hewhoiscd Member


  • Thanks :) Sorry to hear about your anoles :(
  • Recovery Day: 3.11 mile run in 36:17, Avg Pace 11:41, Mile Splits 12:46 - 11:34 - 10:49, 75F, DP 71, Sunny and humid. My legs during the 1st mile were very rough, but smoothed out after that. Most of my route has a 4th of July parade starting at 10am. I started my run at 8am and there were already spectators setting up…
  • 7.1 mile run in 1:19:34, Avg Pace 11:13, Mile Splits 12:02 - 11:36 - 11:22 - 11:07 - 11:01 - 10:49 - 10:36, 90F, DP 73, Mostly Sunny, Slight Breeze, BC 5/5 for 3.5 miles then 4/4 till mile 6 then 3/3 rest of the way. Feeling good :) Plan called for 4.5 miles, but I was feeling good at 4.5 so I kept running and running and…
  • Recovery Day: 3.0 mile run in 35:52, Avg Pace 11:58, Splits 12:09 - 11:57 - 11:46, 91F, 71DP, Sunny, Streak 10. Forced myself to run slow, wasn't too much of a struggle :D Saw a flying pelican, a fishhawk, lots of ducks, baby lizards, one lizard couldn't have been longer than an inch including the tail. WTD: 9 MTD: 9
  • 6.01 mile run in 1:06:26, Avg Pace 11:04, Splits 11:09 - 11:15 - 11:14 - 11:08 - 11:06 - 10:31, 90F, DP 71, mostly sunny. Another sweaty run, literally dripping with it. Tired, but feeling good. That gives me 30.2 miles this week, and my streak goes to 9 days :) WTD: 6.01 MTD: 6.01 (110 goal)
  • Wow..that was a quick update, lol. But it should be 110 miles not 100. Thanks for all your work on this :)
  • July Goal: 110 miles June's goal was 80 and I ended up with 90.1 which was my planned goal for July, lol. So, I'll go for it this month and say 110 miles. Long as I stay injury free, should be doable.
  • 5.11 mile run in 54:33, Avg Pace 10:41, Mile Splits 10:55 - 10:40 - 11:00 - 10:56 - 10:02, 80F, DP 74F, light breeze, mostly sunny. BC 5/5 for 3 miles, then 4/4 for a mile then 3/3 for the rest. Humid one, dripping in sweat when done. Feeling good :) 8th day in a row of running 3 miles or more. I seem to feel better day…
  • 3.25 mile run in 35:29, Avg Pace 10:56, Mile Splits 11:22 - 10:59 - 10:31, 91F, DP 71F, Sunny, Light Breeze, BC 5/5 for the first 2.5 miles, then 4/4 till mile 3, then 3/3 rest of the way. Seventh day in a row of running :) Feeling good. Saw the usual ducks and lizards and the coromot, also saw a white egret today. WTD:…
  • Thanks :) I often call Coromots "Submarine Birds" 'cause they can swim so long under water.
  • 5.1 mile run in 56:14, Mile Splits 11:27 - 11:16 - 11:00 - 10:54 - 10:38, 91F, DP 63, Sunny. Since my long run is 7 miles, and my short runs are 3 miles, I guess I can call this a Medium Long Run. Felt stiff the first mile, as usual. Felt good the rest of the run, as usual. Felt like I could have kept going another couple…
  • Yesterday's run: 3.0 mile run in 33:27, Avg Pace 11:09, Splits 11:17 - 11:08 - 11:02, 88F, DP 75F, sunny, light breeze, BC 5/5. Bonus run today, not on my training plan, but felt like running anyway :) Felt good. Saw lots of baby lizards today, a fish hawk and a few ducks. The sidewalks still have a lot of debris from the…
  • (Today's run brings me up to 7.8 miles for the week, and 73.6 miles for the month.) 4.51 mile run in 47:49.65, Avg Pace 10:37, Splits 10:54.79 - 10:42.18 - 10:43.75 - 10:18.9 - last 0.51 miles in 5:10.03, 84F, DP 79F!, sunny, wind 20mph and gusty, BC 5/5 for 3miles then 4/4 the rest of the way. Once again, lucked out with…
  • 3.25 mile run in 35:35, Avg Pace 10:57, Splits 11:39 - 10:44 - 10:24 - last 0.25 miles in 2:48(11:12mm), 78F, DP 73F, off and on drizzle, wind 20mph and gusting higher. Based on my new 5k PR from this weekend, my Mcmillan training paces changed to faster times. Recovery: 11:26 - 11:56 Long Run: 10:26 - 11:26 Easy Run:…
  • This Week: 14.6 miles (due to taper for race, lower than usual) Month to Date: 65.9 miles ( I should still be able to reach my 80 mile goal) Today's Run: 4.52 Recovery Rain Run in 52:10, Avg Pace 11:33mm, Splits 11:33 - 11:38 - 11:38 - 11:32 - last .52 miles in 5:49 (11:12mm pace), Temp 78F, DP 73F, Heavy Rain, Windy This…
  • Shape Up for Summer 5k in Tampa, FL Short Version: I'm 6'2", 174lbs, 41yo male Very Humid, overcast, drizzled a bit at the end Certified 5k course Goal: 26:5x Chip Time: 26:40.9 (PR) AG: 20th (don't know out of how many yet) OA: 185th out of ~539 finishers (top 35%) Happy with my race :) Check out my Race Report for the…
  • ag1996: Cool Horse!
  • 3.01 mile run in 35:39, Avg Pace 11:50, Splits 12:09 - 11:31 - 11:50, Temp 82F, DP 74F, overcast (drizzled the last mile), breezy. Humid run. It's taper week, have a 5k race this Saturday. Not feeling too fresh yet. Next two days are scheduled rest days, hoping that will do the trick. Forecast for Saturday is 80% chance of…
  • krizzo - great eyes!
  • 3.01 Recovery Run in 35:02, Avg Pace 11:37, Splits 11:41 - 11:34 - 11:36, Temp 90F, DP 60F, nice breeze, sunny. Drier than it has been for awhile now, only 37% RH. Was trying for a recovery pace, but went slightly faster. Felt good though. Saw a cat chilling under a car, just watched me run by. That's about it this time.…
  • 6/11/2012 — 6/17/2012 Running Stats: Miles - 24.7, Time Running - 4:36:53, Avg Pace - 11:13 / mi, Days Run - 6 June Running Stats so far: Miles - 51.3, Time Running - 9:33:04, Avg Pace - 11:10 / mi, Days Run - 12 7.22 mile run in 1h21m37s, Avg Pace 11:19, Splits 11:40 - 11:17 - 11:44 - 11:35 - 11:16 - 12:00 - 10:13 - 1:52…
  • 3.03 miles in 31:54, Avg Pace 10:32, Splits 11:18 - 10:41 - 9:48, some breeze, sunny. Ran 6 out of the last 7 days, first time doing that. I had planned on making today a rest day, but was feeling good and restless, so went out for a run instead. I hope I don't regret that decision tomorrow during my 7 mile run, lol. Saw…
  • Before Work Run: 4.11 miles in 48:47, Avg Pace 11:53, Splits 12:39 - 11:58 - 11:40 - 11:11 - last 0.11 in 1:09, Temp 70F, DP 66F, slight breeze, before sunrise. Missed my run yesterday due to thunderstorms, and the weather this afternoon doesn't look like it will be much better. So, got up early to run before work. Took me…
  • Thanks :) Thanks :) I'm fairly well acclimated to the heat by now.
  • 3.11 mile run in 33:13, Avg Pace 10:41, Splits 11:21 - 10:42 - 10:07 - last 0.11 in 1:03 (9:33mm pace), Temp 92F, DP 72F, slight breeze, sunny, BC 5/5 for two miles, then 4/4. Legs felt pretty good during the run, but felt a bit sore during the cool down walk. I need to reign myself back some on the pace, going faster than…
  • 4.12 mile run in 45:18, Avg Pace 11:00mm, Splits 11:35 - 11:02 - 11:02 - 10:32, Temp 91, Dew Point 70, slight breeze, sunny, BC 5/5 for first 2.5 miles then 4/4 the rest of the way. Legs felt good. I feel good :) Saw 3 Sand Hill Cranes, think one of them was a youngster. Lots of lizards and squirrels today, a male…
  • I breathe through my nose & mouth at the same time. Mostly mouth, but if extra air wants to come in through my nose too, I'm more than happy to let it :D The more air the better. I forget the source of the quote I saw, but to paraphrase, "I'd breathe in through my ears if I could" pretty much sums it up for me ;) Also, you…
  • Assuming you are properly hydrated before the run... I pop one Halls Breezers Cool Berry just before my run. Lasts me for a little over a mile, and I find it keeps me from getting dry mouth for the rest of the run as well, at least up to 7 miles. Haven't run farther than that yet :)