weight loss is all about more calories out than in but you need to consider your BMR. You need a certain amount of calories a day to allow your body simply to function if you drop too far below that you will not lose because your body will hold on to what it thinks it might need later... some call this "starvation mode". Granted I didn't look at your food diary but also consider the amount of sodium, fats, and carbs you are consuming. You may be staying within a certain calorie range but are you eating a balanced diet?
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Wow, you REALLY need to up the amount of calories you are eating girl!! If you are exercising EVERY DAY for THAT LONG, you DEFINITELY need more than 1200 calories!!! You need to FUEL your body to do these exercises. If your body doesn't have the amount of fuel (food) it needs, your body will literally hold onto the fat (this is just biological, your body thinks you are starving or about to die basically, so as a defense mechanism, it holds onto the stored fat instead of burning it).

    EAT MORE!! Take a REST day at leeeeast once a week, that day of recovery will do wonders, and even helps to progress weight loss. Take a look on MFP to see how many calories you SHOULD be eating, and really stick to it, trust the system, and try not to be too much off from that number - that being said, also don't underestimate how much you are eating or overestimate how much/how hard you worked out!

    Hope this helps! You CAN do it, you just gotta make some tiny tweaks to really get it working! Fuel that body and you'll see, it'll start losing pounds!
  • tondalea
    tondalea Posts: 67 Member
    If your pants feel looser, you probably have lost inches. Its important to take meaurements and not just focus on the scale. Don't give up. Also, make sure you are eating enough. I had this problem and now have been adding more protein beginning this week.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I am surprised that you are recommended to eat only 1200 calories at 300lbs, that doesn't seem right?
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    I also looked at your food log and agree you are not eating enough! The numbers will work for you - don't try to starve yourself. If you choose not to eat your exercise calories, that is fine. But you have to at least hit your daily goal on a regular basis.

    Another thing might be the time of day you are weighing in.

    But eat, girl! Also, what is your fiber intake? That's a good one to track. You want to go over on that if you can.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    As the first response said you should not get below 1200 net which means 1200 plus exercise calories. if you eat 1500 but burn 700 it is as if you body only got 800 (1500-700) calories. Your metabolism is probably slowing down holding on to everything it can because your body thinks it is starving. Imagine only eating 800 calories without exercise, this is what you are doing to yourself.

    Please follow this advice and eat more, it does sound counter intuitive but it works. MFP already puts you at a 1000/day caloric deficit at the amount that is recommended if you don't eat your exercise calories that deficit is even larger.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ok. #1) Take a deep breath. Relax.

    2 weeks is not a long time to be at this- it takes a while to figure out what is right for your body and you have to be prepared to be patient. Most likely cultprit 9in my opinion)? Water retention and stress...

    The first thing that occurs to me is that you are not eating enough. You are working out a lot and not eating enough back. Maybe you set your goals too high too fast. For some people, eating some, the majority or all of their workout calories actually prompts their body to

    Also, are you coming up on that TOM? Your body can retain as much as 7 lbs of water during this time.

    You are also working out a lot- your body is not used to this. It can also cause water retention (to help the muscles recover after working out.

    I would say, relax. You are doing great on food- maybe get some more veggies- but ease up on yourself. You want changes that are going to stick- otherwise you will never make it all the way to your goal weight. You can do this.

    Friend me if you are looking for some extra support :-)
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    your body is adjusting to a new life style. it may take awhile to even out. also are you at that time of the month? i pretty much assume i won't lose weight that week. there are many componets to weight loss and understanding your body and what works for you. this won't be a quick fix but you are through the hardest part which is deciding to start :wink:
    if you are feeling frusterated perhaphs you can consult your doctor and see if there is a plan that can work better for you. remember there are tons of free recipies online for healthy eating so even if he/she says join group X it may not cost you much
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    1200 seems VERY low for 300 lbs. I am 292 and I eat 1770 for 1.5 lb weight loss a week and 1500 if I want 2 lb weight loss/week. (not that I get either!!!!) I exercise like you do, too- 5xs a week and have lost nothing in 2 months. I would suggest up-ing your calories.

    I didn't check your diary, but if your sodium is that high, try to get lower and drink a ton of water.

    We are in this together! Hang in there!

    1200 cals is muchmuch tooo low.

    What is it with this website??? Does it instruct everysingel person here to eat only 1200 cals???

    Jeez, I eat more than that and I am 115!!

    Please eat more cals, you need way more than that even if you were comatose!!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    1200 cals is muchmuch tooo low.

    What is it with this website??? Does it instruct everysingel person here to eat only 1200 cals???

    Jeez, I eat more than that and I am 115!!

    Please eat more cals, you need way more than that even if you were comatose!!!!

    No, but that's the minimum it will set as a goal, which means the user has requested the maximum deficit. You know....I want to lose 900 pounds...yesterday!!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    I have to agree with what most have said. I took a look at your diaries and you are not eating enough calories on most days. Trust MFP and try to eat the calories they have calculated for you. As you lose weight, they will recalculate your caloric needs every 10lbs but until that time, as a 300lb woman, you need more than 1200 calories per day, not including what you burn off exercising. I try to eat back 2/3 of my exercise calories to make sure my body has all the fuel it needs to run efficiently.
  • Everyone has an opinion..
    Mine Is definately that I agree with everyone who is saying you are not getting enough calories.

    BUT also, how many carbs, fiber, and protiens are you intaking?

    Are you eating lean meats, fruits and veggies-or nasty *kitten* lean cuisines?

    What you put in your mouth matters, not only how much or when.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I would eat more calories and also you might try to not eat any thing heavy after 6-7-8pm at he latest. Whichever time you can live with. It does help. If I can eat a good dinner, then not eat after 6 or 7, lose faster. When I do eat later, I limit it to an apple or something really lite. An apple will help promote sleep to. That helps. If you can sleep you don't eat.
    Don't despair:smile: It takes a while to get this done. This site helps those of us who need to be living this. :flowerforyou: I know that it is going to take me a while. That's why we are on here. GOOD LUCK!
  • I have to agree with what most have said. I took a look at your diaries and you are not eating enough calories on most days. Trust MFP and try to eat the calories they have calculated for you. As you lose weight, they will recalculate your caloric needs every 10lbs but until that time, as a 300lb woman, you need more than 1200 calories per day, not including what you burn off exercising. I try to eat back 2/3 of my exercise calories to make sure my body has all the fuel it needs to run efficiently.

    Yeah, i trust their calculations as far as i can throw them.

    It told me i should be eating 1200 also, so you are saying that a300 pound person should be eating the same as a 115 pound person????

    Thats plain bad advice in any situation.

    The calories for a 300 pound individual would easily be 2000 a day, depending on height age and activity level.

    I would never eat that low myself, i cant imagine why so many people are fixated on 1200 as their number.
    Seriously, the posts with people eating this low is insane.
  • myricksmom
    myricksmom Posts: 15 Member
    I am guessing you are scared to eat TOO much and settled on the old 1200 calorie thing. I have been trying to lose weight on and off for 15 years...I once went down to 800 calories a day and I still cannot comprehend how I did not get results. I was miserable, I felt lousy and finally I binged. This has been a regular pattern for me. This July I started to get healthy once again. My daughter (we can learn from our kids!) had been nagging me with info she got from this site saying I had been eating far too little calories. Yeah well...what does she know? But we went on vacation a few weeks later and I decided I would not look to lose weight that week but merely maintain so I could enjoy myself. Well...I was eating about 2200 calories a day and we were swimming a lot. When I got home the scale said -5! I kept getting on and off it all day..thinking it was messed up. It was not. From that point on I started eating more. I hover around 1700 calories a day (sometimes a tad more!) and I exercise as well and I have been losing about 3 lbs a week. I am now at -50 (hopefully more at weigh in tomorrow!) and I am eating more each day than I have in years! This amazes me! It is the best discovery I have made! I know it is hard to believe but eating too few calories really does mess you up.
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