Discouraged and Confused

doncheco Posts: 47
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,

I had my weigh in today after completing my 2 month of P90X and I have to say that I am extremely discouraged at the results. When I started the program I was at 224 and my weigh in today was 219. Also I have not been following the diet program provided by P90X (maybe that's my mistake), but I have been working my tail off and to not see results with in the weight loss has really put a dent in my motivation. What I don't understand is that in the 2 weeks that I have been using this site, I am averaging less then 1200 calories a day and an average of 700 calories of cardio a day 6 days a week.

Unless I'm missing something I don't understand how I cannot be losing weight when I'm staying under my daily calorie goal and also burning the amount of calories that I do. I truly believe the issue is not with my workout because I have seen the change in my clothes and how it fits, but just haven't seen the results in lbs lost that I would have expected.

Assistance or feedback is greatly appreciated.


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    You probably are not eating enough. I stopped losing, added calories back in and started losing again. Your body needs fuel, even to lose weight and if you are not eating enough, it fights back and holds on to every ounce.
  • MaybeImNot
    MaybeImNot Posts: 122 Member
    Yeah, P90X's diet plan requires WAY more than 1200 calories to be over 200lbs. I haven't gotten there yet, but a friend had crazy huge breakfasts like 10-egg-white-omelets and stuff.

    Gotta feed your body to lose the body :-)
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    You are not eating enough at all! ESPECIALLY with a program like p90x. What do you eat throughout the day?

    I eat 1300-something calories a day. But I am 5'1. You have to eat to lose weight!
  • It's most likely that you'll need to follow the P90x diet if you want they results they are promoting. Through my own personal experiences I've noticed that 25% of the battle is exercise and the other 75% of the battle is in the kitchen with what you eat; But like I said that what I've noticed through my experiences. Hope that helps, don't get discouraged keep your head up.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Yeah, I kinda agree that you aren't eating enough. Pretty sure the lowest for woemn is 1200 cals, and for men its 1800. MFP gives us these guidelines for a reason, and I really recommend sticking to the guidelines. :)
  • Less than 1200 calories, are you insane? I don't do P90X, but I weight lift 4-5 hours a week, and do cardio 4 days a week. I eat between 1800-2200 calories a day, getting an equal amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in each of my six meals. I'm only 165 lbs...so the fact that your weight is higher than mine, means you have to eat more than I do!

    Nutrition is NUMBER ONE in losing weight and fat, if you starve yourself you will not lose weight, your body will hit a starvation response and your metabolism will slow down to compensate for the lack of nutrition entering your body.
  • Under eating and over exercising.
    If you are doing P90x then just do the p90x, dont add in any cardio please..

    And for goodness sake eat more, I would bet you need to be closer to 2000 to 2500 calories per day at least. Even i eat 1500 cals a day.

    All this 1200 nonsense needs to go.

    You need to eat, otherwise you will ruin your metabolism and cause a whole host of other issues. \

    And with p90x, you may find yourself gaining muscle as well as losing weight, which is good! So the scale may not move but you should notice other changes in how you look.

    Please EAT MORE!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    With p90x he says not to eat under 1800. but ya under eating and over eating both mess you up, you need to balance it out. I personally am battleing that myself! I am stuck, past month actually. not even feeling in my cloths.

    if your a guy, and feeling in cloths, it could be muscle your gaining. gaining alot can mess with weight.

    just keep watching, and trying. and eating enough. esp protien.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    you are not eating enough. if you are eating 1200 calories a day but burning 700 of them off through exercise thats basically 500 calorie intake a day that your having. your body has gone into starvation mode and is clinging unto all the fat cause it dont know when its gunna get fed next.
    when you eat a bit more you will start to burn the fat again
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    I haven't seen your food log - but you absolutely need to add protein with P90X. Lots of protein!
    Also you may be gaining muscle mass - if you did measurments, check out your in legs and arms.
    Stay in there - and don't get discouraged.
  • Inch loss is more important than pounds lost. Muscle weighs heavier than fat so if you are exercising and toning at the same time then you may weigh the same but still be smaller or more toned. ie. i have only lost 4 pounds last week but have lost an inch round each thigh and 2 inches on my hips.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Have you taken your measurements?
    You may not really start noticing results in your third month.
    Though, I agree you may want to up your calorie intake and revisit your menu planning.

    (FYI, muscle does not weight more than fat. Fat may take up more space than muscle, but
    it doesn't weigh more.)
  • Hello all,

    I had my weigh in today after completing my 2 month of P90X and I have to say that I am extremely discouraged at the results. When I started the program I was at 224 and my weigh in today was 219. Also I have not been following the diet program provided by P90X (maybe that's my mistake), but I have been working my tail off and to not see results with in the weight loss has really put a dent in my motivation. What I don't understand is that in the 2 weeks that I have been using this site, I am averaging less then 1200 calories a day and an average of 700 calories of cardio a day 6 days a week.

    Unless I'm missing something I don't understand how I cannot be losing weight when I'm staying under my daily calorie goal and also burning the amount of calories that I do. I truly believe the issue is not with my workout because I have seen the change in my clothes and how it fits, but just haven't seen the results in lbs lost that I would have expected.

    Assistance or feedback is greatly appreciated.

    There are laws to proper weight loss that nobody might have told you, and that's a male weighing 225 pounds needs more than 1200 calories to lose weight if he's exercising. There are some mathematical calculations for your BMR that will help you see how many calories you can consume. Since I'm on my phone, I won't show all the calculations, but I can safely say you should have been taking a minimum of 1700 calories a day without working out. On the days you worked out, you would add those calories to that 1700, and eat those too. Legitimate weight loss has nothing to do with starvation. Remember, you're burning well over 2000 calories just sleeping 24 hours a day, so you have to consider that when losing weight.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    All of the above are correct. I am 165lbs and maintain weight at 2100cals.

    Read this.
  • I appreciate all the feedback and I realized that the issue was not that I was intentionally not eating but that I was going based on what my Dairy which was showing 1,400 daily calories, but when running the BMR tool it showed me that I should be taking in 1,945. I have changed my settings to show that I'm active and my new calorie intake shows over 2000 which is going to be a great change.

    Thank you all for your feedback and I'm going to make sure to start this week on eating as I should.
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