
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member

    I SO agree with you. I have realized that about my body. My body's "happy weight" is 140. If I sit on my *kitten* and eat when I'm hungry, I weigh 142ish. If I work my butt off and exercise and count calories and get rid of desserts, etc, I weigh about 138. My body likes 140. In a way, it's kind of comforting rather than frustrating. I just have to go with it. My "healthy weight" is about 125-130, so yes, I'd like to lose 10 pounds, but, in reality, if my body is happy here, then I'm going to at least enjoy it. It can either be frustrating or liberating. lol.
  • You are still not eating enough.

    I am sorry but at 1200 cals and exercising on top of that you simply are not eating enough fuel for your body. Its no wonder that you are not losing weight!

    Constant malnutrion lowers the metabolic rate as the body slows down activity the body cant support. Your body can not support itself on that low of calories and so you are seeing minimal weight loss because of it.

    Eat more whole foods and less junk (and yes i see junk in your diet.) Worry about being HEALTHY.

    Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean meats. You also should start weight training as that builds muscle which only burns burns cals and boost your metabolism.

    If you up the cals, cut the junky food (and i am not talking only about sweets here!) eat a healthy balanced diet, you will see weight loss.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    OK, I know you're fed up but I'd like to offer another suggestion. Read Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels. There is a chapter on oxidation. Most of us oxidize our macronutrients differently than other people. You may not be doing the right thing by eating the same foods as your sister. Some of us are fast oxidizers and our bodies prefer lean meats over carbs. If we eat carbs they instantly raise our blood sugar. This book may help you see how your particular body processes food.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Also...doesn't look like you exercise that often. And 1,000 to 1,100 calories on some days is really low to me.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    If your food diary is accurate, you aren't eating enough.
  • OK, I know you're fed up but I'd like to offer another suggestion. Read Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels. There is a chapter on oxidation. Most of us oxidize our macronutrients differently than other people. You may not be doing the right thing by eating the same foods as your sister. Some of us are fast oxidizers and our bodies prefer lean meats over carbs. If we eat carbs they instantly raise our blood sugar. This book may help you see how your particular body processes food.

    Sorry but no.

    Her diet is not on point and is too low in cals, that is why there is not progress.

    She is not choosing enough foods in her "budget" that are nutritious.

    sorry but there are way to many foods that are not good at all in her diet. Where is the fruit??? Why are we eating bacon nearly every day??

    There is a ton of work that needs to go on in that diet and it is just a matter of making healthier food choices and upping cals.

    Sorry, but 1200 is not enought o fuel your body on and making poor food choices does not help.

    Its not about oxidation, this is simply a slowing metabolism due to undereating for so long. Upping the cals and resetiing the metabolism will work better in the long run.

    Buying another book and following another useless plan is not what is needed. She has found, and rightly so, that these dont work.

    Kicking out the foods low in nutrients and upping the fruit and veggie intake would be the healthiest thing to do.
  • tondalea
    tondalea Posts: 67 Member
    Sorry for your frustration first of all. I will have to agree with others that if your diary is correct, you are not eating enough. Second, do not give up Shakeology as someone suggested, I'm sorry. Its the best thing you can put into your body. However, you do need to have fresh veggies and fruit as well. Make sure you are getting enough protein. I notice you say that walk. Maybe you need something more than walking to shock your body. In the words of Chalene Johnson, Muscle Burns Fat. You have to do resistance/strentgh training as well. Unless there are health problems, medications, I do not believe that some people are able to lose and some are not. You have to find out what works for you and maybe you just have not found that yet. Since you are already doing Shakeology, why dont you try the Shakeology cleanse to jumpstart your weight loss.? Whatever you do, dont get frustrated to the point of giving up or going backwards and as long as you havent gained you are still a winner!!:smile:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    If your food diary is accurate, you aren't eating enough.

    That could be!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    OK, I know you're fed up but I'd like to offer another suggestion. Read Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels. There is a chapter on oxidation. Most of us oxidize our macronutrients differently than other people. You may not be doing the right thing by eating the same foods as your sister. Some of us are fast oxidizers and our bodies prefer lean meats over carbs. If we eat carbs they instantly raise our blood sugar. This book may help you see how your particular body processes food.

    Sorry but no.

    Her diet is not on point and is too low in cals, that is why there is not progress.

    She is not choosing enough foods in her "budget" that are nutritious.

    sorry but there are way to many foods that are not good at all in her diet. Where is the fruit??? Why are we eating bacon nearly every day??

    There is a ton of work that needs to go on in that diet and it is just a matter of making healthier food choices and upping cals.

    Sorry, but 1200 is not enought o fuel your body on and making poor food choices does not help.

    Its not about oxidation, this is simply a slowing metabolism due to undereating for so long. Upping the cals and resetiing the metabolism will work better in the long run.

    Buying another book and following another useless plan is not what is needed. She has found, and rightly so, that these dont work.

    Kicking out the foods low in nutrients and upping the fruit and veggie intake would be the healthiest thing to do.

    Sorry, but I guess you didn't catch my next entry where I said she is not eating enough.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    OK, I know you're fed up but I'd like to offer another suggestion. Read Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels. There is a chapter on oxidation. Most of us oxidize our macronutrients differently than other people. You may not be doing the right thing by eating the same foods as your sister. Some of us are fast oxidizers and our bodies prefer lean meats over carbs. If we eat carbs they instantly raise our blood sugar. This book may help you see how your particular body processes food.

    Sorry but no.

    Her diet is not on point and is too low in cals, that is why there is not progress.

    She is not choosing enough foods in her "budget" that are nutritious.

    sorry but there are way to many foods that are not good at all in her diet. Where is the fruit??? Why are we eating bacon nearly every day??

    I already answered the bacon question. :-) Too low thats a possiblility. Also answered the fruit question. Also if all of my diary was reviewed before October 1st there was no bacon and lots of fruits and veggies. But I"ll repeat I was trying out something I was told to do regarding a lower sugar intake. Which the fruits and veggies was killing. BUT Before heartaches are heard around the world. My shakeology provides me with the majority of minerals, vitamans, veggie and fruit blends I need!:smooched:

    Thank you for the feedback!!!
  • it is a little less each time, and frustrating.
  • Im not saying dont enjoy bacon (cause who could resist that ymminess entirely!). Just saying that it is not the most nutrious choice for everyday. Once in a while its fine, but it

    Also, if your shakeology mixes were giving you what you needed, you would be seeing better results than you are.

    And yes while sugar intake from sweets and beverages should be low, naturally occuring fruit sugars is nothing to be worried about. Fruit is your friend, not your enemy!!

    I also see a lot of dairy, which is not entirely bad, but not as nutritous and take up a lot of cals in your budget.

    Good formula for every meal is to include:

    Carb (complex is best)

    Now some veggies are complex carbs so you can easily eat potatoes or beans as both your veggie and your carb.

    Its just a matter of choosing more nutrious foods, especially when eating at a low cal diet. Every one counts at 1200 cals.

    But please, up your cals, still eat healthy of course, but eat more. And give your body time to adjust to the new cal level. You have slowed it down so its gonna take it a bit to come back up.
  • OK, I know you're fed up but I'd like to offer another suggestion. Read Winning by Losing by Jillian Michaels. There is a chapter on oxidation. Most of us oxidize our macronutrients differently than other people. You may not be doing the right thing by eating the same foods as your sister. Some of us are fast oxidizers and our bodies prefer lean meats over carbs. If we eat carbs they instantly raise our blood sugar. This book may help you see how your particular body processes food.

    Sorry but no.

    Her diet is not on point and is too low in cals, that is why there is not progress.

    Yes I did, But telling her to follow yet another diet trend and having her purchase another product is not the answer.
    She is not oxidizing fast or slow, she just isnt eating enough which has slowed her metabolism to a crawl which is why she is not seeing weight loss. She isnt even giving herself enough food a day to live if she was comatose! Upping the cal level, and getting her metabolism moving is the answer. Not starving herself and wasting time and money on a fad diet.

    She is not choosing enough foods in her "budget" that are nutritious.

    sorry but there are way to many foods that are not good at all in her diet. Where is the fruit??? Why are we eating bacon nearly every day??

    There is a ton of work that needs to go on in that diet and it is just a matter of making healthier food choices and upping cals.

    Sorry, but 1200 is not enought o fuel your body on and making poor food choices does not help.

    Its not about oxidation, this is simply a slowing metabolism due to undereating for so long. Upping the cals and resetiing the metabolism will work better in the long run.

    Buying another book and following another useless plan is not what is needed. She has found, and rightly so, that these dont work.

    Kicking out the foods low in nutrients and upping the fruit and veggie intake would be the healthiest thing to do.

    Sorry, but I guess you didn't catch my next entry where I said she is not eating enough.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Check your basal metabolic rate with this formula. Your BMR is the number of calories that your body burns in a day doing very little work. This is the amount of calories your body needs for tissue repair, breathing, digestion, etc.

    655 + (4.3 x weight in lbs.) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I'm right there with you. I started here on MFP Dec 23 2009 and have only lost 4 lbs. At most, I had lost 8 lbs, then gained it all back. I tripled my exercise over the year and experimented with eating exercise cals vs not eating them. I also got a HRM and that made a HUGE difference in the number of exercise calories. I discovered I was over eating by almost 800 calories a day! I've had tons of bloodwork done, was diagnosed with PCOS and put on meds for that and still haven't seen any weight loss. So I too, am lumped in with the group of no matter what, the pounds just want to stay there. I have not entirely given up. I have just resolved to watch my calorie intake, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. If the weight wants to come off, then it will come off.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Im not saying dont enjoy bacon (cause who could resist that ymminess entirely!). Just saying that it is not the most nutrious choice for everyday. Once in a while its fine, but it

    Also, if your shakeology mixes were giving you what you needed, you would be seeing better results than you are.

    And yes while sugar intake from sweets and beverages should be low, naturally occuring fruit sugars is nothing to be worried about. Fruit is your friend, not your enemy!!

    I also see a lot of dairy, which is not entirely bad, but not as nutritous and take up a lot of cals in your budget.

    Good formula for every meal is to include:

    Carb (complex is best)

    Now some veggies are complex carbs so you can easily eat potatoes or beans as both your veggie and your carb.

    Its just a matter of choosing more nutrious foods, especially when eating at a low cal diet. Every one counts at 1200 cals.

    But please, up your cals, still eat healthy of course, but eat more. And give your body time to adjust to the new cal level. You have slowed it down so its gonna take it a bit to come back up.

    Again I answered the bacon, no fruits and veggies and shakeology question already!!! Read above posts!! :glasses:

    Anyway as I've said ....I'm not following anymore suggestion. I'm doing my own thing for the rest of the year and see what happents!! I enjoy reading and seeing what individuals have to say. Maybe someone reading the info given will find their answer in everyone's comments
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    :-) Ditto!! FIREROX1. I know my body will eventually kick into gear! It will finally respond properly!!! :-) Even with eating bacon!!! :blushing:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Also...doesn't look like you exercise that often. And 1,000 to 1,100 calories on some days is really low to me.

    My back went out the first of October, if you check at my diary before that I exercised 6 days a week sometimes 7. But I've already resolved to no longer walk everyday. Just 3 or 4 days a week. Less days but longer walks!!!

  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    Have you had a check up? Go to the doctor and make sure your thyroid and everything else is in order.

    Other than that, I personally love your new outlook! You are embracing the healthy and ignoring the scale. If all you can lose is .75 a month than there ya go! At least you know each month you will go down a steady .75. If you set your expectations at that and you lose more, rock on! However, if you only lose .75 you won't be bummed.

    There are pessimists, there are optimists, you are a realist. Who cares how full or empty the glass is as long as you have water to drink. :drinker:
  • shellm3
    shellm3 Posts: 15
    First of all, you should do what makes you feel good and continue to be healthy. The number on the scale does not determine a persons health and too many people obssess over that (including myself) so I am happy for you that you are giving that up! Everyone is different and what works for one person will not work for another and so on. On that note, that is where all the different advice comes from. I had to do many two week trials of different ways to lose weight before I found the one that worked for my difficult body. Also, to all of those with saying the calories are to low, yes there can be to low, but if you are not hungry do not eat extra calories, your body will tell you when it needs to eat. :) Keep it up!
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