"You're really pretty, but...



  • I like your post Bornofthorns.

    My 2c... if we honestly all believed that we were "beautiful" at any size then why are we all trying so hard to get freakin' well slimmer?!

    Fact is that fit and healthy bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at than fat ones - I knew that when I was fat and I know it now. It don't matter a damn how pretty or ugly your face is.
  • Britterboo22
    Britterboo22 Posts: 300 Member
    honestly, my ex hubby has gone as far as to call me a "fat B!tch" iin the past....and my reply would be "i can change fat but unfortunately YOU cant change stupid" needless to say i haven't heard those sorts of things from him lately INFACT Last time i saw him to drop off the kids for the day he complimented me on how solid my calves were looking.......Hmm
  • megsagogo
    megsagogo Posts: 4 Member
    It's rude...but people don't think before they speak.
    Having gone through this post, I can relate with what so many people have said. It's so sad that we harp on the negative things that we've heard in life and not on the positive.

    If anyone is looking for a new friend, I just restarted my weight loss efforts and would love some buddies :)
  • MrsSenecal
    MrsSenecal Posts: 312 Member
    honestly, my ex hubby has gone as far as to call me a "fat B!tch" iin the past....and my reply would be "i can change fat but unfortunately YOU cant change stupid" needless to say i haven't heard those sorts of things from him lately INFACT Last time i saw him to drop off the kids for the day he complimented me on how solid my calves were looking.......Hmm

    Im glad hes your ex, that was awful of him to say to you!!!
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    The only thing I can say to that is "Well, it's a good thing for me that I'm not concerned with what you think about how I look."
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36

    What I am saying is that whether someone is obese or not, their body is acceptable. It's theirs. It's not open for judgement. It's not open for discussion. It will not be more worthy if there is less of it, or more of it, if it is symmetrical or asymmetrical.

    Body shaming doesn't belong here. (And a lot of the replies to this topic have been FULL of it.)

    Hey, don't get me wrong - I never said that anyone's body is not acceptable. In fact, I'm a big believer that step number 1 is to accept and like yourself and your own body, whichever size, symmetry level or other physical condition you got. Can a woman be very pretty while overweight? Absolutely! Will she likely be viewed as prettier if she got closer to normal BMI range? I bet! At least the modern ideal of beauty it's pointing us into the healthy direction most of the time!

    It's not body shaming, it's just accepting the reality that people with near normal BMI are typically perceived as better looking. Just like people with symmetrical features. Or people with straight white teeth. (That's becoming less and less of a differentiator as the orthodontic technology moves forward). It does not diminish anyone's value as an individual, but it objectively affects perception and first impressions.

    I agree that with 2/3 of the country being overweight, you'd think the standards would be different.

    Curiously, if you look at Ming Dynasty beauty ideals, while most of the population was quite skinny from hard labor, the "famous beautiful women" of that era depicted in sculpture pack at least extra 50 lb by our modern standards. Similar story with renaissance portraits - I promise you an average female had a pretty different, much more muscular body shape with a lot less softness and glow. Remember the 'beautiful' foot binding in China? Not feasible for most women except most wealthy... And the modern supermodel who is not only skinny, but also nearly 6 ft tall - what % of the population fits that mold?...

    Maybe it is just normal for cultural body ideals to be just that - something that is relatively rare and not easily attainable for the majority?
  • Had a woman tell me just today: "you're too pretty to be hefty" I was like "what the h*ll lady!!" I don't know you, you have no idea what I'm going thru, what I've been thru and why I've gained so much weight. How dare you be so smug as to declare that I'm not beautiful just the way I am!!!.... am I the size I would like no BUT I'm working on it and I'm not going to let my weight define how pretty I feel. Of course...... I didn't have the nerver to say this to her.... I just stood there sheepishly trying not to well up and nodded me head while she rambled on her weight loss advice. Why do people have it engrained in their little minds that you have to be skin and bones to be beautiful????? I just want to be healthier and to start good habits.
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    I don't think that weight=beauty, so these comments always make me mad.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Look at the bright side...you're pretty! Even if you don't lose weight, you will still be pretty. Losing weight will just make you pretty...and fit. :flowerforyou:
    Unlike those of us who lose weight and are just...fit. :ohwell: :tongue:
  • Jensenwellington
    Jensenwellington Posts: 25 Member
    Even though the cliches seldom work and maybe just show how insecure some are (including me) I like this saying, albeit a bit angry and negative:

    You are fat!
    I: "Well yeah, but I am working on it and can lose that weight, you will always be ugly on the inside, try losing that!"

    I would have used that saying years back when I was at my heaviest and a lot more insecure. Really, coming out on the other side (after losing weight) puts things in perspective, even though I am proud of what I have done, there are so many other things more important in life :happy:
  • Guys get it too but in a different way. I have noticed that when I started loosing a few pounds people treat you differently. I get a lot of "Wow, you looks good". Woman that never use to pay me any attention at work are now talking to me. So trust me when I say, douche baggery knows no gender.
  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    I hear your beautiful BUT u should gain weight. Any commentary/criticism about size is hurtful. We r who we r. I am trying to be happy with my appearance and comments like the one you stated r meant as compliments but are so backhanded!
  • scling83
    scling83 Posts: 26 Member
    An ex-boyfriend told me once that I was 'beautiful but would look so much better if I lost weight'. When I got upset, the asshat couldn't understand why. His defense was: wouldn't you rather hear it from me?!

    Some people are clueless.
  • scling83
    scling83 Posts: 26 Member
    I like your post Bornofthorns.

    My 2c... if we honestly all believed that we were "beautiful" at any size then why are we all trying so hard to get freakin' well slimmer?!

    Fact is that fit and healthy bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at than fat ones - I knew that when I was fat and I know it now. It don't matter a damn how pretty or ugly your face is.

    I like Bornofthorns post too, but AMEN to this! :smile:
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    I like your post Bornofthorns.

    My 2c... if we honestly all believed that we were "beautiful" at any size then why are we all trying so hard to get freakin' well slimmer?!

    Fact is that fit and healthy bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at than fat ones - I knew that when I was fat and I know it now. It don't matter a damn how pretty or ugly your face is.

    I like Bornofthorns post too, but AMEN to this! :smile:

    I don't understand why total strangers think it's ok to give me their opinion, even if they think it's some kind of universal truth that skinny looks better than fat (which is bull, by the way, it depends on who you ask). And I will never be particularly pretty to look at, fat or skinny, so that's certainly not why I'm losing weight. I actually want to be healthier so I can enjoy my life more.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I think this all the time. Never say it. So much physical beauty just hiding out there. But people have to make their own choices.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    "You have such a pretty face"... or Hear talking about someone (for a blind date or whatever) "She has a pretty face" which is code for "she's fat". Yep... heard it... hate it... but that's life.
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Just an idea here for all those saying why can't fat be beautiful too. For me it's not so much that you are fat, it's that you are unhealthy. It also shows a lack of discipline and self control. Just because fat is the majority in American culture doesn't mean it is right, attractive, or better. An alternative example, Justin Bieber has a ridiculous amount of people that are into his 'music' does that mean that he is a better artist than say Eric Clapton, Van Halen, or Steve Vai? I think not.
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    I've never gotten any comments like that. I either get just "You're really pretty." comments or the straight out "You're a cow/ fat etc." comments though I don't really get those anymore since I got out of high-school. People don't realize how much stuff hurts though. I always pretended like it didn't effect me but it did and I will probably never forget a lot of it. Like the time I was referred to as the fat friend and my "friend" felt the need to tell me it happened and that they stood up for me. I was like wtf thanks but why would you need to tell me that now? The other was I had some guys prank call me and leave this horrible sexually abusive message about how they always wanted to do it with a cow and on and on. I know it was a group because I could hear others cracking up in the background. I woulda taken the "you have a pretty face but..." comments over the phone call any day.
  • amaira515
    amaira515 Posts: 22 Member
    Just an idea here for all those saying why can't fat be beautiful too. For me it's not so much that you are fat, it's that you are unhealthy. It also shows a lack of discipline and self control. Just because fat is the majority in American culture doesn't mean it is right, attractive, or better. An alternative example, Justin Bieber has a ridiculous amount of people that are into his 'music' does that mean that he is a better artist than say Eric Clapton, Van Halen, or Steve Vai? I think not.

    I agree with this but you have to be careful about it. You never know where someone is in their life. That person who is overweight and you look at and think in your head what a unhealthy lazy pig or whatever (not saying you think that mean just extreme example). That person could have already lost 50+ pounds and be working their butt off to get healthy and turn their life around.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Had a woman tell me just today: "you're too pretty to be hefty" I was like "what the h*ll lady!!" I don't know you, you have no idea what I'm going thru, what I've been thru and why I've gained so much weight. How dare you be so smug as to declare that I'm not beautiful just the way I am!!!.... am I the size I would like no BUT I'm working on it and I'm not going to let my weight define how pretty I feel. Of course...... I didn't have the nerver to say this to her.... I just stood there sheepishly trying not to well up and nodded me head while she rambled on her weight loss advice. Why do people have it engrained in their little minds that you have to be skin and bones to be beautiful????? I just want to be healthier and to start good habits.

    I heard this same thing from a relative about a year and a half ago. He had just lost his weight through some freaky diet. I had just started with MFP then but didn't say anything to him about it. He went on and on about how he lost his excess weight as he called it. I just nodded and thought well he can do it his way and I'll do it mine. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago to see that he has gained it ALL back plus another 20 lbs at least. He didn't have any words for me then that's for sure. My husband and I just looked at each other with a big smile. I've lost all my excess weight the healthy way.
  • LenaCara
    LenaCara Posts: 8
    I really think it's about your personality and how you react to criticism. I was always told that I would be beautiful once I lost the weight when I was younger. I knew I was fat so it wasn’t a surprise that other people knew. I also saw my beauty and the weight as separate issues. In some ways it was detrimental because I always felt like I wasn’t ready for a boyfriend/other things in my life because I wasn’t done losing weight. I also always knew I was pretty and that kept my self worth up. In the Romanian culture, beauty is very closely related to worth, it sucks and it should be different but that’s how it is. So anyway, knowing I was pretty stopped me from accepting anything less than a good situation because I though I deserved better. It also stopped me from going after better because I wasn’t “ready” yet. So yeah, people are superficial and they say stupid things but how you react to them says more about yourself.
  • gsbanks1
    gsbanks1 Posts: 69 Member
  • I've gotten this especially when I started to gain weight...one girl actually said to me "Does your chubbyness(sp?) offend you?" I was like what...and she explained that she knew people were commenting on my weight and wanted to know if I was offended by my weight gain. Other people would say stuff like "You look nice and thick now." I never took any of these as compliments because none were coming from people I had close relationships with..just coworkers who thought it was appropriate to comment on weight in the workplace without being asked.
  • slimdownsteph
    slimdownsteph Posts: 71 Member
    I've never gotten any comments like that. I either get just "You're really pretty." comments or the straight out "You're a cow/ fat etc." comments though I don't really get those anymore since I got out of high-school. People don't realize how much stuff hurts though. I always pretended like it didn't effect me but it did and I will probably never forget a lot of it. Like the time I was referred to as the fat friend and my "friend" felt the need to tell me it happened and that they stood up for me. I was like wtf thanks but why would you need to tell me that now? The other was I had some guys prank call me and leave this horrible sexually abusive message about how they always wanted to do it with a cow and on and on. I know it was a group because I could hear others cracking up in the background. I woulda taken the "you have a pretty face but..." comments over the phone call any day.

    I'm so sorry that happened to you and I truly feel for you and feel sorry for those who did that to you. What crude people. I've had several hurtful things said about me (online), but have only received the "You're pretty, but..." statements in person. I don't understand why weight is THE first thing people go to insult (besides the fact that they can't find anything else "wrong" with you).
  • slimdownsteph
    slimdownsteph Posts: 71 Member
    Had a woman tell me just today: "you're too pretty to be hefty" I was like "what the h*ll lady!!" I don't know you, you have no idea what I'm going thru, what I've been thru and why I've gained so much weight. How dare you be so smug as to declare that I'm not beautiful just the way I am!!!.... am I the size I would like no BUT I'm working on it and I'm not going to let my weight define how pretty I feel. Of course...... I didn't have the nerver to say this to her.... I just stood there sheepishly trying not to well up and nodded me head while she rambled on her weight loss advice. Why do people have it engrained in their little minds that you have to be skin and bones to be beautiful????? I just want to be healthier and to start good habits.

    I heard this same thing from a relative about a year and a half ago. He had just lost his weight through some freaky diet. I had just started with MFP then but didn't say anything to him about it. He went on and on about how he lost his excess weight as he called it. I just nodded and thought well he can do it his way and I'll do it mine. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago to see that he has gained it ALL back plus another 20 lbs at least. He didn't have any words for me then that's for sure. My husband and I just looked at each other with a big smile. I've lost all my excess weight the healthy way.

  • slimdownsteph
    slimdownsteph Posts: 71 Member
    I think something to gain from this thread is that your words, even if you are only a stranger, can greatly impact those who you speak of, whether that's in person, over the phone, online, or even relaying a message that was said about someone.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    It bothers me slightly to get hit on every day, and to hear comments such as "you look like a doll" when previously I was invisible.

    Until recently I had not been on a date in years. I had the same face, the same bone structure, a similar personality (albeit more shy).

    Not once did I get hit on as a fat girl.

    And not huge - just 30 pounds heavier than I am now.

    It depresses me somewhat to think about how superficial people can be, and how much a few physical tweaks can change how someone regards you. I work hard to maintain my fitness though, so I hope that at least people admire my work ethic as much as the bod.

    These days if anyone asks me out, I'm tempted to tell them to ask out the pretty neighborhood chubby on a weight loss program - because that's what I used to be and I would have been thrilled to go out with a nice guy back then.
  • ThinnerKym
    ThinnerKym Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I got this a lot as a teenager, from my parents. Sometimes I think if they would have just told me I was beautiful the way I was, and encouraged me to be healthy and happy no matter what I weighed, I would not have gained so much weight in my adult years. Now I'm on the journey of self-acceptance and realization that I'm beautiful no matter my weight. It is easy to see this is other people, but not so much in your self when the messages have been you will be accepted, you will be beautiful, you will get a boyfriend, etc. if only you loose 10 lbs, 20 lbs...whatever.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    It bothers me slightly to get hit on every day, and to hear comments such as "you look like a doll" when previously I was invisible.

    Until recently I had not been on a date in years. I had the same face, the same bone structure, a similar personality (albeit more shy).

    Not once did I get hit on as a fat girl.

    And not huge - just 30 pounds heavier than I am now.

    It depresses me somewhat to think about how superficial people can be, and how much a few physical tweaks can change how someone regards you. I work hard to maintain my fitness though, so I hope that at least people admire my work ethic as much as the bod.

    These days if anyone asks me out, I'm tempted to tell them to ask out the pretty neighborhood chubby on a weight loss program - because that's what I used to be and I would have been thrilled to go out with a nice guy back then.
    I feel this way too. I know that losing weight can change your life but when it comes down to it I am still the same person. I added a few new things in and do some things less often but I know what you are saying. I try to think that some it may come from confidence that you gain from losing weight. I think people go one of two ways - they tend to open up a little and be more confident or they get a huge head and think that they are super hot now and too good for the people they knew when they were overweight.