I need your help guys! **sigh**

Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi there everyone!
I've been a member on here for several months and lost an amazing 39lbs with the sole help of this website!

As you can imagine, I am soooooo pleased with this progress but have hit a significant brick wall :sad:
My weight is going up and down all the time but I am staying mainly at my current weight of 153 - 155! I just seem to have lost ALL motivation..I was running 4 - 5 miles a day and now I cannot push myself to do anything :sick: I'm not quite sure what has been going on.

I got engaged a few weeks ago and am currently planning our wedding for Nov 5th 2011, along with writing my dissertation for university. But I'm not feeling happy, because I KNOW that I am not working out enough.

I managed to get myself through a significant plateau...but now I can't even manage to focus on one day :ohwell: I believe that some of it may have to do with me becoming "comfortable" with my weight and receiving loads of compliments from people about my loss...but I know I need to lose more and the comments from people like "don't lose too much more though, you'll look ill" , are not helping either :laugh:

I'm not looking for anyone to do the work for me, but how did you get out of a sticky situation similar to the one I currently find myself in?

I need to feel acountable again, and to be quite honest, writing this on here has made me feel like I should get up and go for a run (unfortunately, I've just had soup, so that's not an option...it just goes to show that this website truely works..

Come on peeps...give me the butt kick I truely deserve :laugh: :laugh:


  • ismatts
    ismatts Posts: 62
    You should be sooo happy right now. Getting engaged and almost finished with school!!!!

    I think something is going on other than the working out portion of your life. an you think of any negatives that you have experienced lately?

    Good luck, but 39 pounds is awesome! Great work.
  • I think you are being too hard on yourself. You are planning a wedding and writing a dissertation. That is a lot for anyone. Maybe you just need to plan for little breaks. Nothing huge, just decide that you will get up and do squats, jumping jacks, sit-ups, whatever for 10-15 minutes. If you can do that each day, then you won't feel so hopelessly stuck in your rut. Don't give up on the running either. It is easy to get comfortable, so just plan maybe one day a week to run. Make it in the morning before you start your planning and writing, and get it done with before you get preoccupied.

    Good luck! I think you will do fine. Just make sure not to give up.:happy:
  • 39 lbs. is great but you need to get out there and continue working hard to keep your mind and body where you really want it to be. Congrats on the engagement
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    I honestly think it's the slowing down of the weight loss and the lack of running...I'm not getting my fix of endorphins perhaps? not eating clean foods?

    It may be that life has suddenly got extremely overwhelming? Nothing negative I can put my finger on to be honest...

    I will make my first pledge to log everything from today forward and aim to shift these final 14lbs!

    Thanks again for your response... :flowerforyou:
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement, now for the kicking butt part now is no the time to give up. You have come way to far, you can do this. Try eating less of your earned calories and see if that doesn't help you get out of the slump you're in. Add some more exercise something different that your haven't tried yet. How about just dancing around the house instead of walking you can get practice in for the big day ha ha! Just Don't give up you'll be glad when you try on your wedding gown and you're stunning. YOU CAN OVERCOME THIS WALL.
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I know it is hard but you just have to keep pushing through it. Hitting a plateau is so discouraging but don't give up! It sounds to me like you may just be feeling the effects of stress in your life. Writing a dissertation and planning a wedding is a lot to juggle. Stress can zap motivation very quickly! If you are having trouble finding motivation to hit the gym or get outside for a run or whatever maybe you should just try and get in shorter workouts for a while and see how that works. Don't listen to the negative nancy's out there. I have the same problem with people telling me I don't need to lose more weight and trying to discourage me. I know that to truly feel happy with myself I still have 10-15 more to lose and I have to try and block those voices and even distance myself from some of those people that I find hinder my progress. That attitude is probably the reason why there is an obesity problem in America and a growing one in many other countries. It's so much easier to be negative than positive and push yourself to new levels! I hope you can get past it and find your motivation again. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need more accountability. Good luck!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I think you are being too hard on yourself. You are planning a wedding and writing a dissertation. That is a lot for anyone. Maybe you just need to plan for little breaks. Nothing huge, just decide that you will get up and do squats, jumping jacks, sit-ups, whatever for 10-15 minutes. If you can do that each day, then you won't feel so hopelessly stuck in your rut. Don't give up on the running either. It is easy to get comfortable, so just plan maybe one day a week to run. Make it in the morning before you start your planning and writing, and get it done with before you get preoccupied.

    Good luck! I think you will do fine. Just make sure not to give up.:happy:

    I am definately going to aim for a run tomorrow...I find it becomes addictive when you start...hopefully my addiction will kick in again!...:flowerforyou: I will take your advice and go for it in the morning...x

    Maybe I'm having a little "down" period after everything that's been happening recently...

    And I promise, not to give up at all...I can't undo all this work! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you again for all your replies :flowerforyou: I think I just needed to vent :sad:
  • Ok you've got a lot on your plate (metaphorically speaking of course:laugh: ) but you know what needs to be done. Log everything you eat, try and get some exercise in - if you haven't time to go running, find some other way of incorporating exercise into your day. I get off the bus a stop early and take the stairs instead of the lift just to get in that little bit extra.
    You'll make it, you've done fantastically well, just a little more effort and you'll be doing a happy dance as you hit target.:drinker:
  • Sounds like over training.

    You should take a week or two off, up the cals and see how you feel. Your body is trying to tell you something. Best is to listen.

    And no, taking time off is not a bad thing, you wont "lose" any progress and it will more than likely recharge your body and ive you time to recover.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    My advice would also to take a week off of everything...tracking calories and exercising. Use the week to continue good eating patterns, but give your body a rest.

    Then if I were you I would get a good weight lifting plan going. Cardio only does so much. You might start eating away at your muscles doing all of that running and not fueling up enough. I swear by lifting anyway. I used to be so skinny and scrawny and I'll tell you, that is not a good look anyway.

    Relax, take a deep breath, we've all been there. Congrats on your wedding!
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    YOU ARE GOING TO BE A SLIM AND SEXY BRIDE!!!!!! JUST REMEBER THAT and you will pass any hurdles along the way!
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