jgcurry3 Member


  • If you are motivated at night, workout at night. You don't have to wait until morning.
  • I like to use Optimum Nutrition or MusclePharm products for protein shakes, pre workout if I'm dragging a bit, and creatine. Outside of that maybe a multivitamin. Then it's all good clean food, cheat meal on the weekend and hard work in the gym. Certain supplements may work better for you than others.
  • First, congrats on the weight loss. Second muscle does not weigh more than fat. Get body composition testing done. Most gyms will have a trainer that will be able to do an accurate caliper test or use a one of the small handheld monitors to get your body fat percentage. Stop looking at the scale as a goal. Also if you want…
  • Lol ya a stomach virus will do that
  • Just an idea here for all those saying why can't fat be beautiful too. For me it's not so much that you are fat, it's that you are unhealthy. It also shows a lack of discipline and self control. Just because fat is the majority in American culture doesn't mean it is right, attractive, or better. An alternative example,…
  • The truth may not be what you want to hear. They could lie to you and say you look great when you look like a train wreck. Isn't the whole purpose of working out and eating clean to look better, feel better, and be in better health? So if someone says you look better now after all of your hard work how is that a bad thing.…
  • Reduce the loss goal to 1/2 or 1 pound per week, add weight/cardio training. Your calorie goal will be no where near 1200 and you will not only see weight loss but lean muscle mass growth. Thin is not sexy fit is.
  • I like this now. We have two credible sources to go off of and both have different and similar claims. Here's the link to the one I read through, http://www.jissn.com/content/7/1/7 if what I understood was correct from the other one posted was that if you are doing multiple workouts in a day such as an AM weight training…
  • Then I apologize for trying to bring a documented credible source from a published and scholarly peer reviewed journal. I guess the people with degrees and years of experience do not know what they are talking about.
  • Here is an excerpt from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrtion. Vol 7. The article is about many ergogenic aides (supplements), there effectiveness and supporting evidence. Post-Exercise Carbohydrate and Protein Ingesting carbohydrate and protein following exercise enhances carbohydrate storage and…
  • Genetics? More like its up to hard work, dedication, and consistency in diet and training. Just like a muffin top isn't genetic.
  • ken obviously skipped leg day
  • Anytime im stuck in the field and have MREs, and junk food just to stay awake.
  • 30-60 minute window postworkout is optimal for protein absorption and also for muscle glycogen replacement. if it is not done within that time period it can take up to 2-3 days to fully replace.
  • I don't find any combination of fruit/ pb enticing. I'l eat them seperately. In fact keep the fruit, just give me a big jar of pb and Il be good.
  • Take that 50 dollars and use it for food. Lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies.
  • I am not a fan of planet fitness. They are not a gym suited for people that want to push the limits of their body and put their all into a workout. The commercials and 'lunk' alarm at their facility stereotype and make outcasts of the people that do so. Yes I understand it is not necessary to grunt when curling ten pounds…
  • Get a good look at a TRX from google or the specs posted on their site. Then drive yourself to homedepot or lowes and make one for a whole lot cheaper. Ive done this with agility ladders, pull up bars, barbells, and other assorted gym equipment.
  • Stop fishing. Damn near everyone on here is going to say yes and the ones that say no will be lynched by the mob for "possibly damaging your self confidence".
  • Take a day of rest or I believe there is a stretching or yoga part of insanity try doing that instead of an all out workout. Better to rest and continue later than be down and out for longer. I once over did it with my legs and literally could not walk for two days, it took me 5 days on top of that before I gave in and got…
  • I love my vibrams especially on leg days, some gyms don't allow you to wear them though. Their logic is that if a weight is dropped on your foot it will cause more damage. I call bs drop a 45 on your foot it wont matter unless you are wearing steel toes. Any shoe with a flat bottom is good for the gym. Converse are fairly…
  • My first knowledge in lifting was through high school sports and dreaded bro knowledge. Later though I was on my own. I used The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding - Arnold Schwarzenegger and bodybuilding.com. The book has all kinds of beginner knowledge and sample workout plans from beginner to advanced.…
  • I agree with your mom, if you are active physically, i.e. running, cycling, swimming, resistance training etc. That amount of sodium should be easy to achieve with a healthy nutrition plan. It allows your body to retain water for body processes, If your body is not adequately hydrated performance is hindered significantly.…
  • That's great and all but vitamins and minerals only have an impact on performance and hypertrophy when they are deficient and then brought back into normal range. If your body is already in the normal range, increasing vitamin/minerals does not help.
  • Right here, I see it all the time girls that weigh 110 soaking wet and are almost 30% BF.
    in skinny fat Comment by jgcurry3 May 2013
  • The scale is good for people who compete in weight class sports. Use the mirror, tape measure, and progress photos to show your progress. Muscle is more dense than fat so 5 lbs of fat will take up alot more room than 5 lbs of muscle.
  • Oh and last time I checked the last time one of the elite won his Mr. Olympia title he celebrated with fried chicken and weed. He also had a shirt that said Arnold is numero uno. Protip: The gym will always be there, people and events won't be. Enjoy them while you can and don't get so wrapped up in yourself.
  • I don't plan for em they just happen when family is in town. Im not turning down grandmas pecan pie because it'll set me back a day. Im not turning down mom's casserole because it has too many calories, and Im definitely not turning down a beer with the friends I rarely get to see just so I don't have to bust my own…
  • I like my nike+ sportwatch with the gps. I don't like carrying things or having bands on my arms. I don't listen to music either though when I run outside. If I have no choice but to run on the treadmill, then I'll listen to music and use the app. Chances are though if I'm down to the treadmill option I'll probably just…
  • Hats are necessary to cover up the receeding hairline and bald spot formation from all the testosterone. I keep the bench sweat free by using a towel.