

  • Ugh...night time is my nemesis!!! If I could eat the way I do all day, I would be skinny as a rail LOL....but like clockwork..around 7 or so, I want to EAT!! I usually opt for an apple with a little peanut butter. If I'm going to lose control and pig out, it's going to be in the evening. Sometimes I just totally lose…
  • I think it's a load of crap. Exercise is absolutely not making us fat. Our society has certainly changed, we are no longer mostly farmers, hunters and gatherers who spend all day doing moderate exercise to live. "Some research has found that the obese already "exercise" more than most of the rest of us." I say bull****.…
  • OK, so I am a GI nurse, so I am going to endorse fiber here. It is crucial that you consume 20-30 grams of fiber daily. I was doing Metamucil sugar free orange in the am and pm. I have kinda fallen off the wagon, but I need to get back on. When I drank 1TBSP of orange flavored Metamucil (mixed with 20 ounces of water) with…
  • I use my iPhone app when I'm at work. If you have a "smart phone" and haven't downloaded the mobile app, I highly recommend it!! Good luck!
  • I wish my inner skinny girl would eat all the fat and cellulite deposited on my thighs while she makes her exit LOL
  • ME TOO!!!!! Mine is more like 7pm to midnight cravings though!!!! I swear, sometimes I am so hungry in the late evening that I can hardly stand it LOL. Trying to go to sleep doesn't always help because I lay in bed, hungry, fantasizing about what I could be eating!!! Sounds ridiculous, I know, but I have always had this…
  • My name is Becky and I am a diet Pepsi-aholic ;) I can't wait to see how this works out for you. I have a suspicion from everything that I have ever read that it isn't good for us...the sodium and the chemicals (like aspartame) especially. I completely cut it out while I was pregnant because I wasn't about to take any…
  • I am an RN and I am on my feet all day. When I am working in the procedure room (colonoscopy and endoscopy hehehe), I do a lot of standing in ONE spot!! I have found that sucking in my gut and focusing on good posture works well. Not only does my back feel better at the end of the day, but I think it is helping my flabby…
  • If a diet, a diet pill, or any of the other various advertisements that I have seen for weight loss actually worked, then everyone would be skinny. It is definitely a lifestyle change. Either you change your lifestyle to include healthy food choices and exercise, or you will eventually gain back the weight, plus more!!…
  • Welcome!!! I just started about a week ago and this site is FABULOUS! Lots of support and good information!!
  • ALL of the SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors) can cause weight gain. I am an RN and I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I take Wellbutrin and Cymbalta....and xanax as needed for panic. Those of us who suffer from this disease have two choices; 1. Work a little harder in regards to diet and exercise to…
  • The scale is my enemy LOL. I find that it varies way to much, especially if I use different scales. I try to assess my weight loss by how my clothes feel, not by what the scale says.
  • I really don't think that I will be able to do six meals on work days. I am an RN at an endoscopy center. We don't get regular breaks. Actually, the only break that I get in a 10-12 hour shift is a 15 minute break to scarf down some lunch :( I am planning on cutting out diet pepsi and all processed carbs. The processed…
  • Got it!! What a great idea...count me in!!!! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi Stephanie! I'm Becky. Like you, I am on a few anti-depressants (currently cymbalta and wellbutrin) and they do contribute to weight gain. Good for you for being able to take yourself off of the seroquel! I'm sure that wasn't easy! I am insulin resistant, so I try to eat only good carbs when I eat carbohydrates. Nothing…
  • I know exactly how you feel LOL. I have tried every diet on the planet and starved myself to the point that I was DREAMING about food at night because I was so hungry! I have found that eating 6-8 small meals a day instead of the traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner works best. I don't feel famished all of the time,…
  • I'm just getting started. I signed up awhile ago, but I am ready to take the plunge now and get serious!! Looking for friends to help keep me motivated!!!!!!!